Server Services
Antivirus and Internet Secuirty
Delivery Time
|2 - 10hours
Eset Smart Security For 20 Pcs
Download Link
DELIVERY TIME : 2 - 10hours
Delivery Time
|1-10 Hours
Kaspersky Total Security For 1 Device
This Service is only For
1 Device/1 User Account & For 1 Year
Award Wining Security
Pc, Mac & Mobile Security For All
Innovative Protection Helps Safeguard Children
Extra Privacy Protection
Photos & Files Protection
Secured Connection For More Freedom On The Web
Password Management
Defenses That Don't Get In Anyone's Way
Security That Won't slow you down
Activating Kespersky Total Security
Please Download Only Kaspersky Total Security Not Any Other Product
Install & Put Key to Activate & Create Your Account
System Requirements:
The Full List Of System Requirements Before Purchasing at
1: internet Connection
2: Free Space on The Hard drive, Approximately 120 MB
3: Processor Minimum 1 GHZ
Memory (Ram) 1GB for 32 Bit system & minimum 2 GB for 64 Bit system
4: Windows 10 RTM/OS X 10.10-10.12 / Android 4.05-8.0 / IOS 9.0 or Higher.
For Support Please Visit:
Note: This Service Have No Verification in Any Case....
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Hours
Delivery Time
|1 - 10hours
Kespersky Antivirus 3 in 1
Warning Note: The Activation String is Direct from Kespersky so in any case No verification or No Refund
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 10hours
API Test
Cheetah Tools
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5hours
Cheetah Sim Killer Pro Tool Credit Any Quantity
Place Order With Correct Cheetah Tool Registered Email Address
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Cheetah Tool - Cheetah Tool Pro Activation
We are official Distributor of this service. & will help you in case of Credit ID/Password wrong or Credits are not added
in case of any issue while using tool Will Talk With Global Team & update You with Solution
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Cheetah Tool Credits For All Modules & Any Quantity
You will get Cheetah Credit ID and Credit Password
Register On
Login On Cheetah Website
1- Go to Dashboard
2- Go to Enter Credit
3- Enter Your Cheetah Credit ID & Password
4- Check Your Credits
5- Click On Activate
After Activate Open Cheetah Tool & Login with
Your Email ID and Password What you used during Register on
We are official Distributor of this service. & will help you in case of Credit ID/Password wrong or Credits are not added
in case of any issue while using tool Will Talk With Global Team & update You with Solution
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Cheetah Tool LG Module Activation
You will get Cheetah Credit ID and Credit Password
Register On
Login On Cheetah Website
1- Go to Dashboard
2- Go to Enter Credit
3- Enter Your Cheetah Credit ID & Password
4- Check Your Credits
5- Click On Activate
After Activate Open Cheetah Tool & Login with
Your Email ID and Password What you used during Register on
We are official Distributor of this service. & will help you in case of Credit ID/Password wrong or Credits are not added
in case of any issue while using tool Will Talk With Global Team & update You with Solution
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Chimera Tool Basic License
New Users Please create an account at activate from your email address
login to your chimeraTool account after check please submit order here with loffed in username
Note: Please make sure you are applying with correct Username.
Chimera Tool Alphabit lower and upper case is sensetive.
after order done successfully please login to Click on Licenses
then Clink on activate at Module you want to activate
following are the details how much Chimera credits you need to
activate or renew for any module Please follow them.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Chimera Tool Credits
New Users Please create an account at activate from your email address
login to your chimeraTool account after check please submit order here with loffed in username
Note: Please make sure you are applying with correct Username.
Chimera Tool Alphabit lower and upper case is sensetive.
For Example if you are login with username: Giftedgsm apply Same as you Logged in
Giftedgsm = ✔
GiftedGsm= ✘
giftedgsm= ✘
Gifted gsm = ✘
Gifted Gsm = ✘
In NUTSHELL Submit Exactly The Way Your Username IS.
after order done successfully please login to Click on Licenses
then Clink on activate at Module you want to activate
following are the details how much Chimera credits you need to
activate or renew for any module Please follow them.
License ::Samsung 12 months: 699 Chimera Credits
License ::All modules 12 months:1199 Chimera Credits
License ::BlackBerry 12 months:599 Chimera Credits
License ::Samsung 12 months Upgrade License:699 Chimera Credits
License ::Samsung 12 months Extend License:699 Chimera Credits
License ::All modules 12 months Upgrade License:1199 Chimera Credits
License ::All modules 12 months Extend License:1199 Chimera Credits
License ::BlackBerry 12 months Upgrade License:599 Chimera Credits
License ::BlackBerry 12 months Extend License:599 Chimera Credits
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Chimera Tool Premium License
New Users Please create an account at activate from your email address
login to your chimeraTool account after check please submit order here with loffed in username
Note: Please make sure you are applying with correct Username.
Chimera Tool Alphabit lower and upper case is sensetive.
after order done successfully please login to Click on Licenses
then Clink on activate at Module you want to activate
following are the details how much Chimera credits you need to
activate or renew for any module Please follow them.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Chimera Tool Professional License
New Users Please create an account at activate from your email address
login to your chimeraTool account after check please submit order here with loffed in username
Note: Please make sure you are applying with correct Username.
Chimera Tool Alphabit lower and upper case is sensetive.
after order done successfully please login to Click on Licenses
then Clink on activate at Module you want to activate
following are the details how much Chimera credits you need to
activate or renew for any module Please follow them.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Creating Account
Delivery Time
Create New American Gmail with Password
This service give you new Gmail with password
Date of birth is DD/MM/YYYY
- In Case of any Issue Please Provide Us your problem and screenshot of your problem At Telegram support Your Order Will Be Verified And Updated After Check With Supplier.
Dc Unlock Credits
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC / HCU Unlocker Credits for existing user / reseller
Place Order Only For Username Purchased From GiftedGsm.
Do Not Place Infinity Username Or Any Kind Of Serial.
For Reseller Account Buy Minimum 200 Credits.
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC / HCU Unlocker Credits for new reseller
This service is only For Reseller Account
Please do not submit here normal user
Reseller Must Buy minimum 200 Credits
Place Order Only For Fresh Username
Do Not Place Infinity Username Or Any Kind Of Serial.
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC / HCU Unlocker Credits for new user
Place Order Only For Fresh Username
Do Not Place Infinity Username Or Any Kind Of Serial.
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC / HCU Unlocker Credits to dongle
Place Order Only For DC-UNLOCKER Serial
Do Not Place Username Or Any Other serial
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC Phoenix activation
DC Phoenix Activation is an additional one-time unlimited activation for DC Unlocker users. Activation allows you to repair dead Huawei phones (e.g. Honor 7, Mate 7, Ascend) without pulling them apart. From now on, you can also fix Huawei firmware problems, it will only take a few minutes - no matter if the device has locked bootloader or locked FRP.
Please note, that the user is provided with 119 credits and only then gets the activation himself.
DC Phoenix Activation - Features:
- Repair Huawei firmware problems (bricked, bootloop, stuck on FastBoot mode, etc.)
- Ability to write firmware by FastBoot, with locked bootloader and locked FRP!
- Huawei firmware UPDATE.APP file direct writing in FastBoot
- Full erase and write factory images in FastBoot (DC Unlocker factory images in format DGTKS)
- Any ROM writing in FastBoot without signature and compatibility check!
Note: DC Phoenix allows you to write any file into the phone, it is not being validated by the software or by the phone - be very careful about what you are going to write into your device!
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC Unlocker Activation 2 Years Support
Place Order Only For Dc Unlocker Serial
Please Dont Submit Wrong Serial
GiftedGsm Will NOT Be Responsible For Any Loss/Delay
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
DC Unlocker Unlimited FRP Unlock
Place order only for dc unlocker serial
Dont place username or any other serial
GiftedGsm Will Not Be Responsible For Loss/Delay
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC Unlocker Unlimited ZTE Icera firmware writer
Place Order Only For Dc Unlocker Serial No
Do Not Place Username Or Wrong Serial No
GiftedGsm will not be responsible for Delay/Loss
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC Unlocker vygis activation LITE 0 credits
Place Order Only For DC-UNLOCKER Serial
Do Not Place Username Or Any Other serial
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC Unlocker vygis activation with 50 credits
Place Order Only For DC-UNLOCKER Serial
Do Not Place Username Or Any Other serial
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC Unlocker ZTE Icera UNLIMITED direct unlock
Place Order Only For DC-UNLOCKER Serial
Do Not Place Username Or Any Other serial
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC Unlocker ZTE Qualcomm and Huawei Hisilicon modems Flasher
Place Order Only For DC-UNLOCKER Serial
Do Not Place Username Or Any Other serial
We will not responsible for Any Delay Or Loss.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
DC-Unlocker Activation 1 Year Support
- DC-unlocker is a program specialized for data card unlocking.
- It is the first universal data card unlocking product worldwide.
- It is fast ( takes 5 - 60 seconds to unlock), easy to use and functional program with clear interface.
- It doesn't need any cables or adapters for unlocking. The data card can be simply unlocked in the same notebook where a PCMCIA or Express socket exists.
- New models are being added regularly.
- No need to select any COM ports, auto detect function.
- Free updates.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
HCU activation for dongle
Activate Dongle Feature
Note: must read terms about limit
if u have already pass u ll get reply renewed
if u want to make new account then put any user name u ll get user and pass
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
HCU Unlmited Activation 1 Year Only
Note: must read terms about limit
if u have already pass u ll get reply renewed
if u want to make new account then put any user name u ll get user and pass
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
HCU Unlmited Activation 2 Year
Note: must read terms about limit
If you buy 2 year HCU you get 2 year DC-phoenix too.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
HCU Unlmited Activation 3 Days Only
Note: must read terms about limit
DC Unlock Credits 19 Credits HCU Unlmited Activation3 Days Only
its unlimited acitvation but ll be valid for 3 days so must read before to buy
if u have already pass u ll get reply renewed
if u want to make new account then put any user name u ll get user and pass
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
HCU Unlmited Activation 30 Days Only
Note: must read terms about limit
if u have already pass u ll get reply renewed
if u want to make new account then put any user name u ll get user and pass
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
EFT Dongle 1 Year Support Activation (Instant)
Correct Serial: 20000940
incorrect Serial: FF20000940
Please Must Follow This.
This activation allows you to prolong your EFT Dongle support term for 1 year.
EFT Dongle stands for Easy-Firmware Team Dongle
EFT Dongle - First in the World Root Features:
- The root method is new and exclusive and never happened before
- The root is official and doesn’t need anything like flashing custom recoveries or ZIP files
- The root is clean and works in the device without touching partitions like: data, system, cache...
- The root rebuilds itself during each boot and also after the factory reset
- The root doesn't cause any problems with Wi-Fi, booting, fingerprint, Knox....
- The root supports all unlocked bootloader devices in the world, which supports flashing boot.img
- It is only one file and it roots the device in an official way
- The root doesn't cause any problem with DM-verity, DRK
- The root supports all APKs root permissions and all Android versions, from 5 to 8.
EFT Dongle – Features:
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Exynos
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG SPD
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Qualcomm
- Spreadrum IMEI + Network Repair
- DRK Repair UART
- Qualcomm repair IMEI & NV
- Remove FRP All Samsung (new & old security)
- Read, Write Factory Flasher
- FRP Remove
- IMEI Repair
- Unlock SIM
- Read SIM code
- Remove pattern and lock
- Read pattern
- Read Pre-loader
- Repair IMEI
- Flashing XML
- Flasher many phone models
- Reset FRP (latest security)
- Reset FRP (EDL Mode, FastBoot Mode, ADB mode)
- Enable all languages
- IMEI Repair (Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode)
- Read Factory Firmware (ADB Mode)
- Install / Uninstall Google Services
- and much more...
- Root supported on USA devices
- Devices with new security
EFT Dongle - Supported Brands & CPUs *:
- LG
- Spreadrum
- Exynos
EFT Dongle – Features, with Root:
Translate & add to all Android devices any language you want
All Samsung USA, KOREA, CHINA, etc.
KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat (will not disappear, after format procedure)
- Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, French, Farsi, etc...
- All languages of the world, without exception
- Allows you to backup applications and restore it whenever problem occurs
- Added world's first support for the latest security (update patch 2016 and 2017)
- World's first one-click fix root reboot
- World's first one-click remove secure storage
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung 6.0.1 - to 7.0 (patch is not required (BETA))
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung Docomo
- World's first one-click fix hotspot (update)
- World's first update dump ROM for the latest security
- Samsung screen reset (sideload), required recovery mode
- Update dictionary
- Add Google services and Google play
- Full backup is available
- Extract .tar and extract .img
- Merge dictionaries
- New update patch
- Advanced root explorer
- Translation in both ways
- Update translate multi-language
- Update delete applications (AT&T, Sprint & Verizon)
- Patch in both ways
- Update patch 6.0.1
- Update patch 7.0
- New jar mode (decompile jar)
- New jar mode (recompile jar)
- One-click fix install app after patch
- One-click replace any APK
- One-click make backup app and patch ROM (ADB)
- One-click flash and backup app and patch (ADB)
- One-click fix or enable LTE (4G)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (send security reports)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (sim card is not from >>)
- One-click disable the message nagging (security policy update)
- All brands are supported
- and even more features...
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
EFT Dongle 2 Year Support Activation (Instant)
Correct Serial: 20000940
incorrect Serial: FF20000940
Please Must Follow This.
This activation allows you to prolong your EFT Dongle support term for 1 year.
EFT Dongle stands for Easy-Firmware Team Dongle
EFT Dongle - First in the World Root Features:
- The root method is new and exclusive and never happened before
- The root is official and doesn’t need anything like flashing custom recoveries or ZIP files
- The root is clean and works in the device without touching partitions like: data, system, cache...
- The root rebuilds itself during each boot and also after the factory reset
- The root doesn't cause any problems with Wi-Fi, booting, fingerprint, Knox....
- The root supports all unlocked bootloader devices in the world, which supports flashing boot.img
- It is only one file and it roots the device in an official way
- The root doesn't cause any problem with DM-verity, DRK
- The root supports all APKs root permissions and all Android versions, from 5 to 8.
EFT Dongle – Features:
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Exynos
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG SPD
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Qualcomm
- Spreadrum IMEI + Network Repair
- DRK Repair UART
- Qualcomm repair IMEI & NV
- Remove FRP All Samsung (new & old security)
- Read, Write Factory Flasher
- FRP Remove
- IMEI Repair
- Unlock SIM
- Read SIM code
- Remove pattern and lock
- Read pattern
- Read Pre-loader
- Repair IMEI
- Flashing XML
- Flasher many phone models
- Reset FRP (latest security)
- Reset FRP (EDL Mode, FastBoot Mode, ADB mode)
- Enable all languages
- IMEI Repair (Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode)
- Read Factory Firmware (ADB Mode)
- Install / Uninstall Google Services
- and much more...
- Root supported on USA devices
- Devices with new security
EFT Dongle - Supported Brands & CPUs *:
- LG
- Spreadrum
- Exynos
EFT Dongle – Features, with Root:
Translate & add to all Android devices any language you want
All Samsung USA, KOREA, CHINA, etc.
KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat (will not disappear, after format procedure)
- Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, French, Farsi, etc...
- All languages of the world, without exception
- Allows you to backup applications and restore it whenever problem occurs
- Added world's first support for the latest security (update patch 2016 and 2017)
- World's first one-click fix root reboot
- World's first one-click remove secure storage
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung 6.0.1 - to 7.0 (patch is not required (BETA))
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung Docomo
- World's first one-click fix hotspot (update)
- World's first update dump ROM for the latest security
- Samsung screen reset (sideload), required recovery mode
- Update dictionary
- Add Google services and Google play
- Full backup is available
- Extract .tar and extract .img
- Merge dictionaries
- New update patch
- Advanced root explorer
- Translation in both ways
- Update translate multi-language
- Update delete applications (AT&T, Sprint & Verizon)
- Patch in both ways
- Update patch 6.0.1
- Update patch 7.0
- New jar mode (decompile jar)
- New jar mode (recompile jar)
- One-click fix install app after patch
- One-click replace any APK
- One-click make backup app and patch ROM (ADB)
- One-click flash and backup app and patch (ADB)
- One-click fix or enable LTE (4G)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (send security reports)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (sim card is not from >>)
- One-click disable the message nagging (security policy update)
- All brands are supported
- and even more features...
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|instant - 5min
EFT Dongle Pro (No need Dongle) Renew Expired User
1st Register Your Email with Tool Then Apply For Activation.
Unregistered email will give you loss or delays
1- User download EFT Pro
2. Please Register
3. Provide us your Email for Activation
This activation allows you to prolong your EFT Dongle support term for 1 year.
EFT Dongle stands for Easy-Firmware Team Dongle
EFT Dongle - First in the World Root Features:
- The root method is new and exclusive and never happened before
- The root is official and doesn’t need anything like flashing custom recoveries or ZIP files
- The root is clean and works in the device without touching partitions like: data, system, cache...
- The root rebuilds itself during each boot and also after the factory reset
- The root doesn't cause any problems with Wi-Fi, booting, fingerprint, Knox....
- The root supports all unlocked bootloader devices in the world, which supports flashing boot.img
- It is only one file and it roots the device in an official way
- The root doesn't cause any problem with DM-verity, DRK
- The root supports all APKs root permissions and all Android versions, from 5 to 8.
EFT Dongle – Features:
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Exynos
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG SPD
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Qualcomm
- Spreadrum IMEI + Network Repair
- DRK Repair UART
- Qualcomm repair IMEI & NV
- Remove FRP All Samsung (new & old security)
- Read, Write Factory Flasher
- FRP Remove
- IMEI Repair
- Unlock SIM
- Read SIM code
- Remove pattern and lock
- Read pattern
- Read Pre-loader
EFT Dongle – Features, with Root:
Translate & add to all Android devices any language you want
All Samsung USA, KOREA, CHINA, etc.
KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat (will not disappear, after format procedure)
- Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, French, Farsi, etc...
- All languages of the world, without exception
- Allows you to backup applications and restore it whenever problem occurs
- Added world's first support for the latest security (update patch 2016 and 2017)
- World's first one-click fix root reboot
- World's first one-click remove secure storage
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung 6.0.1 - to 7.0 (patch is not required (BETA))
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung Docomo
- World's first one-click fix hotspot (update)
- World's first update dump ROM for the latest security
- Samsung screen reset (sideload), required recovery mode
- Update dictionary
- Add Google services and Google play
- Full backup is available
- Extract .tar and extract .img
- Merge dictionaries
- New update patch
- Advanced root explorer
- Translation in both ways
- Update translate multi-language
- Update delete applications (AT&T, Sprint & Verizon)
- Patch in both ways
- Update patch 6.0.1
- Update patch 7.0
- New jar mode (decompile jar)
- New jar mode (recompile jar)
- One-click fix install app after patch
- One-click replace any APK
- One-click make backup app and patch ROM (ADB)
- One-click flash and backup app and patch (ADB)
- One-click fix or enable LTE (4G)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (send security reports)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (sim card is not from >>)
- One-click disable the message nagging (security policy update)
- All brands are supported
- and even more features...
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
EFT Pro Tool No need Dongle 1 Year Plan
1st Register Your Email with Tool Then Apply For Activation.
Unregistered email will give you loss or delays
This activation allows you to prolong your EFT Dongle support term for 1 year.
EFT Dongle stands for Easy-Firmware Team Dongle
EFT Dongle - First in the World Root Features:
- The root method is new and exclusive and never happened before
- The root is official and doesn’t need anything like flashing custom recoveries or ZIP files
- The root is clean and works in the device without touching partitions like: data, system, cache...
- The root rebuilds itself during each boot and also after the factory reset
- The root doesn't cause any problems with Wi-Fi, booting, fingerprint, Knox....
- The root supports all unlocked bootloader devices in the world, which supports flashing boot.img
- It is only one file and it roots the device in an official way
- The root doesn't cause any problem with DM-verity, DRK
- The root supports all APKs root permissions and all Android versions, from 5 to 8.
EFT Dongle – Features:
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Exynos
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG SPD
- Direct Unlock SAMSUNG Qualcomm
- Spreadrum IMEI + Network Repair
- DRK Repair UART
- Qualcomm repair IMEI & NV
- Remove FRP All Samsung (new & old security)
- Read, Write Factory Flasher
- FRP Remove
- IMEI Repair
- Unlock SIM
- Read SIM code
- Remove pattern and lock
- Read pattern
- Read Pre-loader
EFT Dongle – Features, with Root:
Translate & add to all Android devices any language you want
All Samsung USA, KOREA, CHINA, etc.
KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat (will not disappear, after format procedure)
- Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, French, Farsi, etc...
- All languages of the world, without exception
- Allows you to backup applications and restore it whenever problem occurs
- Added world's first support for the latest security (update patch 2016 and 2017)
- World's first one-click fix root reboot
- World's first one-click remove secure storage
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung 6.0.1 - to 7.0 (patch is not required (BETA))
- World's first one-click fix contacts on Samsung Docomo
- World's first one-click fix hotspot (update)
- World's first update dump ROM for the latest security
- Samsung screen reset (sideload), required recovery mode
- Update dictionary
- Add Google services and Google play
- Full backup is available
- Extract .tar and extract .img
- Merge dictionaries
- New update patch
- Advanced root explorer
- Translation in both ways
- Update translate multi-language
- Update delete applications (AT&T, Sprint & Verizon)
- Patch in both ways
- Update patch 6.0.1
- Update patch 7.0
- New jar mode (decompile jar)
- New jar mode (recompile jar)
- One-click fix install app after patch
- One-click replace any APK
- One-click make backup app and patch ROM (ADB)
- One-click flash and backup app and patch (ADB)
- One-click fix or enable LTE (4G)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (send security reports)
- One-click disable the message nagging/notification (sim card is not from >>)
- One-click disable the message nagging (security policy update)
- All brands are supported
- and even more features...
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
EVO Tool
Delivery Time
|1 - 6 Hours
EVO Tool Unlock 12 Months License
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
|1 - 6 Hours
EVO Tool Unlock 3 Months License
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
|1 - 6 Hours
EVO Tool Unlock 6 Months License
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 6 Hours
Firmware Tools
Delivery Time
|1-6 Hours
Easy-Draw Tool Activation
One year online activation for Easy-Draw Tool.
Easy-Draw Tool is an online software drawing application. Does not require any dongles. Can be used on five PCs, but simultaneously works on one PC only. Five days free trial period.
To activate Easy-Draw Tool follow these steps:
- Download the software
- Create user account
- Provide your username on placing the order
- Simultaneous check of bitmap and schematic diagram
- Fully English interface
Easy-Draw Tool contains:
- Bitmaps for:
- iPhone: 7P/7/6SP/6S/6/6P/5S/5/5C/4/4S/SE
- iPad: 2/3/4/Air/Air2/Mini/Mini2/Mini3/Mini4
- Samsung: N3-N9006, N3-N9009, N4-N9109W, S4-I9500, S4-I9505, S5-G9009D, S5-G900F, S6-G9200, W2014, W2015, W2016
- Xiaomi: MI3-TD, MI4-TD
- Schematic diagrams for:
- iPhone: 7P/7/6SP/6S/6P/6/5S/5/4S
- iPad: 2/3/4/Air/Mini1/Mini2
- Samsung: A3009, A7000, A7009, E7000, E7009, G9250, N9200, A5000, G900V, G9260, G9200, N7100, I809, I5508, I5800, I8250, I699, I5500, I9505, I9001, I9008L, I9018, I9023, I9050, I9070, I9088, I6320, I9300, I9500, I509, I659, I909, I1862, I1800, B9062, B9120, A5000, N3-N9006, N3-N9009, N4-N9109W, S4-I9500, S4-I9505, S5-G9009D, S5-G900F, S6-G9200, W2014, W2015, W2016
- Xiaomi: MI3, MI4, MI4S, MI5, MI5S PLUS
- Huawei: C8815, G9ALOOCLOO, G520, G610, H300-T00, KIW-X5, MATE7-CL00, MATE8, MATECRR-CLOO, P6MI-ONE_PLUS, P7, P8-CL10, P8-TL00, P8-UL10, P9, P9 PLUS, T2211, Y600, enjoy6S, Honor3C, Honor4A, Honor4X, Honor6H60-L01, Honor6H60-L02, Honor6H60-L03, Honor6H60-L04
- Gionee: A66, A320, A350, E3, E6mini, E6T, E7, E7L, E7mini, E7T, E8, F100, F103S, F105, F301, F303, GN100, GN105, GN137, GN200, GN305, GN5001S, M3, M3S, M5, M5PLUS, M6, M2017, N8, Q1, S5, S5.1, S5.5, S5.5L, S6, S7, S8, S600, V3, V6, V8, V183, V185, V187, V188, V188S, W800, W808, W900, W900S, W909, Z201, MITO M4, MITO M6
- Meizu: MX2
- Lenovo: A1900, K30-T, A7-10, A7-20, A7-30, A10-80HC, A60, A298T, A310, A366T, A678T, A790e, A800, A820, A830, A858, A938T, A2800, A2860, A3500, A3580, A3600, A3600U, A3800, A3860, ET860, G828, K7mini, P50, S2-38ATO, S680, S868T, TD10
- Position diagrams for:
- iPhone: 7/6SP/6S/6P/6/5S/5/4S
- iPad: 2/3/4/Air/Mini1/Mini2
- Samsung: A3009, A7000, A7009, E7000, E7009, G9250, N9200, A5000, G900V, G9260, G9200, N7100, I809, I5508, I5800, I8250, I699, I5500, I9505, I9001, I9008L, I9018, I9023, I9050, I9070, I9088, I6320, I9300, I9500, I509, I659, I909, I1862, I1800, B9062, B9120, A5000, N3-N9006, N3-N9009, N4-N9109W, S4-I9500, S4-I9505, S5-G9009D, S5-G900F, S6-G9200, W2014, W2015, W2016
- Huawei: Honor3C
- Vivo: E5, S3, S6, X5L, X6D, Y22T
- Lenovo: A1900, K30-T, A7-10, A7-20, A7-30, A10-80HC, A60, A310, A366T, A678T, A790e, A800, A820, A830, A858, A938T, A2800, A2860, A3500, A3580, A3600, A3600U, A3800, A3860, ET860, G828, K7mini, P50, S2-38ATO, S680, S868T, TD10
- Fault diagrams for:
- iPhone: 7/7P/6S/6SP/6/6P
* Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions.
Delivery Time
|INSTANT- 5 mint
HalabTech Firmware Tool Credits Any Quantity
You will get instant Credits if Place Username Correctly
Must Register Before Place order
Note: Unregistered Order will not Possible To verify.
Available Packs
- For Silver Pack Buy 19 Quantity
- For Gold Pack Buy 35 Quantity
- For Platinum Buy 59 Quantity
- For Super Platinum Buy 79 Quantity
Incase You Dont Know How to Activate The Pack Please Contact The Support Team.
Furious Gold
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Furious gold credit
Connect your Furious Gold Box with PC open maintenance
Click on "Go Furious Gold Support Area" Copy Username and Serial From there
Correct Username and Serial
Username: FGLIGHT1234 Serial: 1B03BD24
Username: FGSMART1234 Serial: 1B03BD24
Username: BLING1234 Serial: 1B03BD24
Username: FGBOXS1234 Serial: 1B03BD24
Username: FGOLD1234 Serial: 1B03BD24
Please do not add any space or any - / etc in Username or serial
PACK1 = 19$ or (PACK1 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK2 = 19$ or (PACK2 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK3 = 19$ or (PACK3 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK4 = 19$ or (PACK4 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK5 = 29$ or (PACK5 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 99$)
PACK6 = 19$ or (PACK6 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK7 = 59$ or (PACK7 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK8 = 19$ or (PACK8 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK11 = 19$ or (PACK11 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 89$)
PACK12 = 79$ or (PACK12 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 99$)
PACK13 = 143$ or (PACK13 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 179$)
(NEW) PACK14 = 72$ or (PACK14 + 1 YEAR SUPPORT = 99$)
Huawei Resurrector for PACK7 = 79 credit
(Active all packs available and renew your account for one more
year of support)
Here you can check the Latest Prices for Furious Gold
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Game Credits
Delivery Time
|01 - 06hours
PlayStation Network Card 10 USD
This product is applicable for US PSN store only. (It is NOT redeemable for PSN accounts created in other countries than the United States)
- OffGamers is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites that promise exchanges and/or trades of PSN codes for other products. No refunds will be deemed applicable nor provided in such cases.
- This is a promotion product, WOR token is not rewarded.
DELIVERY TIME : 01 - 06hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 2hours
PUB-G Mobile Game Credits 1750 + 263 UC ( Unknown Cash )
Important Information:
- Only Player ID is needed for PUBG Mobile UC top-up.
- You may stay logged in throughout the transaction, once the top-up is done, you will receive the Unknown Cash in your PUBG Mobile account.
- Please enter your Player ID correctly to avoid UC top-up delay.
- Not Supported for Japanese / Korean / Taiwan / Vietnam servers.
Tap your avatar in the top right corner of the main menu. Find your Player ID on the page.
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 2hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 2hours
PUB-G Mobile Game Credits 210 + 11 UC ( Unknown Cash )
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 2hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 2hours
PUB-G Mobile Game Credits 35 UC ( Unknown Cash )
Important Information:
- Only Player ID is needed for PUBG Mobile UC top-up.
- You may stay logged in throughout the transaction, once the top-up is done, you will receive the Unknown Cash in your PUBG Mobile account.
- Please enter your Player ID correctly to avoid UC top-up delay.
- Not Supported for Japanese / Korean / Taiwan / Vietnam servers.
Tap your avatar in the top right corner of the main menu. Find your Player ID on the page.
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 2hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 2hours
PUB-G Mobile Game Credits 3500 + 700 UC ( Unknown Cash )
Important Information:
- Only Player ID is needed for PUBG Mobile UC top-up.
- You may stay logged in throughout the transaction, once the top-up is done, you will receive the Unknown Cash in your PUBG Mobile account.
- Please enter your Player ID correctly to avoid UC top-up delay.
- Not Supported for Japanese / Korean / Taiwan / Vietnam servers.
Tap your avatar in the top right corner of the main menu. Find your Player ID on the page.
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 2hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 2hours
PUB-G Mobile Game Credits 70 + 4 UC ( Unknown Cash )
Important Information:
- Only Player ID is needed for PUBG Mobile UC top-up.
- You may stay logged in throughout the transaction, once the top-up is done, you will receive the Unknown Cash in your PUBG Mobile account.
- Please enter your Player ID correctly to avoid UC top-up delay.
- Not Supported for Japanese / Korean / Taiwan / Vietnam servers.
Tap your avatar in the top right corner of the main menu. Find your Player ID on the page.
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 2hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
GCPro Box/Dongle Credits "Instant"
1 application locked samsung phone will take 10 credits till 01-01-2018.
1 application locked samsung phone will take 16 credits after 01-01-2018.
GcProKey Update count 61 Released 28-12-2017
GCPROGSMTOOL V1.0.0.0053 released.
- What's New:
- Added
- Exclusive support for Samsung APP Locked
- QCOM Phone
- instant Unlocking via credits..
- QCOM Phone
- World First & Exclusive support for Samsung APP Locked
- Exynos Phone
- instant Unlocking via credits..
- Exynos Phone
- Supported Models
- SM-G368T
- SM-G360T
- SM-G360T1
- SM-G530T
- SM-G530T1
- SM-J327T
- SM-J327T1
- SM-J727T
- SM-J727T1
- SM-G892U
- SM-G930T
- SM-G930T1
- SM-G935T
- SM-G935T1
- SM-G950U
- SM-G950U1
- SM-G955U
- SM-G955U1
- SM-N950U
- SM-N950U1
- Exclusive support for Samsung APP Locked
- Added
- Improvements:
- Exynos unlock.
- Shannon read/write certs.
- SS315
- SS335
- Sprint unlock domestic for Samsung.
- S card Manager.
Note: 1 application locked Samsung phone will take 10 credits till 01-01-2018.
1 application locked Samsung phone will take 16 credits after01-01-2018.
- Strongly recommend to use latest version.
- Do you feel it ?
Do you feel it ?
Feel The Difference With GCPro.
Grab it while its HOT.. - Big thanks to all bug hunters who helped to improve GCPro software.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Gift Card
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
iTune Play Gift card 10 usd
You will get an iTunes Card scratch code like: XXBBCCDDEEFFGGHH
Note: Card valid for US store only !
App Store & iTunes Gift Cards by Email
Give apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, books, and iCloud with a App Store & iTunes Gift Card.
- This product is applicable for US iTunes store only. (It is NOT redeemable for iTunes accounts created in other countries than the United States)
- OffGamers is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites that promise exchanges and/or trades of iTunes codes for other products. No refunds will be deemed applicable nor provided in such cases.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
iTune Play Gift card 100 usd
You will get an iTunes Card scratch code like: XXBBCCDDEEFFGGHH
Note: Card valid for US store only !
App Store & iTunes Gift Cards by Email
Give apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, books, and iCloud with a App Store & iTunes Gift Card.
- This product is applicable for US iTunes store only. (It is NOT redeemable for iTunes accounts created in other countries than the United States)
- OffGamers is not affiliated, associated, or in any way connected with websites that promise exchanges and/or trades of iTunes codes for other products. No refunds will be deemed applicable nor provided in such cases.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Global Unlocker Pro
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Global Unlocker Pro Tool New User
Write Minimum 8 Digit Username Without Any Special Character Or Space
Write Minimum 8 Digit Password Without Any Special Character Or Space
Unlock LG Mobiles Network , Frp and more.
Unlock Samsung Network , Unlock all samsung frp , change css , bypass T-token and more.
We are official Distributor of this service. & will help you in case of user not created or Credits are not added
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Global Unlocker Pro Tool Refill Existing User
Write Here Correct Existing Global Tool Username if you remember the password too
once credits moved we cannot revoke back
Unlock LG Mobiles Network , Frp and more.
Unlock Samsung Network , Unlock all samsung frp , change css , bypass T-token and more.
We are official Distributor of this service. & will help you in case of user not created or Credits are not added
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Griffin-Unlocker Tool
Delivery Time
Griffin-Unlocker Tool Activation For 12month
Delivery Time
Griffin-Unlocker Tool Activation For 3month
Download Griffin-Unlocker Tool
- Fully Independent server, working 24/7/365.
- Super Easy to Use, One button click only.
- Works instantly, fast.
- Supports Android 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9, 10,11,12.
- Phone’s WARRANTY, USER-DATA, MEMORY remains Untouched.
- No need to ROOT your phone.
- Repair IMEI, Write Cert, Read/Wirte QCN, Change CSC
- Only USB Cable is Required for Unlock, No ROOT, No Knox Trip
- Phone’s Warranty and User data is Retained, Unaffected
- No Change IMEI, Keep Orignal IMEI After Unlocked
- Competitive Prices
- Support Multiple Operations ( MTK & Qualcomm & Samsung )
- Our Dedicated Support
Delivery Time
Griffin-Unlocker Tool Activation For 6month
Download Griffin-Unlocker Tool
- Fully Independent server, working 24/7/365.
- Super Easy to Use, One button click only.
- Works instantly, fast.
- Supports Android 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9, 10,11,12.
- Phone’s WARRANTY, USER-DATA, MEMORY remains Untouched.
- No need to ROOT your phone.
- Repair IMEI, Write Cert, Read/Wirte QCN, Change CSC
- Only USB Cable is Required for Unlock, No ROOT, No Knox Trip
- Phone’s Warranty and User data is Retained, Unaffected
- No Change IMEI, Keep Orignal IMEI After Unlocked
- Competitive Prices
- Support Multiple Operations ( MTK & Qualcomm & Samsung )
- Our Dedicated Support
GSD Dongle Activation
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
GSD Dongle License Activation
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
GSD Tool Activation (2 Year Activation) Read Description
Before Place Order Download tool From Official Website
After install Go To Register Page Register with your working email id & verify from Email
After Verify Place Order Your Activation Will Be Added
The capabilities of this software:
GSD Android Tool
- Adb Mode
- Read Full info
- check root device
- format Device adb Mode [need Root]
- Samsung exit Factory/Safe Mode [need Root]
- adb Bypass All Screen Lock [need Root]
- adb Bypass Frp Adb Mode [w/o root]
- adb Remove Gmail Account [need Root]
- adb S-health Knox Error Fix [need Root]
- adb Multi language Sony 2010 to 2015 [need Root]
- adb multi language Huawei 2010 to 2015 [need Root]
- adb multi language All htc Device [need Root]
- adb Multi language All Samsung Device [need Root]
- flash all android device in sideload mode
fastboot Mode - Reboot the adb to any mode
- Reboot the adb to any mode
- Fastboot Read Full Info
- Fastboot Format Device
- Fastboot Frp Reset (format device)
- Flash Boot, Recovery, System , Userdata , Splash , Radio, Modem In fastboot mode
- htc Get identifier Token
- htc Unlock Code By unlock_code.bin
- bootlader Unlock Any android device By code
RvSecuRitY (Unlock Screen lock Without losing data) - RvsecuRitY Maker Any device Sony, Htc, Huawei, Samsung and more ... for Unlocking All code Without losind data
what do we need for create rvsecurity?
- just boot.img Special device
Warning RvSecuRitY
with this method knox changed and Warranty will be loss
And also in some cases because select wrong boot from other model you get bootloop
That you can write orginal boot to fix your boot loop
Microsoft Net Framework 4.0
For More Information or Download Tool Please visit Developer
Warning: This is a Developer Product We Are Selling this service at the demand of Clients & At Behalf Of GSD Team
In case of any issue we are only Responsible of Yearly Activation. For All Other Issues Buyer Must Need To Contact with Developer & Resolve with Them. GiftedGsm Will Not Be Responsible For All Other Issues & Will Not Refund Under Your Pressure
GsmServer Products
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Boot Loader v2.0 Activation
Boot-Loader v2.0 Activation Code is used to top up one of your Boot-Loader v2.0 device accounts in order to obtain access to a wide range of cell phone flash files.
Time limit: 1 year
Download volume limit: 10GB + 1GB as a bonus
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Boot-Loader 2.0 Activation Code (100 days, 7 GB)
Boot-Loader 2.0 Activation Code is used to top up your Boot-Loader 2.0 device account in order to obtain access to a wide range of cell phone flash files.
Time limit: 100 days
Download volume limit: 7 GB
Boot-Loader 2.0 Activation code provides access to the following categories of mobile phone firmware *:
- SmartMoto – MFW, WXCF files (for Smart-Clip)
- SCout – PCF, SFL files (for SCout Dongle)
- Smart-Clip2 / Sigma - MFW, SKF, WXFX files (for Smart-Clip2, Sigma Box / Sigma Key)
- DreamBox – DTF, DTA files (for DreamBox)
- Octopus – OCT files (for Octopus Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Pro Box)
- Pegasus – PGS files (for Pegasus Box)
- Medusa – MF files (for Medusa Box, Medusa PRO Box (free of charge))
*Boot-Loader Activation Code can be used once for any of the above mentioned devices.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus FRP Digital 1 Year License
Activation for Octopus Box, Octoplus Pro Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Dongle, Medusa Pro Box and Medusa Box enables FRP (Google Factory Reset Protection) reset operations for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorolacell phones.
Octoplus FRP Tool allows you to reset Google Factory Reset Protection (FRP) for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorola cell phones.
Samsung Reset FRP operations.
add an activation to Octoplus FRP Tool, please perform the following steps:
- Connect your box to PC
- Install the latest version of Octoplus FRP Tool software
- Open a folder where Octoplus FRP Tool software has been installed
- Run a file: updater.exe (inside Octoplus FRP Tool software folder)
- Choose "I have the activation code" and press "Next"
- Complete update procedure with activation code that you've received
1. “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation, do the following steps:
- Put the phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" buttons) and connect USB cable.
- Press “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” button.
- After Software request disconnect USB cable and connect Samsung Micro UART cable.
- Press and hold “Volume-“ + “Power ON” keys for 15-20 seconds, Software will automatically close wizard window and will perform the reset FRP lock.
- Done.
2. “Reset FRP ADB (Combination)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To Reset FRP lock using combination firmware, you can try to do the following:
- Write "boot.img" partition from appropriate Combination firmware.
- Perform "Reset FRP ADB (Combination)" operation in the software.
- Write full Combination firmware.
- Go to "Developer Options" in the phone’s Settings.
- Check "Enable OEM unlock" option.
- Perform Factory Data Reset.
- Reflash the phone with full stock (original) firmware.
Note: "boot.img" from combination firmware can be not compatible with current phone's firmware. In that case phone will freeze on logo, or will be rebooting after writing of such boot. To restore the phone to its initial condition you need to reflash it with different full stock (original) firmware (or try to write only boot of such firmware).
Also note: You can write "boot.img" combination firmware or downgrade phone's firmware version only at your own risk!
P.S. If you cannot find combination firmware for your model in “SAMSUNG/COMBINATION" folder in Support Area, this means we don’t have these files at the moment. As soon as we get new combination firmwares, we will upload them into the Support Area.
3. “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation. Be careful, performing this operation will delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) from the device!
To perform “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation, do the next steps:
1. Click "Reset FRP (Download Mode)" button.
2. Put phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold “Volume-“ + “Home” + “Power ON” buttons).
3. Connect the phone to PC via Micro USB cable.
4. Follow Software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- GT-I9195I
- SC-01F, SC-04F, SC-04G, SC-05G
- SM-A3000, SM-A3009, SM-A300F, SM-A300FU, SM-A300G, SM-A300H, SM-A300M, SM-A300Y, SM-A300YZ, SM-A310F, SM-A310FD, SM-A310M, SM-A310MD, SM-A310N0, SM-A310Y, SM-A320F, SM-A320FL, SM-A320Y, SM-A5000, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FD, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500M, SM-A500S, SM-A500W, SM-A500XZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500YZ, SM-A5100, SM-A5108, SM-A510F, SM-A510FD, SM-A510K, SM-A510L, SM-A510M, SM-A510MD, SM-A510S, SM-A510Y, SM-A510YD, SM-A520F, SM-A520K, SM-A520L, SM-A520S, SM-A520W, SM-A7000, SM-A7009, SM-A700F, SM-A700FD, SM-A700FQ, SM-A700FZ, SM-A700H, SM-A700K, SM-A700L, SM-A700M, SM-A700S, SM-A700YD, SM-A700YZ, SM-A7100, SM-A7108, SM-A710F, SM-A710FD, SM-A710K, SM-A710L, SM-A710M, SM-A710MD, SM-A710S, SM-A710Y, SM-A720F, SM-A800F, SM-A800I, SM-A800IZ, SM-A800S, SM-A800YZ, SM-A810F, SM-A810FD, SM-A810S, SM-A810YZ, SM-A9000, SM-A9000K, SM-A9100, SM-A910F, SM-A910FD
- SM-C111, SM-C115, SM-C1150Z, SM-C115M, SM-C5000, SM-C5010, SM-C7000, SM-C700S, SM-C7010, SM-C9000
- SM-E500F, SM-E500H, SM-E500HQ, SM-E500M, SM-E500YZ, SM-E7000, SM-E700F, SM-E700H, SM-E700M
- SM-G150N0, SM-G150NK, SM-G150NL, SM-G150NS, SM-G155S, SM-G1600, SM-G350L, SM-G350M, SM-G357F, SM-G357FZ, SM-G357M, SM-G3606, SM-G3608, SM-G3609, SM-G360AZ, SM-G360BT, SM-G360F, SM-G360FY, SM-G360G, SM-G360GY, SM-G360M, SM-G360P, SM-G361F, SM-G3812, SM-G3812B, SM-G3815, SM-G3818, SM-G3819, SM-G386F, SM-G386T, SM-G386T1, SM-G386W, SM-G388F, SM-G389F, SM-G5108, SM-G5108Q, SM-G5109, SM-G5308W, SM-G5309W, SM-G530A, SM-G530BT, SM-G530F, SM-G530FQ, SM-G530FZ, SM-G530H, SM-G530M, SM-G530P, SM-G530Y, SM-G531BT, SM-G531F, SM-G531Y, SM-G532F, SM-G532FD, SM-G532G, SM-G532M, SM-G532MT, SM-G5500, SM-G550F, SM-G550FY, SM-G550TSM-G550T1, SM-G550T2, SM-G5510, SM-G5700, SM-G570F, SM-G570M, SM-G570Y, SM-G6000, SM-G600F, SM-G600FY, SM-G600S, SM-G6100, SM-G610F, SM-G610FD, SM-G610FZ, SM-G610K, SM-G610L, SM-G610M, SM-G610S, SM-G610Y, SM-G710, SM-G7102, SM-G7105, SM-G7105L, SM-G710K, SM-G710L, SM-G710S, SM-G7200, SM-G7202, SM-G720AX, SM-G720NO, SM-G730A, SM-G730M, SM-G730W8, SM-G7508Q, SM-G7509, SM-G750A, SM-G750F, SM-G750H, SM-G800F, SM-G800I, SM-G800M, SM-G800Y, SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850FQ, SM-G850K, SM-G850L, SM-G850M, SM-G850S, SM-G850T, SM-G850W, SM-G850Y, SM-G860P, SM-G870A, SM-G870D, SM-G870F, SM-G870F0, SM-G870W, SM-G890A, SM-G891A, SM-G9006V, SM-G9006W, SM-G9008V, SM-G9008W, SM-G9009D, SM-G9009W, SM-G900A, SM-G900F, SM-G900FD, SM-G900FG, SM-G900H, SM-G900I, SM-G900K, SM-G900L, SM-G900M, SM-G900MD, SM-G900P, SM-G900S, SM-G900T, SM-G900T1, SM-G900T2, SM-G900T3, SM-G900V, SM-G900W8, SM-G901F, SM-G903F, SM-G903FD, SM-G903M, SM-G903W, SM-G906K, SM-G906L, SM-G906S, SM-G9105, SM-G910S, SM-G9200, SM-G9208, SM-G9209, SM-G920A, SM-G920AZ, SM-G920D, SM-G920F, SM-G920FD, SM-G920FZ, SM-G920I, SM-G920K, SM-G920L, SM-G920P, SM-G920R4, SM-G920S, SM-G920T, SM-G920T1, SM-G920W8, SM-G9250, SM-G925A, SM-G925F, SM-G925FQ, SM-G925I, SM-G925K, SM-G925L, SM-G925P, SM-G925S, SM-G925T, SM-G925T1, SM-G925W8, SM-G9287, SM-G9287C, SM-G928C, SM-G928F, SM-G928G, SM-G928I, SM-G928K, SM-G928L, SM-G928N0, SM-G928P, SM-G928S, SM-G928T, SM-G928W8, SM-G9308, SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930P, SM-G930S, SM-G930T, SM-G930T1, SM-G930U, SM-G930V, SM-G930VL, SM-G930W8, SM-G935D, SM-G935F, SM-G935FD, SM-G935J, SM-G935K, SM-G935L, SM-G935P, SM-G935S, SM-G935T, SM-G935T1, SM-G935U, SM-G935V, SM-G935W8
- SM-J100F, SM-J100FN, SM-J100G, SM-J100M, SM-J100MU, SM-J100MV, SM-J100VPP, SM-J100Y, SM-J110F, SM-J110G, SM-J110M, SM-J120A, SM-J120AZ, SM-J120F, SM-J120FN, SM-J120G, SM-J120M, SM-J120P, SM-J120W, SM-J120ZN, SM-J200BT, SM-J200F, SM-J200G, SM-J200GU, SM-J200M, SM-J200Y, SM-J320A, SM-J320AZ, SM-J320P, SM-J320W8, SM-J320YZ, SM-J321AZ, SM-J327P, SM-J5007, SM-J5008, SM-J500F,SM-J500FN, SM-J500G, SM-J500H, SM-J500M, SM-J500N0, SM-J500Y, SM-J5108, SM-J510F, SM-J510FN, SM-J510G, SM-J510H, SM-J510K, SM-J510L, SM-J510MN, SM-J510N, SM-J510S, SM-J510U, SM-J510UN, SM-J700F, SM-J700H, SM-J700M, SM-J7108, SM-J710F, SM-J710FD, SM-J710FN, SM-J710FZ, SM-J710GN, SM-J710K, SM-J710MN, SM-J727P
- SM-N750, SM-N7500Q, SM-N7505, SM-N7505L, SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900L, SM-N900P, SM-N900S, SM-N900T, SM-N900V, SM-N900W8, SM-N910A, SM-N910C, SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910H, SM-N910K, SM-N910L, SM-N910P, SM-N910S, SM-N910T, SM-N910U, SM-N910V, SM-N910W8, SM-N9150, SM-N915A, SM-N915D, SM-N915F, SM-N915FY, SM-N915G, SM-N915P, SM-N915S, SM-N915T, SM-N915W8, SM-N916K, SM-N916L, SM-N916S, SM-N9200, SM-N9208, SM-N920A, SM-N920C, SM-N920CD, SM-N920F, SM-N920G, SM-N920I, SM-N920K, SM-N920L, SM-N920P, SM-N920S, SM-N920T, SM-N920W8, SM-N9300, SM-N930A, SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930P, SM-N930R4, SM-N930S, SM-N930T, SM-N930U, SM-N930W8
- SM-P350, SM-P355, SM-P355C, SM-P355M, SM-P355Y, SM-P550, SM-P555, SM-P555C, SM-P555K, SM-P555L, SM-P555M, SM-P555S, SM-P555Y, SM-P585M, SM-P585N, SM-P585Y, SM-P601, SM-P602, SM-P605, SM-P605M, SM-P605S, SM-P605V, SM-P607A, SM-P607T, SM-P901, SM-P902, SM-P905, SM-P905FO, SM-P905M, SM-P905V, SM-P907A, SM-P907T
- SM-T111, SM-T111M, SM-T111NQ, SM-T210, SM-T211, SM-T211M, SM-T217A, SM-T217T, SM-T230, SM-T230NT, SM-T230NU, SM-T231, SM-T232, SM-T235, SM-T237P, SM-T239C, SM-T239M, SM-T310, SM-T311, SM-T312, SM-T315, SM-T315T, SM-T330, SM-T331, SM-T331C, SM-T332, SM-T337A, SM-T337T, SM-T350, SM-T355, SM-T355C, SM-T355Y, SM-T357T, SM-T357W, SM-T365, SM-T365FO, SM-T365M, SM-T365Y, SM-T375L, SM-T375S, SM-T377P, SM-T520, SM-T525, SM-T530, SM-T530NU, SM-T531, SM-T532, SM-T533, SM-T535, SM-T715, SM-T715C, SM-T715N0, SM-T715Y, SM-T719C, SM-T719Y, SM-T805, SM-T805C, SM-T805M, SM-T805Y, SM-T807A, SM-T807J, SM-T807P, SM-T807R4, SM-T807V, SM-T810, SM-T813, SM-T815, SM-T815C, SM-T815N0, SM-T815Y, SM-T817P, SM-T817T, SM-T817W, SM-T818T, SM-T818V, SM-T819C, SM-T819Y, SM-T900, SM-T905
- SM-W2014, SM-W2015, SM-W2017
- SPH-G930
Huawei Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be careful, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Put the phone in FastBoot Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold “Volume-“ button, insert USB cable and wait until the phone goes in FastBoot Mode).
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- BLN-L21, BLN-L22, BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLN-L24, BLL-L23, BLN-TL10, BLN-AL10, BLN-TL00, BLN-AL20
- EVA-L19, EDI-AL10, EVA-AL00, VIE-AL10, KNT-AL20, EVA-TL00, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, VIE-L09
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-L21
- VNS-L01, VNS-L22, VNS-TL00, VNS-L53, VNS-L21, VNS-L31
- NXT-L29, FRD-L09, FRD-L02, NTS-AL00, BTV-W09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19, BTV-DL09, CAM-L21, CAZ-TL10, CAN-L11, BAC-L21
LG Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be carefully, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
1. Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
2. Put the phone in Download Mode (power the phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable).
3. Install necessary driver.
4. Click "Reset FRP" button.
5. Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- D850, D850PR, D851, D851TN, D851WH, D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859
- F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F690K, F690L, F690S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F770S, F800K, F800L, F800S
- G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR
- H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H525, H525N, H525TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H700, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H810, H810PR, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815PX, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870DS, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120FT, K120GT, K120H, K120K, K120L, K120P, K120S, K121, K130, K130E, K130EE, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K212, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220F, K220H, K220T, K220TR, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K332, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430TR, K430TV, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- LS450, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS777, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS996, LS997
- M150, M150AT, M151, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320N, M320TV, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M470, M470F, M710DS, MP260, MP450, MS210, MS330, MS345, MS428, MS550, MS631
- RS988
- S02
- TP260, TP450
- US215, US550, US991, US992, US996
- VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS501,VS986,VS986W,VS987,VS988,VS990,VS995
Alcatel Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Install necessary driver.
- Power the phone OFF and connect USB cable.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- OT-6055U, OT-6039Y, OT-6045I, OT-5065D, OT-4060A, OT-6039K, OT-5054O
Motorola Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Put the phone in Factory Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold "Vol-" + "Power" buttons; select “Factory Mode” in phone’s menu and confirm selection; wait until the phone powers ON).
- Connect USB cable.
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Note: “Reset FRP” operation may not work for some devices with latest Security patch level.
Supported models:
- XT1021, XT1063, XT1092, XT1093, XT1095, XT1096, XT1254, XT1521, XT1526, XT1527, XT1528, XT1540, XT1550, XT1557, XT1562, XT1565, XT1575, XT1585, XT1602, XT1607, XT1621, XT1622, XT1625, XT1641, XT1642, XT1643, XT1644, XT1650, XT1655, XT1676
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
Octoplus FRP Digital 6 Month License
Activation for Octopus Box, Octoplus Pro Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Dongle, Medusa Pro Box and Medusa Box enables FRP (Google Factory Reset Protection) reset operations for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorolacell phones.
Octoplus FRP Tool allows you to reset Google Factory Reset Protection (FRP) for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorola cell phones.
Samsung Reset FRP operations.
add an activation to Octoplus FRP Tool, please perform the following steps:
- Connect your box to PC
- Install the latest version of Octoplus FRP Tool software
- Open a folder where Octoplus FRP Tool software has been installed
- Run a file: updater.exe (inside Octoplus FRP Tool software folder)
- Choose "I have the activation code" and press "Next"
- Complete update procedure with activation code that you've received
1. “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation, do the following steps:
- Put the phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" buttons) and connect USB cable.
- Press “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” button.
- After Software request disconnect USB cable and connect Samsung Micro UART cable.
- Press and hold “Volume-“ + “Power ON” keys for 15-20 seconds, Software will automatically close wizard window and will perform the reset FRP lock.
- Done.
2. “Reset FRP ADB (Combination)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To Reset FRP lock using combination firmware, you can try to do the following:
- Write "boot.img" partition from appropriate Combination firmware.
- Perform "Reset FRP ADB (Combination)" operation in the software.
- Write full Combination firmware.
- Go to "Developer Options" in the phone’s Settings.
- Check "Enable OEM unlock" option.
- Perform Factory Data Reset.
- Reflash the phone with full stock (original) firmware.
Note: "boot.img" from combination firmware can be not compatible with current phone's firmware. In that case phone will freeze on logo, or will be rebooting after writing of such boot. To restore the phone to its initial condition you need to reflash it with different full stock (original) firmware (or try to write only boot of such firmware).
Also note: You can write "boot.img" combination firmware or downgrade phone's firmware version only at your own risk!
P.S. If you cannot find combination firmware for your model in “SAMSUNG/COMBINATION" folder in Support Area, this means we don’t have these files at the moment. As soon as we get new combination firmwares, we will upload them into the Support Area.
3. “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation. Be careful, performing this operation will delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) from the device!
To perform “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation, do the next steps:
1. Click "Reset FRP (Download Mode)" button.
2. Put phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold “Volume-“ + “Home” + “Power ON” buttons).
3. Connect the phone to PC via Micro USB cable.
4. Follow Software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- GT-I9195I
- SC-01F, SC-04F, SC-04G, SC-05G
- SM-A3000, SM-A3009, SM-A300F, SM-A300FU, SM-A300G, SM-A300H, SM-A300M, SM-A300Y, SM-A300YZ, SM-A310F, SM-A310FD, SM-A310M, SM-A310MD, SM-A310N0, SM-A310Y, SM-A320F, SM-A320FL, SM-A320Y, SM-A5000, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FD, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500M, SM-A500S, SM-A500W, SM-A500XZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500YZ, SM-A5100, SM-A5108, SM-A510F, SM-A510FD, SM-A510K, SM-A510L, SM-A510M, SM-A510MD, SM-A510S, SM-A510Y, SM-A510YD, SM-A520F, SM-A520K, SM-A520L, SM-A520S, SM-A520W, SM-A7000, SM-A7009, SM-A700F, SM-A700FD, SM-A700FQ, SM-A700FZ, SM-A700H, SM-A700K, SM-A700L, SM-A700M, SM-A700S, SM-A700YD, SM-A700YZ, SM-A7100, SM-A7108, SM-A710F, SM-A710FD, SM-A710K, SM-A710L, SM-A710M, SM-A710MD, SM-A710S, SM-A710Y, SM-A720F, SM-A800F, SM-A800I, SM-A800IZ, SM-A800S, SM-A800YZ, SM-A810F, SM-A810FD, SM-A810S, SM-A810YZ, SM-A9000, SM-A9000K, SM-A9100, SM-A910F, SM-A910FD
- SM-C111, SM-C115, SM-C1150Z, SM-C115M, SM-C5000, SM-C5010, SM-C7000, SM-C700S, SM-C7010, SM-C9000
- SM-E500F, SM-E500H, SM-E500HQ, SM-E500M, SM-E500YZ, SM-E7000, SM-E700F, SM-E700H, SM-E700M
- SM-G150N0, SM-G150NK, SM-G150NL, SM-G150NS, SM-G155S, SM-G1600, SM-G350L, SM-G350M, SM-G357F, SM-G357FZ, SM-G357M, SM-G3606, SM-G3608, SM-G3609, SM-G360AZ, SM-G360BT, SM-G360F, SM-G360FY, SM-G360G, SM-G360GY, SM-G360M, SM-G360P, SM-G361F, SM-G3812, SM-G3812B, SM-G3815, SM-G3818, SM-G3819, SM-G386F, SM-G386T, SM-G386T1, SM-G386W, SM-G388F, SM-G389F, SM-G5108, SM-G5108Q, SM-G5109, SM-G5308W, SM-G5309W, SM-G530A, SM-G530BT, SM-G530F, SM-G530FQ, SM-G530FZ, SM-G530H, SM-G530M, SM-G530P, SM-G530Y, SM-G531BT, SM-G531F, SM-G531Y, SM-G532F, SM-G532FD, SM-G532G, SM-G532M, SM-G532MT, SM-G5500, SM-G550F, SM-G550FY, SM-G550TSM-G550T1, SM-G550T2, SM-G5510, SM-G5700, SM-G570F, SM-G570M, SM-G570Y, SM-G6000, SM-G600F, SM-G600FY, SM-G600S, SM-G6100, SM-G610F, SM-G610FD, SM-G610FZ, SM-G610K, SM-G610L, SM-G610M, SM-G610S, SM-G610Y, SM-G710, SM-G7102, SM-G7105, SM-G7105L, SM-G710K, SM-G710L, SM-G710S, SM-G7200, SM-G7202, SM-G720AX, SM-G720NO, SM-G730A, SM-G730M, SM-G730W8, SM-G7508Q, SM-G7509, SM-G750A, SM-G750F, SM-G750H, SM-G800F, SM-G800I, SM-G800M, SM-G800Y, SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850FQ, SM-G850K, SM-G850L, SM-G850M, SM-G850S, SM-G850T, SM-G850W, SM-G850Y, SM-G860P, SM-G870A, SM-G870D, SM-G870F, SM-G870F0, SM-G870W, SM-G890A, SM-G891A, SM-G9006V, SM-G9006W, SM-G9008V, SM-G9008W, SM-G9009D, SM-G9009W, SM-G900A, SM-G900F, SM-G900FD, SM-G900FG, SM-G900H, SM-G900I, SM-G900K, SM-G900L, SM-G900M, SM-G900MD, SM-G900P, SM-G900S, SM-G900T, SM-G900T1, SM-G900T2, SM-G900T3, SM-G900V, SM-G900W8, SM-G901F, SM-G903F, SM-G903FD, SM-G903M, SM-G903W, SM-G906K, SM-G906L, SM-G906S, SM-G9105, SM-G910S, SM-G9200, SM-G9208, SM-G9209, SM-G920A, SM-G920AZ, SM-G920D, SM-G920F, SM-G920FD, SM-G920FZ, SM-G920I, SM-G920K, SM-G920L, SM-G920P, SM-G920R4, SM-G920S, SM-G920T, SM-G920T1, SM-G920W8, SM-G9250, SM-G925A, SM-G925F, SM-G925FQ, SM-G925I, SM-G925K, SM-G925L, SM-G925P, SM-G925S, SM-G925T, SM-G925T1, SM-G925W8, SM-G9287, SM-G9287C, SM-G928C, SM-G928F, SM-G928G, SM-G928I, SM-G928K, SM-G928L, SM-G928N0, SM-G928P, SM-G928S, SM-G928T, SM-G928W8, SM-G9308, SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930P, SM-G930S, SM-G930T, SM-G930T1, SM-G930U, SM-G930V, SM-G930VL, SM-G930W8, SM-G935D, SM-G935F, SM-G935FD, SM-G935J, SM-G935K, SM-G935L, SM-G935P, SM-G935S, SM-G935T, SM-G935T1, SM-G935U, SM-G935V, SM-G935W8
- SM-J100F, SM-J100FN, SM-J100G, SM-J100M, SM-J100MU, SM-J100MV, SM-J100VPP, SM-J100Y, SM-J110F, SM-J110G, SM-J110M, SM-J120A, SM-J120AZ, SM-J120F, SM-J120FN, SM-J120G, SM-J120M, SM-J120P, SM-J120W, SM-J120ZN, SM-J200BT, SM-J200F, SM-J200G, SM-J200GU, SM-J200M, SM-J200Y, SM-J320A, SM-J320AZ, SM-J320P, SM-J320W8, SM-J320YZ, SM-J321AZ, SM-J327P, SM-J5007, SM-J5008, SM-J500F,SM-J500FN, SM-J500G, SM-J500H, SM-J500M, SM-J500N0, SM-J500Y, SM-J5108, SM-J510F, SM-J510FN, SM-J510G, SM-J510H, SM-J510K, SM-J510L, SM-J510MN, SM-J510N, SM-J510S, SM-J510U, SM-J510UN, SM-J700F, SM-J700H, SM-J700M, SM-J7108, SM-J710F, SM-J710FD, SM-J710FN, SM-J710FZ, SM-J710GN, SM-J710K, SM-J710MN, SM-J727P
- SM-N750, SM-N7500Q, SM-N7505, SM-N7505L, SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900L, SM-N900P, SM-N900S, SM-N900T, SM-N900V, SM-N900W8, SM-N910A, SM-N910C, SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910H, SM-N910K, SM-N910L, SM-N910P, SM-N910S, SM-N910T, SM-N910U, SM-N910V, SM-N910W8, SM-N9150, SM-N915A, SM-N915D, SM-N915F, SM-N915FY, SM-N915G, SM-N915P, SM-N915S, SM-N915T, SM-N915W8, SM-N916K, SM-N916L, SM-N916S, SM-N9200, SM-N9208, SM-N920A, SM-N920C, SM-N920CD, SM-N920F, SM-N920G, SM-N920I, SM-N920K, SM-N920L, SM-N920P, SM-N920S, SM-N920T, SM-N920W8, SM-N9300, SM-N930A, SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930P, SM-N930R4, SM-N930S, SM-N930T, SM-N930U, SM-N930W8
- SM-P350, SM-P355, SM-P355C, SM-P355M, SM-P355Y, SM-P550, SM-P555, SM-P555C, SM-P555K, SM-P555L, SM-P555M, SM-P555S, SM-P555Y, SM-P585M, SM-P585N, SM-P585Y, SM-P601, SM-P602, SM-P605, SM-P605M, SM-P605S, SM-P605V, SM-P607A, SM-P607T, SM-P901, SM-P902, SM-P905, SM-P905FO, SM-P905M, SM-P905V, SM-P907A, SM-P907T
- SM-T111, SM-T111M, SM-T111NQ, SM-T210, SM-T211, SM-T211M, SM-T217A, SM-T217T, SM-T230, SM-T230NT, SM-T230NU, SM-T231, SM-T232, SM-T235, SM-T237P, SM-T239C, SM-T239M, SM-T310, SM-T311, SM-T312, SM-T315, SM-T315T, SM-T330, SM-T331, SM-T331C, SM-T332, SM-T337A, SM-T337T, SM-T350, SM-T355, SM-T355C, SM-T355Y, SM-T357T, SM-T357W, SM-T365, SM-T365FO, SM-T365M, SM-T365Y, SM-T375L, SM-T375S, SM-T377P, SM-T520, SM-T525, SM-T530, SM-T530NU, SM-T531, SM-T532, SM-T533, SM-T535, SM-T715, SM-T715C, SM-T715N0, SM-T715Y, SM-T719C, SM-T719Y, SM-T805, SM-T805C, SM-T805M, SM-T805Y, SM-T807A, SM-T807J, SM-T807P, SM-T807R4, SM-T807V, SM-T810, SM-T813, SM-T815, SM-T815C, SM-T815N0, SM-T815Y, SM-T817P, SM-T817T, SM-T817W, SM-T818T, SM-T818V, SM-T819C, SM-T819Y, SM-T900, SM-T905
- SM-W2014, SM-W2015, SM-W2017
- SPH-G930
Huawei Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be careful, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Put the phone in FastBoot Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold “Volume-“ button, insert USB cable and wait until the phone goes in FastBoot Mode).
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- BLN-L21, BLN-L22, BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLN-L24, BLL-L23, BLN-TL10, BLN-AL10, BLN-TL00, BLN-AL20
- EVA-L19, EDI-AL10, EVA-AL00, VIE-AL10, KNT-AL20, EVA-TL00, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, VIE-L09
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-L21
- VNS-L01, VNS-L22, VNS-TL00, VNS-L53, VNS-L21, VNS-L31
- NXT-L29, FRD-L09, FRD-L02, NTS-AL00, BTV-W09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19, BTV-DL09, CAM-L21, CAZ-TL10, CAN-L11, BAC-L21
LG Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be carefully, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
1. Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
2. Put the phone in Download Mode (power the phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable).
3. Install necessary driver.
4. Click "Reset FRP" button.
5. Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- D850, D850PR, D851, D851TN, D851WH, D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859
- F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F690K, F690L, F690S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F770S, F800K, F800L, F800S
- G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR
- H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H525, H525N, H525TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H700, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H810, H810PR, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815PX, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870DS, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120FT, K120GT, K120H, K120K, K120L, K120P, K120S, K121, K130, K130E, K130EE, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K212, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220F, K220H, K220T, K220TR, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K332, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430TR, K430TV, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- LS450, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS777, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS996, LS997
- M150, M150AT, M151, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320N, M320TV, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M470, M470F, M710DS, MP260, MP450, MS210, MS330, MS345, MS428, MS550, MS631
- RS988
- S02
- TP260, TP450
- US215, US550, US991, US992, US996
- VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS501,VS986,VS986W,VS987,VS988,VS990,VS995
Alcatel Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Install necessary driver.
- Power the phone OFF and connect USB cable.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- OT-6055U, OT-6039Y, OT-6045I, OT-5065D, OT-4060A, OT-6039K, OT-5054O
Motorola Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Put the phone in Factory Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold "Vol-" + "Power" buttons; select “Factory Mode” in phone’s menu and confirm selection; wait until the phone powers ON).
- Connect USB cable.
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Note: “Reset FRP” operation may not work for some devices with latest Security patch level.
Supported models:
- XT1021, XT1063, XT1092, XT1093, XT1095, XT1096, XT1254, XT1521, XT1526, XT1527, XT1528, XT1540, XT1550, XT1557, XT1562, XT1565, XT1575, XT1585, XT1602, XT1607, XT1621, XT1622, XT1625, XT1641, XT1642, XT1643, XT1644, XT1650, XT1655, XT1676
* Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions.
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
Octoplus FRP Tool Activation
Activation for Octopus Box, Octoplus Pro Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Dongle, Medusa Pro Box and Medusa Box enables FRP (Google Factory Reset Protection) reset operations for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorolacell phones.
Octoplus FRP Tool allows you to reset Google Factory Reset Protection (FRP) for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorola cell phones.
Samsung Reset FRP operations.
add an activation to Octoplus FRP Tool, please perform the following steps:
- Connect your box to PC
- Install the latest version of Octoplus FRP Tool software
- Open a folder where Octoplus FRP Tool software has been installed
- Run a file: updater.exe (inside Octoplus FRP Tool software folder)
- Choose "I have the activation code" and press "Next"
- Complete update procedure with activation code that you've received
1. “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation, do the following steps:
- Put the phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" buttons) and connect USB cable.
- Press “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” button.
- After Software request disconnect USB cable and connect Samsung Micro UART cable.
- Press and hold “Volume-“ + “Power ON” keys for 15-20 seconds, Software will automatically close wizard window and will perform the reset FRP lock.
- Done.
2. “Reset FRP ADB (Combination)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To Reset FRP lock using combination firmware, you can try to do the following:
- Write "boot.img" partition from appropriate Combination firmware.
- Perform "Reset FRP ADB (Combination)" operation in the software.
- Write full Combination firmware.
- Go to "Developer Options" in the phone’s Settings.
- Check "Enable OEM unlock" option.
- Perform Factory Data Reset.
- Reflash the phone with full stock (original) firmware.
Note: "boot.img" from combination firmware can be not compatible with current phone's firmware. In that case phone will freeze on logo, or will be rebooting after writing of such boot. To restore the phone to its initial condition you need to reflash it with different full stock (original) firmware (or try to write only boot of such firmware).
Also note: You can write "boot.img" combination firmware or downgrade phone's firmware version only at your own risk!
P.S. If you cannot find combination firmware for your model in “SAMSUNG/COMBINATION" folder in Support Area, this means we don’t have these files at the moment. As soon as we get new combination firmwares, we will upload them into the Support Area.
3. “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation. Be careful, performing this operation will delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) from the device!
To perform “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation, do the next steps:
1. Click "Reset FRP (Download Mode)" button.
2. Put phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold “Volume-“ + “Home” + “Power ON” buttons).
3. Connect the phone to PC via Micro USB cable.
4. Follow Software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- GT-I9195I
- SC-01F, SC-04F, SC-04G, SC-05G
- SM-A3000, SM-A3009, SM-A300F, SM-A300FU, SM-A300G, SM-A300H, SM-A300M, SM-A300Y, SM-A300YZ, SM-A310F, SM-A310FD, SM-A310M, SM-A310MD, SM-A310N0, SM-A310Y, SM-A320F, SM-A320FL, SM-A320Y, SM-A5000, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FD, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500M, SM-A500S, SM-A500W, SM-A500XZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500YZ, SM-A5100, SM-A5108, SM-A510F, SM-A510FD, SM-A510K, SM-A510L, SM-A510M, SM-A510MD, SM-A510S, SM-A510Y, SM-A510YD, SM-A520F, SM-A520K, SM-A520L, SM-A520S, SM-A520W, SM-A7000, SM-A7009, SM-A700F, SM-A700FD, SM-A700FQ, SM-A700FZ, SM-A700H, SM-A700K, SM-A700L, SM-A700M, SM-A700S, SM-A700YD, SM-A700YZ, SM-A7100, SM-A7108, SM-A710F, SM-A710FD, SM-A710K, SM-A710L, SM-A710M, SM-A710MD, SM-A710S, SM-A710Y, SM-A720F, SM-A800F, SM-A800I, SM-A800IZ, SM-A800S, SM-A800YZ, SM-A810F, SM-A810FD, SM-A810S, SM-A810YZ, SM-A9000, SM-A9000K, SM-A9100, SM-A910F, SM-A910FD
- SM-C111, SM-C115, SM-C1150Z, SM-C115M, SM-C5000, SM-C5010, SM-C7000, SM-C700S, SM-C7010, SM-C9000
- SM-E500F, SM-E500H, SM-E500HQ, SM-E500M, SM-E500YZ, SM-E7000, SM-E700F, SM-E700H, SM-E700M
- SM-G150N0, SM-G150NK, SM-G150NL, SM-G150NS, SM-G155S, SM-G1600, SM-G350L, SM-G350M, SM-G357F, SM-G357FZ, SM-G357M, SM-G3606, SM-G3608, SM-G3609, SM-G360AZ, SM-G360BT, SM-G360F, SM-G360FY, SM-G360G, SM-G360GY, SM-G360M, SM-G360P, SM-G361F, SM-G3812, SM-G3812B, SM-G3815, SM-G3818, SM-G3819, SM-G386F, SM-G386T, SM-G386T1, SM-G386W, SM-G388F, SM-G389F, SM-G5108, SM-G5108Q, SM-G5109, SM-G5308W, SM-G5309W, SM-G530A, SM-G530BT, SM-G530F, SM-G530FQ, SM-G530FZ, SM-G530H, SM-G530M, SM-G530P, SM-G530Y, SM-G531BT, SM-G531F, SM-G531Y, SM-G532F, SM-G532FD, SM-G532G, SM-G532M, SM-G532MT, SM-G5500, SM-G550F, SM-G550FY, SM-G550TSM-G550T1, SM-G550T2, SM-G5510, SM-G5700, SM-G570F, SM-G570M, SM-G570Y, SM-G6000, SM-G600F, SM-G600FY, SM-G600S, SM-G6100, SM-G610F, SM-G610FD, SM-G610FZ, SM-G610K, SM-G610L, SM-G610M, SM-G610S, SM-G610Y, SM-G710, SM-G7102, SM-G7105, SM-G7105L, SM-G710K, SM-G710L, SM-G710S, SM-G7200, SM-G7202, SM-G720AX, SM-G720NO, SM-G730A, SM-G730M, SM-G730W8, SM-G7508Q, SM-G7509, SM-G750A, SM-G750F, SM-G750H, SM-G800F, SM-G800I, SM-G800M, SM-G800Y, SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850FQ, SM-G850K, SM-G850L, SM-G850M, SM-G850S, SM-G850T, SM-G850W, SM-G850Y, SM-G860P, SM-G870A, SM-G870D, SM-G870F, SM-G870F0, SM-G870W, SM-G890A, SM-G891A, SM-G9006V, SM-G9006W, SM-G9008V, SM-G9008W, SM-G9009D, SM-G9009W, SM-G900A, SM-G900F, SM-G900FD, SM-G900FG, SM-G900H, SM-G900I, SM-G900K, SM-G900L, SM-G900M, SM-G900MD, SM-G900P, SM-G900S, SM-G900T, SM-G900T1, SM-G900T2, SM-G900T3, SM-G900V, SM-G900W8, SM-G901F, SM-G903F, SM-G903FD, SM-G903M, SM-G903W, SM-G906K, SM-G906L, SM-G906S, SM-G9105, SM-G910S, SM-G9200, SM-G9208, SM-G9209, SM-G920A, SM-G920AZ, SM-G920D, SM-G920F, SM-G920FD, SM-G920FZ, SM-G920I, SM-G920K, SM-G920L, SM-G920P, SM-G920R4, SM-G920S, SM-G920T, SM-G920T1, SM-G920W8, SM-G9250, SM-G925A, SM-G925F, SM-G925FQ, SM-G925I, SM-G925K, SM-G925L, SM-G925P, SM-G925S, SM-G925T, SM-G925T1, SM-G925W8, SM-G9287, SM-G9287C, SM-G928C, SM-G928F, SM-G928G, SM-G928I, SM-G928K, SM-G928L, SM-G928N0, SM-G928P, SM-G928S, SM-G928T, SM-G928W8, SM-G9308, SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930P, SM-G930S, SM-G930T, SM-G930T1, SM-G930U, SM-G930V, SM-G930VL, SM-G930W8, SM-G935D, SM-G935F, SM-G935FD, SM-G935J, SM-G935K, SM-G935L, SM-G935P, SM-G935S, SM-G935T, SM-G935T1, SM-G935U, SM-G935V, SM-G935W8
- SM-J100F, SM-J100FN, SM-J100G, SM-J100M, SM-J100MU, SM-J100MV, SM-J100VPP, SM-J100Y, SM-J110F, SM-J110G, SM-J110M, SM-J120A, SM-J120AZ, SM-J120F, SM-J120FN, SM-J120G, SM-J120M, SM-J120P, SM-J120W, SM-J120ZN, SM-J200BT, SM-J200F, SM-J200G, SM-J200GU, SM-J200M, SM-J200Y, SM-J320A, SM-J320AZ, SM-J320P, SM-J320W8, SM-J320YZ, SM-J321AZ, SM-J327P, SM-J5007, SM-J5008, SM-J500F,SM-J500FN, SM-J500G, SM-J500H, SM-J500M, SM-J500N0, SM-J500Y, SM-J5108, SM-J510F, SM-J510FN, SM-J510G, SM-J510H, SM-J510K, SM-J510L, SM-J510MN, SM-J510N, SM-J510S, SM-J510U, SM-J510UN, SM-J700F, SM-J700H, SM-J700M, SM-J7108, SM-J710F, SM-J710FD, SM-J710FN, SM-J710FZ, SM-J710GN, SM-J710K, SM-J710MN, SM-J727P
- SM-N750, SM-N7500Q, SM-N7505, SM-N7505L, SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900L, SM-N900P, SM-N900S, SM-N900T, SM-N900V, SM-N900W8, SM-N910A, SM-N910C, SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910H, SM-N910K, SM-N910L, SM-N910P, SM-N910S, SM-N910T, SM-N910U, SM-N910V, SM-N910W8, SM-N9150, SM-N915A, SM-N915D, SM-N915F, SM-N915FY, SM-N915G, SM-N915P, SM-N915S, SM-N915T, SM-N915W8, SM-N916K, SM-N916L, SM-N916S, SM-N9200, SM-N9208, SM-N920A, SM-N920C, SM-N920CD, SM-N920F, SM-N920G, SM-N920I, SM-N920K, SM-N920L, SM-N920P, SM-N920S, SM-N920T, SM-N920W8, SM-N9300, SM-N930A, SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930P, SM-N930R4, SM-N930S, SM-N930T, SM-N930U, SM-N930W8
- SM-P350, SM-P355, SM-P355C, SM-P355M, SM-P355Y, SM-P550, SM-P555, SM-P555C, SM-P555K, SM-P555L, SM-P555M, SM-P555S, SM-P555Y, SM-P585M, SM-P585N, SM-P585Y, SM-P601, SM-P602, SM-P605, SM-P605M, SM-P605S, SM-P605V, SM-P607A, SM-P607T, SM-P901, SM-P902, SM-P905, SM-P905FO, SM-P905M, SM-P905V, SM-P907A, SM-P907T
- SM-T111, SM-T111M, SM-T111NQ, SM-T210, SM-T211, SM-T211M, SM-T217A, SM-T217T, SM-T230, SM-T230NT, SM-T230NU, SM-T231, SM-T232, SM-T235, SM-T237P, SM-T239C, SM-T239M, SM-T310, SM-T311, SM-T312, SM-T315, SM-T315T, SM-T330, SM-T331, SM-T331C, SM-T332, SM-T337A, SM-T337T, SM-T350, SM-T355, SM-T355C, SM-T355Y, SM-T357T, SM-T357W, SM-T365, SM-T365FO, SM-T365M, SM-T365Y, SM-T375L, SM-T375S, SM-T377P, SM-T520, SM-T525, SM-T530, SM-T530NU, SM-T531, SM-T532, SM-T533, SM-T535, SM-T715, SM-T715C, SM-T715N0, SM-T715Y, SM-T719C, SM-T719Y, SM-T805, SM-T805C, SM-T805M, SM-T805Y, SM-T807A, SM-T807J, SM-T807P, SM-T807R4, SM-T807V, SM-T810, SM-T813, SM-T815, SM-T815C, SM-T815N0, SM-T815Y, SM-T817P, SM-T817T, SM-T817W, SM-T818T, SM-T818V, SM-T819C, SM-T819Y, SM-T900, SM-T905
- SM-W2014, SM-W2015, SM-W2017
- SPH-G930
Huawei Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be careful, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Put the phone in FastBoot Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold “Volume-“ button, insert USB cable and wait until the phone goes in FastBoot Mode).
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- BLN-L21, BLN-L22, BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLN-L24, BLL-L23, BLN-TL10, BLN-AL10, BLN-TL00, BLN-AL20
- EVA-L19, EDI-AL10, EVA-AL00, VIE-AL10, KNT-AL20, EVA-TL00, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, VIE-L09
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-L21
- VNS-L01, VNS-L22, VNS-TL00, VNS-L53, VNS-L21, VNS-L31
- NXT-L29, FRD-L09, FRD-L02, NTS-AL00, BTV-W09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19, BTV-DL09, CAM-L21, CAZ-TL10, CAN-L11, BAC-L21
LG Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be carefully, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
1. Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
2. Put the phone in Download Mode (power the phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable).
3. Install necessary driver.
4. Click "Reset FRP" button.
5. Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- D850, D850PR, D851, D851TN, D851WH, D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859
- F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F690K, F690L, F690S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F770S, F800K, F800L, F800S
- G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR
- H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H525, H525N, H525TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H700, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H810, H810PR, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815PX, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870DS, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120FT, K120GT, K120H, K120K, K120L, K120P, K120S, K121, K130, K130E, K130EE, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K212, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220F, K220H, K220T, K220TR, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K332, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430TR, K430TV, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- LS450, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS777, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS996, LS997
- M150, M150AT, M151, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320N, M320TV, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M470, M470F, M710DS, MP260, MP450, MS210, MS330, MS345, MS428, MS550, MS631
- RS988
- S02
- TP260, TP450
- US215, US550, US991, US992, US996
- VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS501,VS986,VS986W,VS987,VS988,VS990,VS995
Alcatel Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Install necessary driver.
- Power the phone OFF and connect USB cable.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Supported models:
- OT-6055U, OT-6039Y, OT-6045I, OT-5065D, OT-4060A, OT-6039K, OT-5054O
Motorola Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Put the phone in Factory Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold "Vol-" + "Power" buttons; select “Factory Mode” in phone’s menu and confirm selection; wait until the phone powers ON).
- Connect USB cable.
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Note: “Reset FRP” operation may not work for some devices with latest Security patch level.
Supported models:
- XT1021, XT1063, XT1092, XT1093, XT1095, XT1096, XT1254, XT1521, XT1526, XT1527, XT1528, XT1540, XT1550, XT1557, XT1562, XT1565, XT1575, XT1585, XT1602, XT1607, XT1621, XT1622, XT1625, XT1641, XT1642, XT1643, XT1644, XT1650, XT1655, XT1676
* Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus Full Digital 1 Year License
Octoplus Full 1 Year Digital License combines all available licenses together:
- Samsung >
- LG >
- FRP >
- Huawei >
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 1 year period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions
Octoplus Samsung License:
Octoplus Samsung Digital License allows you to service Samsung cell phones.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Octoplus LG License:
Octoplus LG Digital License allows you to service LG phones.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Octoplus FRP License:
Octoplus FRP Digital License enables FRP (Google Factory Reset Protection) reset operations for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorola cell phones.
Note! Huawei phones released after March 2018 with new security (except models supported via test point) are NOT SUPPORTED.
Please follow future updates for more information.
Samsung Reset FRP operations.
1. “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation, do the following steps:
- Put the phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" buttons) and connect USB cable.
- Press “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” button.
- After Software request disconnect USB cable and connect Samsung Micro UART cable.
- Press and hold “Volume-“ + “Power ON” keys for 15-20 seconds, Software will automatically close wizard window and will perform the reset FRP lock.
- Done.
2. “Reset FRP ADB (Combination)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To Reset FRP lock using combination firmware, you can try to do the following:
- Write "boot.img" partition from appropriate Combination firmware.
- Perform "Reset FRP ADB (Combination)" operation in the software.
- Write full Combination firmware.
- Go to "Developer Options" in the phone’s Settings.
- Check "Enable OEM ..." option.
- Perform Factory Data Reset.
- Reflash the phone with full stock (original) firmware.
Note: "boot.img" from combination firmware can be not compatible with current phone's firmware. In that case phone will freeze on logo, or will be rebooting after writing of such boot. To restore the phone to its initial condition you need to reflash it with different full stock (original) firmware (or try to write only boot of such firmware).
Also note: You can write "boot.img" combination firmware or downgrade phone's firmware version only at your own risk!
P.S. If you cannot find combination firmware for your model in “SAMSUNG/COMBINATION" folder in Support Area, this means we don’t have these files at the moment. As soon as we get new combination firmwares, we will upload them into the Support Area.
3. “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation. Be careful, performing this operation will delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) from the device!
To perform “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation, do the next steps:
1. Click "Reset FRP (Download Mode)" button.
2. Put phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold “Volume-“ + “Home” + “Power ON” buttons).
3. Connect the phone to PC via Micro USB cable.
4. Follow Software instructions (prompts).
Huawei Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be careful, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Put the phone in FastBoot Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold “Volume-“ button, insert USB cable and wait until the phone goes in FastBoot Mode).
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
LG Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be carefully, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
1. Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
2. Put the phone in Download Mode (power the phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable).
3. Install necessary driver.
4. Click "Reset FRP" button.
5. Follow software instructions (prompts).
Alcatel Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Install necessary driver.
- Power the phone OFF and connect USB cable.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Motorola Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Put the phone in Factory Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold "Vol-" + "Power" buttons; select “Factory Mode” in phone’s menu and confirm selection; wait until the phone powers ON).
- Connect USB cable.
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Note: “Reset FRP” operation may not work for some devices with latest Security patch level.
Octoplus Huawei License:
Octoplus Huawei Digital License allows you to service HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based Huawei devices.
Note! Huawei phones released after March 2018 with new security (except models supported via test point) are NOT SUPPORTED.
Please follow future updates for more information.
Supported Operations and Features*:
- Read Info
- Decode
- Read Bootloader Code
- Reset FRP
- Reset Huawei ID
- Factory Data Reset
- Repair IMEI A/B
- Repair Bluetooth MAC
- Repair Wi-Fi MAC
- Repair S/N
- Repair Board S/N
- Repair Vendor Code
- Repair Country Code
Necessary Drivers
To install necessary drivers, install “HiSuite by Huawei”.
Manufacture Mode (for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based devices):
To enable Manufacture Mode type #*#2846579#*#, then go to Project Menu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode.
Fastboot Mode:
To enable Fastboot Mode, do the following steps:
- Turn off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
- Press "Vol-" and insert USB cable
- Wait until phone enters into Fastboot Mode
How to connect devices:
To connect the device, do the following steps:
- Install necessary drivers
- Press “Auto detect” button
- Install necessary drivers
- Check “Manual select” option
- Select proper model from the list in the Software
- Press “Connect” button
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Octoplus Full Digital 6 Month License
Octoplus Full 6 Months Digital License combines all available licenses together:
- Samsung >
- LG >
- FRP >
- Huawei >
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 6 Months period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions
Octoplus Samsung License:
Octoplus Samsung Digital License allows you to service Samsung cell phones.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Octoplus LG License:
Octoplus LG Digital License allows you to service LG phones.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Octoplus FRP License:
Octoplus FRP Digital License enables FRP (Google Factory Reset Protection) reset operations for Samsung, Huawei, LG, Alcatel, Motorola cell phones.
Note! Huawei phones released after March 2018 with new security (except models supported via test point) are NOT SUPPORTED.
Please follow future updates for more information.
Samsung Reset FRP operations.
1. “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” operation, do the following steps:
- Put the phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold "Volume-" + "Home" + "Power ON" buttons) and connect USB cable.
- Press “Reset FRP UART (UFS chips)” button.
- After Software request disconnect USB cable and connect Samsung Micro UART cable.
- Press and hold “Volume-“ + “Power ON” keys for 15-20 seconds, Software will automatically close wizard window and will perform the reset FRP lock.
- Done.
2. “Reset FRP ADB (Combination)” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To Reset FRP lock using combination firmware, you can try to do the following:
- Write "boot.img" partition from appropriate Combination firmware.
- Perform "Reset FRP ADB (Combination)" operation in the software.
- Write full Combination firmware.
- Go to "Developer Options" in the phone’s Settings.
- Check "Enable OEM ..." option.
- Perform Factory Data Reset.
- Reflash the phone with full stock (original) firmware.
Note: "boot.img" from combination firmware can be not compatible with current phone's firmware. In that case phone will freeze on logo, or will be rebooting after writing of such boot. To restore the phone to its initial condition you need to reflash it with different full stock (original) firmware (or try to write only boot of such firmware).
Also note: You can write "boot.img" combination firmware or downgrade phone's firmware version only at your own risk!
P.S. If you cannot find combination firmware for your model in “SAMSUNG/COMBINATION" folder in Support Area, this means we don’t have these files at the moment. As soon as we get new combination firmwares, we will upload them into the Support Area.
3. “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation. Be careful, performing this operation will delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) from the device!
To perform “Reset FRP (Download Mode)” operation, do the next steps:
1. Click "Reset FRP (Download Mode)" button.
2. Put phone in Download Mode (power off the phone, press and hold “Volume-“ + “Home” + “Power ON” buttons).
3. Connect the phone to PC via Micro USB cable.
4. Follow Software instructions (prompts).
Huawei Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be careful, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Put the phone in FastBoot Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold “Volume-“ button, insert USB cable and wait until the phone goes in FastBoot Mode).
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
LG Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. Be carefully, performing this operation may reset/delete all user data (contacts, pictures and other) on some devices and firmware versions! Software will inform you about this in log, so please read and follow software instructions (prompts) carefully!
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
1. Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
2. Put the phone in Download Mode (power the phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable).
3. Install necessary driver.
4. Click "Reset FRP" button.
5. Follow software instructions (prompts).
Alcatel Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Remove SD and SIM cards from the phone.
- Install necessary driver.
- Power the phone OFF and connect USB cable.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Motorola Reset FRP operations.
“Reset FRP” operation. This operation will not reset/delete device user data.
To perform “Reset FRP” operation, do the next steps:
- Put the phone in Factory Mode (power the phone OFF; press and hold "Vol-" + "Power" buttons; select “Factory Mode” in phone’s menu and confirm selection; wait until the phone powers ON).
- Connect USB cable.
- Install necessary driver.
- Click "Reset FRP" button.
- Follow software instructions (prompts).
Note: “Reset FRP” operation may not work for some devices with latest Security patch level.
Octoplus Huawei License:
Octoplus Huawei Digital License allows you to service HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based Huawei devices.
Note! Huawei phones released after March 2018 with new security (except models supported via test point) are NOT SUPPORTED.
Please follow future updates for more information.
Supported Operations and Features*:
- Read Info
- Decode
- Read Bootloader Code
- Reset FRP
- Reset Huawei ID
- Factory Data Reset
- Repair IMEI A/B
- Repair Bluetooth MAC
- Repair Wi-Fi MAC
- Repair S/N
- Repair Board S/N
- Repair Vendor Code
- Repair Country Code
Necessary Drivers
To install necessary drivers, install “HiSuite by Huawei”.
Manufacture Mode (for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based devices):
To enable Manufacture Mode type #*#2846579#*#, then go to Project Menu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode.
Fastboot Mode:
To enable Fastboot Mode, do the following steps:
- Turn off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
- Press "Vol-" and insert USB cable
- Wait until phone enters into Fastboot Mode
How to connect devices:
To connect the device, do the following steps:
- Install necessary drivers
- Press “Auto detect” button
- Install necessary drivers
- Check “Manual select” option
- Select proper model from the list in the Software
- Press “Connect” button
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus Huawei Digital 1 Year License
Octoplus Huawei 1 Year Digital License allows you to service HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based Huawei devices.
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 1 year period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions to you.
Note! Huawei phones released after March 2018 with new security (except models supported via test point) are NOT SUPPORTED.
Please follow future updates for more information.
Supported Operations and Features*:
- Read Info
- Decode
- Read Bootloader Code
- Reset FRP
- Reset Huawei ID
- Factory Data Reset
- Repair IMEI A/B
- Repair Bluetooth MAC
- Repair Wi-Fi MAC
- Repair S/N
- Repair Board S/N
- Repair Vendor Code
- Repair Country Code
Necessary Drivers
To install necessary drivers, install “HiSuite by Huawei”.
Manufacture Mode (for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based devices):
To enable Manufacture Mode type #*#2846579#*#, then go to Project Menu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode.
Fastboot Mode:
To enable Fastboot Mode, do the following steps:
- Turn off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
- Press "Vol-" and insert USB cable
- Wait until phone enters into Fastboot Mode
How to connect devices:
To connect the device, do the following steps:
- Install necessary drivers
- Press “Auto detect” button
- Install necessary drivers
- Check “Manual select” option
- Select proper model from the list in the Software
- Press “Connect” button
Supported Huawei HiSilicon CPU-based devices:
- ALE-CL00, ALE-L01, ALE-L02, ALE-L03, ALE-L04, ALE-L21, ALE-L22, ALE-L23, ALE-L52, ALE-L53, ALE-TL00, ALE-UL00
- ALP-AL00, ALP-L09, ALP-L29
- ANE-AL00, ANE-AL00I, ANE-L01, ANE-L02, ANE-L03, ANE-L12JPZ, ANE-L21, ANE-L21J, ANE-L22, ANE-L23, ANE-L42, ANE-LX1, ANE-LX2, ANE-LX2j, ANE-LX3
- BAC-AL00, BAC-L01, BAC-L03, BAC-L21, BAC-L22, BAC-L23, BAC-TL00
- BAH-L09
- BKL-AL00, BKL-L09, BKL-AL20
- BLA-A09, BLA-AL00, BLA-L09, BLA-L29
- BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLL-L23
- BLN-AL10, BLN-AL10B, BLN-AL10C, BLN-AL20, BLN-AL40, BLN-L21, BLN-L21HN, BLN-L22, BLN-L23, BLN-L24, BLN-TL00, BLN-TL10
- BND-AL00, BND-AL10, BND-L21, BND-L21C, BND-L24, BND-L31, BND-L34
- BTV-DL09, BTV-W09
- CAM-AL00, CAM-L03, CAM-L21, CAM-L23, CAM-TL00, CAM-TL00H, CAM-UL00
- Che1-CL10, Che1-CL20, Che2-L03, Che2-L12, Che2-L11, Che2-L23, Che2-UL00
- CHC-U03
- CHM-U01
- CLT-AL00, CLT-L04, CLT-L04C, CLT-L09, CLT-L09C, CLT-L29, CLT-L29C
- CMR-AL19
- COL-AL00, COL-AL10, COL-L29, COL-TL00, COL-TL10
- COR-AL00, COR-L29
- CRR-L09, CRR-UL00
- DUK-AL10, DUK-AL20, DUK-AL30, DUK-L09, DUK-TL30
- EDI-AL10
- EML-AL00, EML-L09, EML-L09C, EML-L022, EML-L29, EML-L29C
- EVA-AL00, EVA-AL10, EVA-CL00, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, EVA-L19, EVA-L29, EVA-TL00
- FIG-AL10, FIG-L01, FIG-L02, FIG-L03, FIG-L11, FIG-L21, FIG-L22, FIG-L23, FIG-L31, FIG-LA1, FIG-LX1, FIG-LX2, FIG-LX3
- FLA-L03, FLA-L21, FLA-L22, FLA-L23, FLA-LX1, FLA-LX2, FLA-LX3
- FRD-AL00, FRD-AL10, FRD-L02, FRD-L04, FRD-L09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19
- GRA-CL00, GRA-L03, GRA-L09, GRA-L13, GRA-UL00, GRA-UL10
- H60-L04
- HWI-AL00
- HWT31
- KNT-AL10, KNT-AL20, KNT-CL00, KNT-L09, KNT-TL10, KNT-UL10
- LLD-AL00, LLD-AL10, LLD-AL20, LLD-L21, LLD-L21A, LLD-L22A, LLD-L31, LLD-L31A
- LON-AL00, LON-L29
- M300-L29
- MHA-AL00, MHA-L09, MHA-L09B, MHA-L2AB, MHA-L29, MHA-L29B
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L21, NEM-L22, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-TL00, NEM-TL00H
- NEO-AL00
- NMO-L22, NMO-L23, NMO-L31
- NTS-AL00
- NXT-AL10, NXT-DL00, NXT-L09, NXT-L29, NXT-TL00, NXT-TL00A, NXT-TL00B
- PE-TL10
- PKL-L01
- PLK-AL10, PLK-CL00, PLK-L01, PLK-L11, PLK-L21, PLK-TL00, PLK-TL01H, PLK-TL11H, PLK-UL00, PLK-UL10
- PRA-AL00, PRA-AL00X, PRA-L01, PRA-L02, PRA-L03, PRA-L11, PRA-L21, PRA-L21HN, PRA-L22, PRA-L23, PRA-L31, PRA-L31HN, PRA-LA1, PRA-LX1, PRA-LX2, PRA-LX3, PRA-TL10
- RNE-AL00, RNE-L01, RNE-L02, RNE-L03, RNE-L21, RNE-L22, RNE-L22J, RNE-L23
- RVL-AL09, RVL-AL10
- SNE-L01
- SHT-AL09
- STF-AL00, STF-AL10, STF-AL20, STF-L09, STF-L09S
- VEN-L22
- VIE-AL10, VIE-L09, VIE-L29
- VKY-AL00, VKY-L09, VKY-L29, VKY-L29A, VKY-TL00
- VNS-L01, VNS-L02, VNS-L03, VNS-L11, VNS-L21, VNS-L22, VNS-L23, VNS-L31, VNS-L53, VNS-TL00
- VTR-AL00, VTR-L09, VTR-L29, VTR-L29B
Supported Huawei Qualcomm CPU-based devices:
- AGS-L03, AGS-L09, AGS-L09V, AGS-W09, AGS2-L09
- ATU-AL00, ATU-AL10, ATU-L11, ATU-L21, ATU-L22, ATU-L23, ATU-L29, ATU-L31, ATU-L42, ATU-LX1, ATU-LX3,
- AUM-AL00, AUM-AL20, AUM-L29, AUM-L41, AUM-TL20
- BAH-AL00, BAH-W09
- BKK-AL00, BKK-AL10, BKK-L21, BKK-LX1, BKK-TL00
- CAM-L32
- CAN-AL00, CAN-L01, CAN-L2, CAN-L3, CAN-L11, CAN-L12, CAN-L13
- CAZ-AL00, CAZ-AL10, CAZ-TL10
- CPN-L09
- DIG-AL00, DIG-L01, DIG-L03, DIG-L21, DIG-L21HN, DIG-L22, DIG-L23
- DLI-AL10, DLI-L22, DLI-L42, DLI-TL20
- DUB-AL00, DUB-AL20, DUB-L22, DUB-LX2, DUB-TL00
- FDR-A01L, FDR-A04L
- G535-L11, G6-L11, G620S-L03, G630-U10, G7-L01, G7-L03, G7-L11, G7-UL20
- H1611
- H1711
- KII-L05, KII-L21, KII-L22, KII-L23
- KIW-AL10, KIW-AL10G, KIW-L21, KIW-L22, KIW-L23, KIW-L24, KIW-TL00, KIW-TL00H, KIW-UL00
- KOB-L09, KOB-L09A, KOB-W09, KOB-W09C, KOB-W09CHN
- LDN-AL00, LDN-L01, LDN-L03, LDN-L21, LDN-L22, LDN-LX1, LDN-LX2, LDN-LX3, LDN-TL00, LDN-TL10
- LND-AL00, LND-AL30, LND-AL40, LND-L21, LND-L22, LND-L23, LND-L29
- MLA-AL00, MLA-AL10, MLA-L01, MLA-L02, MLA-L03, MLA-L11, MLA-L12, MLA-L13, MLA-TL00, MLA-TL10
- PLE-701L, PLE-703L, PLE-703LT
- RIO-AL00, RIO-L01, RIO-L02, RIO-L03, RIO-TL00
- SCC-U21
- SCL-AL00, SCL-L01, SCL-L02, SCL-L03, SCL-L04, SCL-L21, SCL-L31, SCL-L32, SCL-TL00, SCL-TL00H, SCL-U23, SCL-U31
- SLA-AL00, SLA-L02, SLA-L03, SLA-L22, SLA-L23, SLA-TL00
- T1-821L, T1-823L
- TOR-A1
- TRT-A1, TRT-AL00, TRT-AL00A, TRT-L01, TRT-L02, TRT-L03, TRT-TL10A, TRT-L21, TRT-L21A, TRT-L22, TRT-L23, TRT-L53, TRT-LX1, TRT-LX2, TRT-LX3
- VNS-AL00, VNS-AL62
- Y550-L01, Y550-L03, Y538, Y635-L01, Y635-L03, Y635-L21
Supported Huawei Mediatek CPU-based devices:
- CAG-L02, CAG-L03, CAG-L22, CAG-L23
- CRO-L22, CRO-U00
- CUN-L01, CUN-L03, CUN-L21, CUN-L22, CUN-L23, CUN-L33, CUN-U29
- DUA-AL00, DUA-L22, DUA-TL00
- G730-U10
- H30-U10
- JMM-AL00, JMM-L22
- LUA-L01, LUA-L02, LUA-L03, LUA-L13, LUA-L21, LUA-L21 V2, UA-L22, UA-L23, LUA-U03,LUA-U22
- LYO-L01, LYO-L21
- MYA-AL00, MYA-L02, MYA-L03, MYA-L11, MYA-L13, MYA-L22, MYA-L23, MYA-L41, MYA-TL00, MYA-U29
- TIT-AL00, TIT-L01, TIT-TL00, TIT-U02
Supported Huawei Spreadtram CPU-based devices:
- BG2-U01, BG2-U03, BG2-W09
- BGO-DL09
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus Huawei Digital 6 Month License
Octoplus Huawei Tool Activation allows you to provide support for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based Huawei devices.
Activation for Octopus Box, Octoplus Pro Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Dongle, Medusa Pro Box and Medusa Box.
Supported Operations and Features*:
- Read Info
- Direct Unlock
- Read Bootloader Code
- Reset FRP
- Reset Huawei ID
- Factory Data Reset
- Repair IMEI A/B
- Repair Bluetooth MAC
- Repair Wi-Fi MAC
- Repair S/N
- Repair Board S/N
- Repair Vendor Code
- Repair Country Code
Necessary Drivers
To install necessary drivers, install “HiSuite by Huawei”.
Manufacture Mode (for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based devices):
To enable Manufacture Mode type #*#2846579#*#, then go to Project Menu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode.
Fastboot Mode:
To enable Fastboot Mode, do the following steps:
- Turn off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
- Press "Vol-" and insert USB cable
- Wait until phone enters into Fastboot Mode
How to connect devices:
To connect the device, do the following steps:
- Install necessary drivers
- Press “Auto detect” button
- Install necessary drivers
- Check “Manual select” option
- Select proper model from the list in the Software
- Press “Connect” button
Supported Huawei HiSilicon CPU-based devices:
- ALE-CL00, ALE-L02, ALE-L04, ALE-L21, ALE-TL00, ALE-UL00
- ALP-AL00, ALP-L09, ALP-L29
- ANE-L21, ANE-LX1
- BAC-AL00, BAC-L21, BAC-L22, BAC-L23, BAC-TL00
- BAH-L09
- BKL-AL00, BKL-AL20
- BLA-AL00, BLA-L09, BLA-L29
- BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLL-L23
- BLN-AL10, BLN-AL10B, BLN-AL10C, BLN-AL20, BLN-AL40, BLN-L21, BLN-L21HN, BLN-L22, BLN-L23, BLN-L24, BLN-TL00, BLN-TL10
- BND-AL10, BND-L21
- BTV-DL09, BTV-W09
- CAM-AL00, CAM-L03, CAM-L21, CAM-L23, CAM-TL00, CAM-TL00H, CAM-UL00
- CHM-U01
- CRR-L09, CRR-UL00
- DUK-AL20, DUK-L09, DUK-TL30
- EDI-AL10
- EVA-AL00, EVA-AL10, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, EVA-L19, EVA-TL00
- FLA-L22, FLA-LX2
- FRD-AL00, FRD-AL10, FRD-L02, FRD-L04, FRD-L09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19
- GRA-L03, GRA-L09, GRA-L13, GRA-UL00, GRA-UL10
- HWI-AL00
- HWT31
- KNT-AL20
- LLD-AL00, LLD-AL10, LLD-L21, LLD-L22A, LLD-L31
- LON-AL00, LON-L29
- MHA-AL00, MHA-L09, MHA-L29
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L21, NEM-L22, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-TL00, NEM-TL00H
- NMO-L23, NMO-L31
- NTS-AL00
- NXT-AL10, NXT-L09, NXT-L29
- PLK-L01
- RNE-L01, RNE-L02, RNE-L03, RNE-L21, RNE-L22, RNE-L22J, RNE-L23
- STF-L09
- VEN-L22
- VIE-AL10, VIE-L09, VIE-L29
- VKY-AL00, VKY-L09, VKY-L29, VKY-L29A, VKY-TL00
- VNS-L01, VNS-L21, VNS-L22, VNS-L23, VNS-L31, VNS-L53, VNS-TL00
- VTR-L09, VTR-L29, VTR-L29B
Supported Huawei Qualcomm CPU-based devices:
- AGS-L09, AGS-W09
- ATH-AL00, ATH-UL01
- BAH-W09
- CAN-AL00, CAN-L01, CAN-L11, CAN-L13
- CAZ-TL10
- CPN-L09
- DIG-L01, DIG-L03, DIG-L21HN, DIG-L23
- DLI-AL10, DLI-L22, DLI-L42, DLI-TL20
- FDR-A01L, FDR-A04L
- H1611
- H1711
- KII-L05, KII-L22, KII-L23
- KIW-L21, KIW-L24, KIW-TL00, KIW-TL00H
- KOB-L09
- LDN-L21, LDN-LX2
- MLA-AL10, MLA-L01, MLA-L02, MLA-L03, MLA-L11, MLA-L12, MLA-L13, MLA-TL00, MLA-TL10
- PLE-701L, PLE-703L, PLE-703LT
- RIO-L01, RIO-L02, RIO-L03, RIO-TL00
- SCC-U21
- SCL-AL00, SCL-L01, SCL-L02, SCL-L03, SCL-L21, SCL-L31, SCL-L32, SCL-TL00, SCL-TL00H, SCL-U23
- SLA-AL00, SLA-L02, SLA-L03, SLA-L22
- TOR-A1
- VNS-AL00, VNS-AL62
- Y538
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|Instat - 5min
Octoplus Huawei Tool Activation
Octoplus Huawei Tool Activation allows you to provide support for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based Huawei devices.
Activation for Octopus Box, Octoplus Pro Box, Octoplus Box, Octoplus Dongle, Medusa Pro Box and Medusa Box.
Supported Operations and Features*:
- Read Info
- Direct Unlock
- Read Bootloader Code
- Reset FRP
- Reset Huawei ID
- Factory Data Reset
- Repair IMEI A/B
- Repair Bluetooth MAC
- Repair Wi-Fi MAC
- Repair S/N
- Repair Board S/N
- Repair Vendor Code
- Repair Country Code
Necessary Drivers
To install necessary drivers, install “HiSuite by Huawei”.
Manufacture Mode (for HiSilicon and Qualcomm CPUs-based devices):
To enable Manufacture Mode type #*#2846579#*#, then go to Project Menu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode.
Fastboot Mode:
To enable Fastboot Mode, do the following steps:
- Turn off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
- Press "Vol-" and insert USB cable
- Wait until phone enters into Fastboot Mode
How to connect devices:
To connect the device, do the following steps:
- Install necessary drivers
- Press “Auto detect” button
- Install necessary drivers
- Check “Manual select” option
- Select proper model from the list in the Software
- Press “Connect” button
Supported Huawei HiSilicon CPU-based devices:
- ALE-CL00, ALE-L02, ALE-L04, ALE-L21, ALE-TL00, ALE-UL00
- ALP-AL00, ALP-L09, ALP-L29
- ANE-L21, ANE-LX1
- BAC-AL00, BAC-L21, BAC-L22, BAC-L23, BAC-TL00
- BAH-L09
- BKL-AL00, BKL-AL20
- BLA-AL00, BLA-L09, BLA-L29
- BLL-L21, BLL-L22, BLL-L23
- BLN-AL10, BLN-AL10B, BLN-AL10C, BLN-AL20, BLN-AL40, BLN-L21, BLN-L21HN, BLN-L22, BLN-L23, BLN-L24, BLN-TL00, BLN-TL10
- BND-AL10, BND-L21
- BTV-DL09, BTV-W09
- CAM-AL00, CAM-L03, CAM-L21, CAM-L23, CAM-TL00, CAM-TL00H, CAM-UL00
- CHM-U01
- CRR-L09, CRR-UL00
- DUK-AL20, DUK-L09, DUK-TL30
- EDI-AL10
- EVA-AL00, EVA-AL10, EVA-DL00, EVA-L09, EVA-L19, EVA-TL00
- FLA-L22, FLA-LX2
- FRD-AL00, FRD-AL10, FRD-L02, FRD-L04, FRD-L09, FRD-L14, FRD-L19
- GRA-L03, GRA-L09, GRA-L13, GRA-UL00, GRA-UL10
- HWI-AL00
- HWT31
- KNT-AL20
- LLD-AL00, LLD-AL10, LLD-L21, LLD-L22A, LLD-L31
- LON-AL00, LON-L29
- MHA-AL00, MHA-L09, MHA-L29
- NEM-AL10, NEM-L21, NEM-L22, NEM-L31, NEM-L51, NEM-TL00, NEM-TL00H
- NMO-L23, NMO-L31
- NTS-AL00
- NXT-AL10, NXT-L09, NXT-L29
- PLK-L01
- RNE-L01, RNE-L02, RNE-L03, RNE-L21, RNE-L22, RNE-L22J, RNE-L23
- STF-L09
- VEN-L22
- VIE-AL10, VIE-L09, VIE-L29
- VKY-AL00, VKY-L09, VKY-L29, VKY-L29A, VKY-TL00
- VNS-L01, VNS-L21, VNS-L22, VNS-L23, VNS-L31, VNS-L53, VNS-TL00
- VTR-L09, VTR-L29, VTR-L29B
Supported Huawei Qualcomm CPU-based devices:
- AGS-L09, AGS-W09
- ATH-AL00, ATH-UL01
- BAH-W09
- CAN-AL00, CAN-L01, CAN-L11, CAN-L13
- CAZ-TL10
- CPN-L09
- DIG-L01, DIG-L03, DIG-L21HN, DIG-L23
- DLI-AL10, DLI-L22, DLI-L42, DLI-TL20
- FDR-A01L, FDR-A04L
- H1611
- H1711
- KII-L05, KII-L22, KII-L23
- KIW-L21, KIW-L24, KIW-TL00, KIW-TL00H
- KOB-L09
- LDN-L21, LDN-LX2
- MLA-AL10, MLA-L01, MLA-L02, MLA-L03, MLA-L11, MLA-L12, MLA-L13, MLA-TL00, MLA-TL10
- PLE-701L, PLE-703L, PLE-703LT
- RIO-L01, RIO-L02, RIO-L03, RIO-TL00
- SCC-U21
- SCL-AL00, SCL-L01, SCL-L02, SCL-L03, SCL-L21, SCL-L31, SCL-L32, SCL-TL00, SCL-TL00H, SCL-U23
- SLA-AL00, SLA-L02, SLA-L03, SLA-L22
- TOR-A1
- VNS-AL00, VNS-AL62
- Y538
DELIVERY TIME : Instat - 5min
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus LG Digital 1 Year License
Octoplus LG 1 Year Digital License allows you to service LG phones.
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 1 Year period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions to you
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Additional Features:
- LG Qualcomm language packs editor
- Writing firmware *.m0 files
- Flashing FullFlash binary files
- Flashing firmware *.ssw files
- Single-file flashing
- Read/write EEPROM
- Read/write NVM
- IMEI repair
- Fast country change
- Calibration data restore
- Format FFS
- Repair phone reset
Supported Models:*
- A-series: A100, A100a, A100GO, A110, A130, A133, A133CH, A133GO, A133R, A155, A160, A165, A170, A170GO, A175, A175a, A175b, A180, A180a, A180b, A190, A190a, A190b, A200, A225, A225GO, A230, A235, A250, A258, A270, A270E, A271, A275, A290, A310, A340, A341, A380, A390, A395, A399, A447, A7100, A7150
- AS-series: AS323, AS330, AS375, AS870, AS992, AS993, AS998
- B-series: B200, B2000, B200A, B200E, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B220, B220A, B450, B460, B470, B525
- BL-series: BL20, BL20cf, BL20df, BL20e, BL20GO, BL20t, BL20v, BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g, BL42k
- C-series: C100, C105, C1100, C1150, C1200, C1300, C1300i, C1400, C1500, C193, C195, C195N, C197, C199, C205, C2200, C297, C299, C300, C300GO, C305, C310, C3100, C320, C320i, C330, C3300, C330i, C3310, C3320, C333, C3380, C3400, C360, C3600, C360GO, C365, C370, C375, C395, C397, C398, C399, C410, C440, C441, C550, C555, C660, C660h, C660R, C710, C710h, C729, C729DW, C729DWDU, C729DWP, C729TN, C800, C800DG, C800DGDU, C800DGP, C800g, C800TKGO, C800VL, C800VLP, C900, C900B, C900k
- CB-series: CB630
- CE-series: CE110, CE500
- CF-series: CF360, CF360GO, CF360GO1, CF750
- CG-series: CG180, CG225
- CT-series: CT810, CT815
- CU-series: CU320, CU400, CU405, CU500, CU500V, CU515, CU575, CU720, CU915, CU920
- D-series: D100, D100AR, D100F, D100G, D100J, D105, D105F, D107F, D120, D120AR, D120F, D120G, D120J, D125, D125F, D125G, D127F, D150, D150G, D157, D157F, D160, D160AR, D160F, D160G, D160GO, D160J, D160TR, D165, D165AR, D165F, D165G, D170, D175F, D180F, D213, D213AR, D213C, D213CF, D213CJ, D213F, D213K, D213N, D213TR, D221, D221C, D225, D227, D228, D280, D280AR, D280F, D280G, D280N, D280NR, D280TR, D285, D285F, D285G, D290, D290AR, D290G, D290J, D290N, D290TR, D295, D295F, D300f, D300g, D315, D315H, D315I, D315K, D315S, D320, D320AG, D320AR, D320F, D320F8, D320G8, D320J8, D320N, D320TR, D321, D325, D325F, D325F8, D325G8, D329, D331, D331TR, D335, D335E, D337, D370, D370TR, D373, D373EU, D375, D375AR, D380, D385, D390, D390AR, D390N, D390NS, D392, D392D, D392K, D393, D400, D400H, D400HN, D400N, D405, D405H, D405N, D405TR, D410, D410H, D410HN, D410N, D415, D415BK, D415RD, D415RDGO, D486, D500, D500BK, D500BKGO1, D505, D520, D520BK, D605, D610, D610AR, D610TR, D618, D620, D620FR, D620J, D620K, D620R, D625, D631, D680, D681, D682, D682TR, D683, D684, D685, D686, D690, D690N, D693, D693N, D693TR, D700, D722, D722AR, D722J, D722K, D722P, D722PA, D722V, D723, D723TR, D724, D725, D725P, D725PR, D725WP, D726, D727, D728, D729, D800, D800P, D800T, D801, D801BK, D801HW, D801WH, D801Z, D802, D802T, D802TA, D802TR, D803, D805, D806, D820, D820BK, D821, D830, D838, D850, D850PR, D850TR, D851, D851TN, D851WH , D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859, D950, D950G, D950P, D950W, D951, D955, D956, D957, D958, D959, D959BK, D959TS
- DM-series: DM01G, DM02H
- E-series: E400, E400b, E400f, E400g, E400GO, E400r, E405, E405f, E410, E410b, E410C, E410f, E410g, E410i, E411f , E411g, E415, E415F, E415G, E420, E420F, E425, E425C, E425F, E425G, E425J, E430, E430GO, E431G, E435, E435F, E435G, E435K, E440, E440F, E440G, E440J, E445, E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460, E460F, E465F, E465G, E467F, E470F, E475F, E510, E510f, E510g, E610, E610GO, E610v, E612, E612f, E612g, E615, E615f, E617G, E720, E720b, E720K, E730, E730f, E739, E739BK, E739BKDU, E739BKP, E739KW, E739KWDU, E739KWP, E900, E900h, E906, E960 (Nexus 4), E970, E970P, E971, E973, E975, E975G, E975K, E975R, E975T, E975W, E976, E977, E980, E980H, E980P, E981H, E985, E985T, E986, E987, E988, E989
- F-series: F100S, F1200, F120K, F120L, F120S, F160K, F160L, F160LV, F160S, F180K, F180L, F180S, F200K, F200L, F200LS, F200S, F2100, F220K, F220L, F220S, F2300, F2400, F240K, F240L, F240S, F2410, F3000, F300K, F300L, F300S, F310L, F310LR, F320K, F320L, F320S, F340K, F340L, F340S, F350K, F350L, F350S, F370K, F370L, F370S, F400K, F400L, F400S, F410S, F430K, F430L, F430S, F440L, F460K, F460L, F460S, F470K, F470L, F470S, F480K, F480L, F480S, F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F520K, F520L, F520S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F610K, F610L, F610S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F7100, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F800K, F800L, F800S, FK430F
- G-series: G1600, G1610, G1800, G3000, G3100, G350, G360, G4010, G4015, G4050, G405TA, G405UA, G420, G5300, G5300i, G5400, G5500, G5600, G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR, G7000, G7030, G7050, G7100, G710AWM, G710AWMH, G710EM, G710EMW, G710N, G710PM, G710RN, G710TM, G710ULM, G710VM, G7110, G7120, G930, G930DS, G930G, G930K, G931
- GB-series: GB100, GB101, GB102, GB102GO, GB105, GB106, GB107, GB108, GB109, GB110, GB115, GB125, GB125a, GB125R, GB126, GB130, GB160, GB160a, GB160b, GB161, GB165, GB170, GB175, GB190, GB190a, GB190b, GB195, GB210, GB220, GB220GO, GB220NGO, GB230, GB250, GB250f, GB250g, GB255, GB255B, GB255G, GB258, GB280
- GC-series: GC900, GC900e, GC900f
- GD-series: GD310, GD330, GD335, GD350, GD510, GD510GO, GD510N, GD510NGO, GD550, GD550e, GD570, GD570AQ, GD570AV, GD570AW, GD580, GD710, GD880, GD880f, GD880G, GD900, GD900e, GD900f, GD910, GD910c
- GM-series: GM200, GM205, GM205GO, GM210, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, GM360, GM360GO, GM360i, GM600, GM630, GM730, GM730e, GM730f, GM735, GM750, GM750h, GM750n, GM750Q
- GR-series: GR500, GR500F, GR500FD, GR500FGO, GR500R, GR500W, GR501, GR525g, GR700, GR700P
- GS-series: GS100, GS101, GS101a, GS101GO, GS102, GS105, GS105GO, GS106, GS106a, GS107, GS107a, GS107b, GS108, GS117, GS155, GS155a, GS155b, GS170, GS190, GS200, GS205, GS290, GS290GO, GS290N, GS290NGO, GS390, GS390GO, GS500, GS500f, GS500g, GS500GO, GS500GX, GS500v, GS505
- GT-series: GT350, GT350F, GT350GO, GT350i, GT360, GT365, GT370, GT400, GT400GO, GT405, GT500, GT500N, GT500s, GT505, GT505e, GT540, GT540f, GT540G, GT540GO, GT540R, GT550, GT810, GT810h, GT950
- GU-series: GU200, GU200a, GU200b, GU200e, GU220, GU230, GU230GO, GU280, GU280f, GU282, GU285, GU285f, GU285g, GU290f, GU290fPO, GU292, GU292A, GU295, GU295F, GU295g, GU297, GU297a, GU920V
- GW-series: GW300, GW300FD, GW300GO, GW305, GW330GO, GW370, GW370b, GW382f, GW520, GW520GO, GW525, GW550, GW550h, GW620, GW620F, GW620G, GW620GO, GW620R, GW820, GW825, GW825v
- GX-series: GX200, GX300, GX500
- H-series: H220, H221, H221AR, H221F, H221G, H222, H222F, H222G, H222TTV, H222TV, H320, H320AR, H320MB, H324, H324T, H324TR, H326G, H326T, H326TV, H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H410, H410YK, H420, H420F, H422, H422F, H422T, H422TV, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H500, H500F, H500G, H500T, H500TR, H502, H502F, H502G, H502T, H502TV, H502Y, H520, H520F, H520G, H520Y, H522, H522F, H522Y, H525, H525N, H525TR, H540, H540D, H540F, H540T, H542, H542TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H778, H779, H788, H788N, H788SG, H788TR, H790, H790T, H791, H791F, H810, H810PR, H810VK, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870AR, H870DS, H870DSU, H870I, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H901, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H930, H930DS, H930G, H930K, H932, H932PR, H932SV, H932U, H933, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H970, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- HB-series: HB620, HB620T
- K-series: K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120GT, K120H, K121, K121K, K121L, K121S, K130, K130E, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220H, K220T, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K410, K410A, K410F, K410G, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430AR, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430H, K430N, K430T, K430TR, K430TV, K430Y, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- KB-series: KB620, KB770, KB775f
- KC-series: KC550, KC560, KC910, KC910Q, KC910Qa
- KE-series: KE500, KE508, KE590, KE590i, KE600, KE608, KE770, KE800, KE850, KE850A, KE858, KE970, KE990, KE990C, KE990d, KE998
- KF-series: KF240, KF245, KF300, KF305, KF310, KF311, KF350, KF390, KF390GO, KF390Q, KF510, KF600, KF690, KF700, KF700q, KF701, KF750, KF750GO, KF755, KF755c, KF755d, KF757, KF758, KF900
- KG-series: KG110, KG115, KG118, KG119, KG120, KG130, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG210, KG220, KG221, KG225, KG228, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG320s, KG328, KG370, KG375, KG376, KG70, KG77, KG800, KG810, KG90, KG90n
- KH-series: KH1000, KH1200, KH1300, KH1400, KH1600, KH1800, KH1800M, KH2100, KH2200, KH2700, KH3100, KH3400, KH3900, KH4500, KH5200, KH6400, KH6500, KH8000, KH8200, KH8600
- KM-series: KM330, KM335, KM380, KM380c, KM380d, KM380T, KM385d, KM386c, KM500, KM500c, KM500d, KM501, KM553, KM555, KM555e, KM555G, KM555GO, KM555R, KM555RGO, KM570, KM570F, KM710, KM710C, KM710D, KM900, KM900e, KM900f, KM900g
- KP-series: KP100, KP105, KP106, KP107, KP108, KP109, KP109a, KP109b, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP130a, KP130b, KP135, KP150, KP151, KP152, KP168, KP169, KP170, KP175, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210, KP215, KP220, KP230, KP233, KP235, KP260, KP265, KP270, KP275, KP293, KP320, KP330, KP500, KP501, KP501GO, KP501N, KP502, KP502GO, KP505, KP550, KP570, KP570q
- KS-series: KS20, KS360, KS365, KS500, KS660
- KT-series: KT520, KT525, KT610, KT615
- KU-series: KU1700, KU2000, KU2100, KU250, KU2800, KU310, KU311, KU3700, KU380, KU385, KU4000, KU4300, KU450, KU5400, KU580, KU5900, KU6000, KU6300, KU800, KU830, KU9000, KU9100, KU9200, KU9300, KU950, KU9500, KU9600, KU970, KU990, KU990GO, KU990i, KU990iGO, KU990MF, KU990R
- L-series: L-01D, L-02D, L-06C, L01A, L01B, L01C, L01F, L02B, L03A, L03B, L03C, L04A, L04B, L04C, L06A, L07C, L1100, L1150, L1400, L21, L22, L23 , L24, L25 (Fx0, Firefox OS), L3100, L341i, L342i, L343i, L600i, L600v, L601i, L602i, L704i, L705i, L705ix, L706ie, L852i
- L-0-series: L-01E, L-02E, L-04E, L-05D, L-05E, L-06D, L-06DJOJO, L-06DJOJOP, L-07C
- LG-series: LG870
- LS-series: LS450, LS660, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS720, LS740, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS885, LS970, LS980, LS990, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS995, LS996, LS997, LS998
- LU-series: LU6200
- LV-series: LV7400, LV7400R
- M-series: M150, M150AT, M151, M152, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320M, M320N, M320TV, M322, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M4400, M4410, M470, M470F, M6100, M700, M700A, M700AN, M700AR, M700B, M700DSK, M700DSN, M700F, M700H, M700N, M700TV, M700Y, M700Z, M703, M703PR, M710H, MS769
- ME-series: ME550, ME770, ME850, ME850c, ME850d, ME970, ME970c, ME970d
- MG-series: MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110b, MG120, MG125, MG130, MG150, MG155, MG160, MG161, MG161a, MG165, MG165a, MG230d, MG235, MG280, MG295, MG296, MG320, MG370, MG377, MG610, MG800, MG808, MG810c, MG810d
- MP-series: MP260, MP450
- MS-series: MS20, MS210, MS25, MS323, MS330, MS345, MS395, MS428, MS500, MS500Z, MS550, MS631, MS659, MS870
- MU-series: MU500, MU515
- P-series: P350, P350F, P350G, P350GN, P350GO, P355, P500, P500GO, P500H, P503, P504, P505 , P505CH, P505P, P505R, P506, P506GO, P509, P509BK, P509BKP, P509MZ, P509MZDU, P509MZP, P509P, P509TN, P509TNDU, P509TNP, P520, P530L, P655H, P655K, P659, P659BK, P659BKGO, P659H, P690, P690b, P690F, P692, P693, P698, P698f, P700, P705, P705f, P705g, P705GO, P708g, P710, P712, P713, P713GO, P713TR, P714, P715, P716, P720, P7200, P720h, P725, P760, P765, P768, P768e, P768f, P768g, P768N, P769, P769BK, P769BKGO, P769BKGO1, P778G, P870, P870H, P870P, P875, P875H, P880, P880g, P895, P895QB, P920, P920H, P925, P925G, P925P, P929, P930, P930P, P935, P936, P940, P940h, P940SC, P970, P970G, P970H, P970N, P990, P990DW, P990H, P990HN, P993, P999, P999DW, P999DWDU, P999DWP, P999WA
- Q-series: Q610BA, Q610EA, Q610EM, Q610EMW, Q610FA, Q610FM, Q610FS, Q610IS, Q610MA, Q610NA, Q610NM, Q610TA, Q610YB, Q610YN, Q610ZA, Q610ZAW, Q610ZM, Q610ZMW, Q710BAW, Q710CS, Q710FA, Q710FM, Q710GX, Q710HS, Q710HSW, Q710MS, Q710NAW, Q710PL, Q710PR, Q710RA, Q710TS, Q710ULM, Q710ULS, Q710US, Q710WA, Q710XM, Q710YAW, Q710YBW, Q710ZM, Q720K, Q720L, Q720S, Q725K, Q725L, Q725S, Q815K, Q815L, Q815S, Q850EA, Q850EAW, Q850EM, Q850EMW, Q850FA, Q850QM, Q910UM
- RS-series: RS988
- S-series: S01, S02, S310, S360, S365, S367, S5000, S5100, S5200
- SH-series: SH110, SH130, SH150, SH150A, SH170, SH210, SH240, SH400, SH410, SH460, SH470, SH490, SH640, SH650, SH810, SH860
- SP-series: SP200, SP320
- SU-series: SU100, SU130, SU200, SU210, SU370, SU410, SU420, SU430, SU540, SU600, SU630, SU640, SU660, SU760, SU870, SU880, SU900, SU910, SU920, SU950, SU960
- T-series: T300, T310, T310GO, T310i, T310N, T315i, T320, T320e, T320g, T325, T325G, T370, T375, T385, T385B, T385GO, T395, T480K, T480S, T500, T500GO, T505, T505GO, T510, T515, T515DW, T530, T565, T565B, T580, T585
- TE-series: TE365, TE365F
- TG-series: TG800
- TP-series: TP260, TP450
- TU-series: TU330, TU500, TU515, TU515T, TU720, TU750, TU915
- U-series: U250, U300, U300C, U310, U310C, U370, U370c, U370w, U450, U450C, U800, U8120, U8130, U8150, U8180, U8200, U8210, U8290, U830, U8330, U8360, U8380, U880, U890, U900, U960, U960, U970, U990
- UK-series: UK410
- US-series: US215, US550, US601, US610, US700, US701, US992, US996, US997, US998, US998R, US998U
- V-series: V300K, V300KR, V300KW, V300L, V300LW, V300S, V300SW, V32, V33, V350AWM, V350EAW, V350EM, V350N, V350ULM, V400, V400N, V405EB, V405EBW, V405N, V405QA, V405UAL, V409N, V410, V411, V490, V495, V496, V497, V520, V521, V521WG, V522, V525, V530, V533, V909, V909DW, V909DWDU, V930, V935, V935T, V940, V940N
- VK-series: VK410, VK815
- VM-series: VM720
- VS-series: VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS750, VS810KPP, VS810PP, VS835, VS870, VS880PP, VS930, VS980, VS985, VS985DU, VS985WDU, VS986, VS986W, VS987, VS988, VS990, VS995, VS996
- W-series: W3000, W5300, W7000, W7020, W7100
- X-series: X120BMW, X120EMW, X120HM, X120JM, X120WM, X120YMW, X120ZM, X130G, X130IM, X130J, X135, X137, X145, X147, X150, X155, X157, X160, X160T, X165, X165G, X170, X170FTV, X170G, X180G, X190, X210, X210CM, X210CMR, X210DS, X210EM, X210EMW, X210G, X210K, X210L, X210MA, X210MB, X210NMW, X210S, X210UKM, X210ULM, X210ULMA, X210ULMG, X220DS, X220DSH, X220G, X220MB, X230, X230AR, X230DS, X230DSF, X230DSV, X230F, X230H, X230HV, X230I, X230K, X230YK, X230Z, X240, X240AR, X240DS, X240DSF, X240F, X240H, X240I, X240K, X240YK, X320K, X320L, X320S, X410TK, X410ULMG, X410ULML, X410UM, X415K, X415L, X415S, X420AS, X420BMW, X420EMW, X420HM, X420MM, X420N, X420ZM, X440IM, X510EW, X510K, X510L, X510S, X520BMW, X520EMW, X520HM, X520ZAW, X525BAW, X525EAW, X525HA, X525ZA, X525ZAW, X540BMW, X540EMW, X600K, X600KP, X600L, X600LP, X600S, X600SP, X625N, X800K, X800L, X800S
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
Octoplus LG Digital 6 Month License
Octoplus LG 6 Months Digital License allows you to service LG phones.
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 6 Months period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions to you
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Additional Features:
- LG Qualcomm language packs editor
- Writing firmware *.m0 files
- Flashing FullFlash binary files
- Flashing firmware *.ssw files
- Single-file flashing
- Read/write EEPROM
- Read/write NVM
- IMEI repair
- Fast country change
- Calibration data restore
- Format FFS
- Repair phone reset
Supported Models:*
- A-series: A100, A100a, A100GO, A110, A130, A133, A133CH, A133GO, A133R, A155, A160, A165, A170, A170GO, A175, A175a, A175b, A180, A180a, A180b, A190, A190a, A190b, A200, A225, A225GO, A230, A235, A250, A258, A270, A270E, A271, A275, A290, A310, A340, A341, A380, A390, A395, A399, A447, A7100, A7150
- AS-series: AS323, AS330, AS375, AS870, AS992, AS993, AS998
- B-series: B200, B2000, B200A, B200E, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B220, B220A, B450, B460, B470, B525
- BL-series: BL20, BL20cf, BL20df, BL20e, BL20GO, BL20t, BL20v, BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g, BL42k
- C-series: C100, C105, C1100, C1150, C1200, C1300, C1300i, C1400, C1500, C193, C195, C195N, C197, C199, C205, C2200, C297, C299, C300, C300GO, C305, C310, C3100, C320, C320i, C330, C3300, C330i, C3310, C3320, C333, C3380, C3400, C360, C3600, C360GO, C365, C370, C375, C395, C397, C398, C399, C410, C440, C441, C550, C555, C660, C660h, C660R, C710, C710h, C729, C729DW, C729DWDU, C729DWP, C729TN, C800, C800DG, C800DGDU, C800DGP, C800g, C800TKGO, C800VL, C800VLP, C900, C900B, C900k
- CB-series: CB630
- CE-series: CE110, CE500
- CF-series: CF360, CF360GO, CF360GO1, CF750
- CG-series: CG180, CG225
- CT-series: CT810, CT815
- CU-series: CU320, CU400, CU405, CU500, CU500V, CU515, CU575, CU720, CU915, CU920
- D-series: D100, D100AR, D100F, D100G, D100J, D105, D105F, D107F, D120, D120AR, D120F, D120G, D120J, D125, D125F, D125G, D127F, D150, D150G, D157, D157F, D160, D160AR, D160F, D160G, D160GO, D160J, D160TR, D165, D165AR, D165F, D165G, D170, D175F, D180F, D213, D213AR, D213C, D213CF, D213CJ, D213F, D213K, D213N, D213TR, D221, D221C, D225, D227, D228, D280, D280AR, D280F, D280G, D280N, D280NR, D280TR, D285, D285F, D285G, D290, D290AR, D290G, D290J, D290N, D290TR, D295, D295F, D300f, D300g, D315, D315H, D315I, D315K, D315S, D320, D320AG, D320AR, D320F, D320F8, D320G8, D320J8, D320N, D320TR, D321, D325, D325F, D325F8, D325G8, D329, D331, D331TR, D335, D335E, D337, D370, D370TR, D373, D373EU, D375, D375AR, D380, D385, D390, D390AR, D390N, D390NS, D392, D392D, D392K, D393, D400, D400H, D400HN, D400N, D405, D405H, D405N, D405TR, D410, D410H, D410HN, D410N, D415, D415BK, D415RD, D415RDGO, D486, D500, D500BK, D500BKGO1, D505, D520, D520BK, D605, D610, D610AR, D610TR, D618, D620, D620FR, D620J, D620K, D620R, D625, D631, D680, D681, D682, D682TR, D683, D684, D685, D686, D690, D690N, D693, D693N, D693TR, D700, D722, D722AR, D722J, D722K, D722P, D722PA, D722V, D723, D723TR, D724, D725, D725P, D725PR, D725WP, D726, D727, D728, D729, D800, D800P, D800T, D801, D801BK, D801HW, D801WH, D801Z, D802, D802T, D802TA, D802TR, D803, D805, D806, D820, D820BK, D821, D830, D838, D850, D850PR, D850TR, D851, D851TN, D851WH , D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859, D950, D950G, D950P, D950W, D951, D955, D956, D957, D958, D959, D959BK, D959TS
- DM-series: DM01G, DM02H
- E-series: E400, E400b, E400f, E400g, E400GO, E400r, E405, E405f, E410, E410b, E410C, E410f, E410g, E410i, E411f , E411g, E415, E415F, E415G, E420, E420F, E425, E425C, E425F, E425G, E425J, E430, E430GO, E431G, E435, E435F, E435G, E435K, E440, E440F, E440G, E440J, E445, E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460, E460F, E465F, E465G, E467F, E470F, E475F, E510, E510f, E510g, E610, E610GO, E610v, E612, E612f, E612g, E615, E615f, E617G, E720, E720b, E720K, E730, E730f, E739, E739BK, E739BKDU, E739BKP, E739KW, E739KWDU, E739KWP, E900, E900h, E906, E960 (Nexus 4), E970, E970P, E971, E973, E975, E975G, E975K, E975R, E975T, E975W, E976, E977, E980, E980H, E980P, E981H, E985, E985T, E986, E987, E988, E989
- F-series: F100S, F1200, F120K, F120L, F120S, F160K, F160L, F160LV, F160S, F180K, F180L, F180S, F200K, F200L, F200LS, F200S, F2100, F220K, F220L, F220S, F2300, F2400, F240K, F240L, F240S, F2410, F3000, F300K, F300L, F300S, F310L, F310LR, F320K, F320L, F320S, F340K, F340L, F340S, F350K, F350L, F350S, F370K, F370L, F370S, F400K, F400L, F400S, F410S, F430K, F430L, F430S, F440L, F460K, F460L, F460S, F470K, F470L, F470S, F480K, F480L, F480S, F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F520K, F520L, F520S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F610K, F610L, F610S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F7100, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F800K, F800L, F800S, FK430F
- G-series: G1600, G1610, G1800, G3000, G3100, G350, G360, G4010, G4015, G4050, G405TA, G405UA, G420, G5300, G5300i, G5400, G5500, G5600, G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR, G7000, G7030, G7050, G7100, G710AWM, G710AWMH, G710EM, G710EMW, G710N, G710PM, G710RN, G710TM, G710ULM, G710VM, G7110, G7120, G930, G930DS, G930G, G930K, G931
- GB-series: GB100, GB101, GB102, GB102GO, GB105, GB106, GB107, GB108, GB109, GB110, GB115, GB125, GB125a, GB125R, GB126, GB130, GB160, GB160a, GB160b, GB161, GB165, GB170, GB175, GB190, GB190a, GB190b, GB195, GB210, GB220, GB220GO, GB220NGO, GB230, GB250, GB250f, GB250g, GB255, GB255B, GB255G, GB258, GB280
- GC-series: GC900, GC900e, GC900f
- GD-series: GD310, GD330, GD335, GD350, GD510, GD510GO, GD510N, GD510NGO, GD550, GD550e, GD570, GD570AQ, GD570AV, GD570AW, GD580, GD710, GD880, GD880f, GD880G, GD900, GD900e, GD900f, GD910, GD910c
- GM-series: GM200, GM205, GM205GO, GM210, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, GM360, GM360GO, GM360i, GM600, GM630, GM730, GM730e, GM730f, GM735, GM750, GM750h, GM750n, GM750Q
- GR-series: GR500, GR500F, GR500FD, GR500FGO, GR500R, GR500W, GR501, GR525g, GR700, GR700P
- GS-series: GS100, GS101, GS101a, GS101GO, GS102, GS105, GS105GO, GS106, GS106a, GS107, GS107a, GS107b, GS108, GS117, GS155, GS155a, GS155b, GS170, GS190, GS200, GS205, GS290, GS290GO, GS290N, GS290NGO, GS390, GS390GO, GS500, GS500f, GS500g, GS500GO, GS500GX, GS500v, GS505
- GT-series: GT350, GT350F, GT350GO, GT350i, GT360, GT365, GT370, GT400, GT400GO, GT405, GT500, GT500N, GT500s, GT505, GT505e, GT540, GT540f, GT540G, GT540GO, GT540R, GT550, GT810, GT810h, GT950
- GU-series: GU200, GU200a, GU200b, GU200e, GU220, GU230, GU230GO, GU280, GU280f, GU282, GU285, GU285f, GU285g, GU290f, GU290fPO, GU292, GU292A, GU295, GU295F, GU295g, GU297, GU297a, GU920V
- GW-series: GW300, GW300FD, GW300GO, GW305, GW330GO, GW370, GW370b, GW382f, GW520, GW520GO, GW525, GW550, GW550h, GW620, GW620F, GW620G, GW620GO, GW620R, GW820, GW825, GW825v
- GX-series: GX200, GX300, GX500
- H-series: H220, H221, H221AR, H221F, H221G, H222, H222F, H222G, H222TTV, H222TV, H320, H320AR, H320MB, H324, H324T, H324TR, H326G, H326T, H326TV, H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H410, H410YK, H420, H420F, H422, H422F, H422T, H422TV, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H500, H500F, H500G, H500T, H500TR, H502, H502F, H502G, H502T, H502TV, H502Y, H520, H520F, H520G, H520Y, H522, H522F, H522Y, H525, H525N, H525TR, H540, H540D, H540F, H540T, H542, H542TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H778, H779, H788, H788N, H788SG, H788TR, H790, H790T, H791, H791F, H810, H810PR, H810VK, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870AR, H870DS, H870DSU, H870I, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H901, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H930, H930DS, H930G, H930K, H932, H932PR, H932SV, H932U, H933, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H970, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- HB-series: HB620, HB620T
- K-series: K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120GT, K120H, K121, K121K, K121L, K121S, K130, K130E, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220H, K220T, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K410, K410A, K410F, K410G, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430AR, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430H, K430N, K430T, K430TR, K430TV, K430Y, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- KB-series: KB620, KB770, KB775f
- KC-series: KC550, KC560, KC910, KC910Q, KC910Qa
- KE-series: KE500, KE508, KE590, KE590i, KE600, KE608, KE770, KE800, KE850, KE850A, KE858, KE970, KE990, KE990C, KE990d, KE998
- KF-series: KF240, KF245, KF300, KF305, KF310, KF311, KF350, KF390, KF390GO, KF390Q, KF510, KF600, KF690, KF700, KF700q, KF701, KF750, KF750GO, KF755, KF755c, KF755d, KF757, KF758, KF900
- KG-series: KG110, KG115, KG118, KG119, KG120, KG130, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG210, KG220, KG221, KG225, KG228, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG320s, KG328, KG370, KG375, KG376, KG70, KG77, KG800, KG810, KG90, KG90n
- KH-series: KH1000, KH1200, KH1300, KH1400, KH1600, KH1800, KH1800M, KH2100, KH2200, KH2700, KH3100, KH3400, KH3900, KH4500, KH5200, KH6400, KH6500, KH8000, KH8200, KH8600
- KM-series: KM330, KM335, KM380, KM380c, KM380d, KM380T, KM385d, KM386c, KM500, KM500c, KM500d, KM501, KM553, KM555, KM555e, KM555G, KM555GO, KM555R, KM555RGO, KM570, KM570F, KM710, KM710C, KM710D, KM900, KM900e, KM900f, KM900g
- KP-series: KP100, KP105, KP106, KP107, KP108, KP109, KP109a, KP109b, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP130a, KP130b, KP135, KP150, KP151, KP152, KP168, KP169, KP170, KP175, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210, KP215, KP220, KP230, KP233, KP235, KP260, KP265, KP270, KP275, KP293, KP320, KP330, KP500, KP501, KP501GO, KP501N, KP502, KP502GO, KP505, KP550, KP570, KP570q
- KS-series: KS20, KS360, KS365, KS500, KS660
- KT-series: KT520, KT525, KT610, KT615
- KU-series: KU1700, KU2000, KU2100, KU250, KU2800, KU310, KU311, KU3700, KU380, KU385, KU4000, KU4300, KU450, KU5400, KU580, KU5900, KU6000, KU6300, KU800, KU830, KU9000, KU9100, KU9200, KU9300, KU950, KU9500, KU9600, KU970, KU990, KU990GO, KU990i, KU990iGO, KU990MF, KU990R
- L-series: L-01D, L-02D, L-06C, L01A, L01B, L01C, L01F, L02B, L03A, L03B, L03C, L04A, L04B, L04C, L06A, L07C, L1100, L1150, L1400, L21, L22, L23 , L24, L25 (Fx0, Firefox OS), L3100, L341i, L342i, L343i, L600i, L600v, L601i, L602i, L704i, L705i, L705ix, L706ie, L852i
- L-0-series: L-01E, L-02E, L-04E, L-05D, L-05E, L-06D, L-06DJOJO, L-06DJOJOP, L-07C
- LG-series: LG870
- LS-series: LS450, LS660, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS720, LS740, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS885, LS970, LS980, LS990, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS995, LS996, LS997, LS998
- LU-series: LU6200
- LV-series: LV7400, LV7400R
- M-series: M150, M150AT, M151, M152, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320M, M320N, M320TV, M322, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M4400, M4410, M470, M470F, M6100, M700, M700A, M700AN, M700AR, M700B, M700DSK, M700DSN, M700F, M700H, M700N, M700TV, M700Y, M700Z, M703, M703PR, M710H, MS769
- ME-series: ME550, ME770, ME850, ME850c, ME850d, ME970, ME970c, ME970d
- MG-series: MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110b, MG120, MG125, MG130, MG150, MG155, MG160, MG161, MG161a, MG165, MG165a, MG230d, MG235, MG280, MG295, MG296, MG320, MG370, MG377, MG610, MG800, MG808, MG810c, MG810d
- MP-series: MP260, MP450
- MS-series: MS20, MS210, MS25, MS323, MS330, MS345, MS395, MS428, MS500, MS500Z, MS550, MS631, MS659, MS870
- MU-series: MU500, MU515
- P-series: P350, P350F, P350G, P350GN, P350GO, P355, P500, P500GO, P500H, P503, P504, P505 , P505CH, P505P, P505R, P506, P506GO, P509, P509BK, P509BKP, P509MZ, P509MZDU, P509MZP, P509P, P509TN, P509TNDU, P509TNP, P520, P530L, P655H, P655K, P659, P659BK, P659BKGO, P659H, P690, P690b, P690F, P692, P693, P698, P698f, P700, P705, P705f, P705g, P705GO, P708g, P710, P712, P713, P713GO, P713TR, P714, P715, P716, P720, P7200, P720h, P725, P760, P765, P768, P768e, P768f, P768g, P768N, P769, P769BK, P769BKGO, P769BKGO1, P778G, P870, P870H, P870P, P875, P875H, P880, P880g, P895, P895QB, P920, P920H, P925, P925G, P925P, P929, P930, P930P, P935, P936, P940, P940h, P940SC, P970, P970G, P970H, P970N, P990, P990DW, P990H, P990HN, P993, P999, P999DW, P999DWDU, P999DWP, P999WA
- Q-series: Q610BA, Q610EA, Q610EM, Q610EMW, Q610FA, Q610FM, Q610FS, Q610IS, Q610MA, Q610NA, Q610NM, Q610TA, Q610YB, Q610YN, Q610ZA, Q610ZAW, Q610ZM, Q610ZMW, Q710BAW, Q710CS, Q710FA, Q710FM, Q710GX, Q710HS, Q710HSW, Q710MS, Q710NAW, Q710PL, Q710PR, Q710RA, Q710TS, Q710ULM, Q710ULS, Q710US, Q710WA, Q710XM, Q710YAW, Q710YBW, Q710ZM, Q720K, Q720L, Q720S, Q725K, Q725L, Q725S, Q815K, Q815L, Q815S, Q850EA, Q850EAW, Q850EM, Q850EMW, Q850FA, Q850QM, Q910UM
- RS-series: RS988
- S-series: S01, S02, S310, S360, S365, S367, S5000, S5100, S5200
- SH-series: SH110, SH130, SH150, SH150A, SH170, SH210, SH240, SH400, SH410, SH460, SH470, SH490, SH640, SH650, SH810, SH860
- SP-series: SP200, SP320
- SU-series: SU100, SU130, SU200, SU210, SU370, SU410, SU420, SU430, SU540, SU600, SU630, SU640, SU660, SU760, SU870, SU880, SU900, SU910, SU920, SU950, SU960
- T-series: T300, T310, T310GO, T310i, T310N, T315i, T320, T320e, T320g, T325, T325G, T370, T375, T385, T385B, T385GO, T395, T480K, T480S, T500, T500GO, T505, T505GO, T510, T515, T515DW, T530, T565, T565B, T580, T585
- TE-series: TE365, TE365F
- TG-series: TG800
- TP-series: TP260, TP450
- TU-series: TU330, TU500, TU515, TU515T, TU720, TU750, TU915
- U-series: U250, U300, U300C, U310, U310C, U370, U370c, U370w, U450, U450C, U800, U8120, U8130, U8150, U8180, U8200, U8210, U8290, U830, U8330, U8360, U8380, U880, U890, U900, U960, U960, U970, U990
- UK-series: UK410
- US-series: US215, US550, US601, US610, US700, US701, US992, US996, US997, US998, US998R, US998U
- V-series: V300K, V300KR, V300KW, V300L, V300LW, V300S, V300SW, V32, V33, V350AWM, V350EAW, V350EM, V350N, V350ULM, V400, V400N, V405EB, V405EBW, V405N, V405QA, V405UAL, V409N, V410, V411, V490, V495, V496, V497, V520, V521, V521WG, V522, V525, V530, V533, V909, V909DW, V909DWDU, V930, V935, V935T, V940, V940N
- VK-series: VK410, VK815
- VM-series: VM720
- VS-series: VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS750, VS810KPP, VS810PP, VS835, VS870, VS880PP, VS930, VS980, VS985, VS985DU, VS985WDU, VS986, VS986W, VS987, VS988, VS990, VS995, VS996
- W-series: W3000, W5300, W7000, W7020, W7100
- X-series: X120BMW, X120EMW, X120HM, X120JM, X120WM, X120YMW, X120ZM, X130G, X130IM, X130J, X135, X137, X145, X147, X150, X155, X157, X160, X160T, X165, X165G, X170, X170FTV, X170G, X180G, X190, X210, X210CM, X210CMR, X210DS, X210EM, X210EMW, X210G, X210K, X210L, X210MA, X210MB, X210NMW, X210S, X210UKM, X210ULM, X210ULMA, X210ULMG, X220DS, X220DSH, X220G, X220MB, X230, X230AR, X230DS, X230DSF, X230DSV, X230F, X230H, X230HV, X230I, X230K, X230YK, X230Z, X240, X240AR, X240DS, X240DSF, X240F, X240H, X240I, X240K, X240YK, X320K, X320L, X320S, X410TK, X410ULMG, X410ULML, X410UM, X415K, X415L, X415S, X420AS, X420BMW, X420EMW, X420HM, X420MM, X420N, X420ZM, X440IM, X510EW, X510K, X510L, X510S, X520BMW, X520EMW, X520HM, X520ZAW, X525BAW, X525EAW, X525HA, X525ZA, X525ZAW, X540BMW, X540EMW, X600K, X600KP, X600L, X600LP, X600S, X600SP, X625N, X800K, X800L, X
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Octoplus LG Lite to Full Upgrade
Before place order must check if your box is lite box then place order
if your Box is already LG FULL then do not use this service will no refund for this mistake
Octoplus LG Lite to Full Upgrade - Outstanding Features:
- Direct unlock
- All locks reset
- Firmware update
- Read / Write Full Flash and Calibration data files
- Read firmware version
- Full factory reset
- LG 3G-Cyon-Show-FOMA phones support
- Anycall phones support
- Repair IMEI
- Read Boot / Flash
- Write Boot / Flash
- Erase Boot / Flash
- Repair Boot / Flash
- Read codes
Octoplus LG Lite to Full Upgrade for:
- Octoplus Box
- Octoplus Dongle
- Medusa
- Medusa PRO
Octoplus LG Lite to Full Upgrade - Supported Models: *
- A-series: A100, A100a, A100GO, A110, A130, A133, A133CH, A133GO, A133R, A155, A160, A165, A170, A170GO, A175, A175a, A175b, A180, A180a, A180b, A190, A190a, A190b, A200, A225, A225GO, A230, A235, A250, A258, A270, A270E, A271, A275, A290, A310, A340, A341, A380, A390, A395, A399, A447, A7100, A7150
- AS-series: AS323, AS330, AS375, AS870, AS992, AS993, AS998
- B-series: B200, B2000, B200A, B200E, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B220, B220A, B450, B460, B470, B525
- BL-series: BL20, BL20cf, BL20df, BL20e, BL20GO, BL20t, BL20v, BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g, BL42k
- C-series: C100, C105, C1100, C1150, C1200, C1300, C1300i, C1400, C1500, C193, C195, C195N, C197, C199, C205, C2200, C297, C299, C300, C300GO, C305, C310, C3100, C320, C320i, C330, C3300, C330i, C3310, C3320, C333, C3380, C3400, C360, C3600, C360GO, C365, C370, C375, C395, C397, C398, C399, C410, C440, C441, C550, C555, C660, C660h, C660R, C710, C710h, C729, C729DW, C729DWDU, C729DWP, C729TN, C800, C800DG, C800DGDU, C800DGP, C800g, C800TKGO, C800VL, C800VLP, C900, C900B, C900k
- CB-series: CB630
- CE-series: CE110, CE500
- CF-series: CF360, CF360GO, CF360GO1, CF750
- CG-series: CG180, CG225
- CT-series: CT810, CT815
- CU-series: CU320, CU400, CU405, CU500, CU500V, CU515, CU575, CU720, CU915, CU920
- D-series: D100, D100AR, D100F, D100G, D100J, D105, D105F, D107F, D120, D120AR, D120F, D120G, D120J, D125, D125F, D125G, D127F, D150, D150G, D157, D157F, D160, D160AR, D160F, D160G, D160GO, D160J, D160TR, D165, D165AR, D165F, D165G, D170, D175F, D180F, D213, D213AR, D213C, D213CF, D213CJ, D213F, D213K, D213N, D213TR, D221, D221C, D225, D227, D228, D280, D280AR, D280F, D280G, D280N, D280NR, D280TR, D285, D285F, D285G, D290, D290AR, D290G, D290J, D290N, D290TR, D295, D295F, D300f, D300g, D315, D315H, D315I, D315K, D315S, D320, D320AG, D320AR, D320F, D320F8, D320G8, D320J8, D320N, D320TR, D321, D325, D325F, D325F8, D325G8, D329, D331, D331TR, D335, D335E, D337, D370, D370TR, D373, D373EU, D375, D375AR, D380, D385, D390, D390AR, D390N, D390NS, D392, D392D, D392K, D393, D400, D400H, D400HN, D400N, D405, D405H, D405N, D405TR, D410, D410H, D410HN, D410N, D415, D415BK, D415RD, D415RDGO, D486, D500, D500BK, D500BKGO1, D505, D520, D520BK, D605, D610, D610AR, D610TR, D618, D620, D620FR, D620J, D620K, D620R, D625, D631, D680, D681, D682, D682TR, D683, D684, D685, D686, D690, D690N, D693, D693N, D693TR, D700, D722, D722AR, D722J, D722K, D722P, D722PA, D722V, D723, D723TR, D724, D725, D725P, D725PR, D725WP, D726, D727, D728, D729, D800, D800P, D800T, D801, D801BK, D801HW, D801WH, D801Z, D802, D802T, D802TA, D802TR, D803, D805, D806, D820, D820BK, D821, D830, D838, D850, D850PR, D850TR, D851, D851TN, D851WH, D852, D852G, D855, D855AR, D855K, D855P, D855TR, D855V, D856, D857, D858, D858HK, D859, D950, D950G, D950P, D950W, D951, D955, D956, D957, D958, D959, D959BK, D959TS
- DM-series: DM-01G
- E-series: E400, E400b, E400f, E400g, E400GO, E400r, E405, E405f, E410, E410b, E410C, E410f, E410g, E410i, E411f, E411g, E415, E415F, E415G, E420, E420F, E425, E425C, E425F, E425G, E425J, E430, E430GO, E431G, E435, E435F, E435G, E435K, E440, E440F, E440G, E440J, E445, E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460, E460F, E465F, E465G, E467F, E470F, E475F, E510, E510f, E510g, E610, E610GO, E610v, E612, E612f, E612g, E615, E615f, E617G, E720, E720b, E720K, E730, E730f, E739, E739BK, E739BKDU, E739BKP, E739KW, E739KWDU, E739KWP, E900, E900h, E906, E960 (Nexus 4), E970, E970P, E971, E973, E975, E975G, E975K, E975R, E975T, E975W, E976, E977, E980, E980H, E980P, E981H, E985, E985T, E986, E987, E988, E989
- F-series: F100S, F1200, F120K, F120L, F120S, F160K, F160L, F160LV, F160S, F180K, F180L, F180S, F200K, F200L, F200LS, F200S, F2100, F220K, F220L, F220S, F2300, F2400, F240K, F240L, F240S, F2410, F3000, F300K, F300L, F300S, F310L, F310LR, F320K, F320L, F320S, F340K, F340L, F340S, F350K, F350L, F350S, F370K, F370L, F370S, F400K, F400L, F400S, F410S, F430K, F430L, F430S, F440L, F460K, F460L, F460S, F470K, F470L, F470S, F480K, F480L, F480S, F500K, F500L, F500S, F510K, F510L, F510S, F520K, F520L, F520S, F540K, F540L, F540S, F560K, F570S, F600K, F600L, F600S, F610K, F610L, F610S, F620K, F620L, F620S, F650K, F650L, F650S, F670K, F670L, F670S, F700K, F700L, F700S, F7100, F720K, F720L, F720S, F750K, F800K, F800L, F800S, FK430F
- G-series: G1600, G1610, G1800, G3000, G3100, G350, G360, G4010, G4015, G4050, G420, G5300, G5300i, G5400, G5500, G5600, G600K, G600KP, G600KR, G600L, G600LP, G600LR, G600S, G600SP, G600SR, G7000, G7030, G7050, G7100, G710AWMH, G710EM, G710EMW, G710PM, G7110, G7120, G930, G930DS, G930G, G930K, G931
- GB-series: GB100, GB101, GB102, GB102GO, GB105, GB106, GB107, GB108, GB109, GB110, GB115, GB125, GB125a, GB125R, GB126, GB130, GB160, GB160a, GB160b, GB161, GB165, GB170, GB175, GB190, GB190a, GB190b, GB195, GB210, GB220, GB220GO, GB220NGO, GB230, GB250, GB250f, GB250g, GB255, GB255B, GB255G, GB258, GB280
- GC-series: GC900, GC900e, GC900f
- GD-series: GD310, GD330, GD335, GD350, GD510, GD510GO, GD510N, GD510NGO, GD550, GD550e, GD570, GD570AQ, GD570AV, GD570AW, GD580, GD710, GD880, GD880f, GD880G, GD900, GD900e, GD900f, GD910, GD910c
- GM-series: GM200, GM205, GM205GO, GM210, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, GM360, GM360GO, GM360i, GM600, GM630, GM730, GM730e, GM730f, GM735, GM750, GM750h, GM750n, GM750Q
- GR-series: GR500, GR500F, GR500FD, GR500FGO, GR500R, GR500W, GR501, GR525g, GR700, GR700P
- GS-series: GS100, GS101, GS101a, GS101GO, GS102, GS105, GS105GO, GS106, GS106a, GS107, GS107a, GS107b, GS108, GS117, GS155, GS155a, GS155b, GS170, GS190, GS200, GS205, GS290, GS290GO, GS290N, GS290NGO, GS390, GS390GO, GS500, GS500f, GS500g, GS500GO, GS500GX, GS500v, GS505
- GT-series: GT350, GT350F, GT350GO, GT350i, GT360, GT365, GT370, GT400, GT400GO, GT405, GT500, GT500N, GT500s, GT505, GT505e, GT540, GT540f, GT540G, GT540GO, GT540R, GT550, GT810, GT810h, GT950
- GU-series: GU200, GU200a, GU200b, GU200e, GU220, GU230, GU230GO, GU280, GU280f, GU282, GU285, GU285f, GU285g, GU290f, GU290fPO, GU292, GU292A, GU295, GU295F, GU295g, GU297, GU297a, GU920V
- GW-series: GW300, GW300FD, GW300GO, GW305, GW330GO, GW370, GW370b, GW382f, GW520, GW520GO, GW525, GW550, GW550h, GW620, GW620F, GW620G, GW620GO, GW620R, GW820, GW825, GW825v
- GX-series: GX200, GX300, GX500
- H-series: H220, H221, H221AR, H221F, H221G, H222, H222F, H222G, H222TTV, H222TV, H320, H320AR, H320MB, H324, H324T, H324TR, H326G, H326T, H326TV, H340, H340AR, H340F, H340G, H340H, H340N, H340Y, H342, H342F, H342FT, H342I, H342TR, H343, H345, H410, H410YK, H420, H420F, H422, H422F, H422T, H422TV, H440, H440AR, H440F, H440N, H440V, H440Y, H442, H442F, H443, H445, H500, H500F, H500G, H500T, H500TR, H502, H502F, H502G, H502T, H502TV, H502Y, H520, H520F, H520G, H520Y, H522, H522F, H522Y, H525, H525N, H525TR, H540, H540D, H540F, H540T, H542, H542TR, H630, H630D, H630I, H631, H634, H635, H635A, H635AR, H635C, H635CX, H636, H650, H650AR, H650E, H650K, H731, H734, H735, H735AR, H735L, H735MT, H735P, H735T, H735TR, H736, H736P, H740, H778, H779, H788, H788N, H788SG, H788TR, H790, H790T, H791, H791F, H810, H810PR, H810VK, H811, H811VK, H812, H815, H815AR, H815K, H815L, H815P, H815T, H815TR, H818, H818N, H818P, H818PA, H819, H820, H820PR, H830, H830SV, H831, H840, H840AR, H840TR, H845, H845N, H848, H850, H850AR, H850K, H850TR, H858, H860, H860N, H868, H870, H870AR, H870DS, H870DSU, H870I, H870K, H870S, H870U, H870V, H871, H872, H872PR, H873, H900, H900PR, H901, H910, H910PR, H915, H918, H930, H930DS, H930G, H930K, H932, H932PR, H932SV, H932U, H933, H950, H950PR, H955, H955A, H955AR, H955HK, H955P, H955TR, H959, H960, H960A, H960AR, H960ATR, H960AY, H960P, H960TR, H960YK, H961, H961AN, H961N, H961S, H962, H968, H970, H990, H990DS, H990N, H990T, H990TR
- HB-series: HB620, HB620T
- K-series: K100, K100DS, K100E, K100TR, K120, K120AR, K120E, K120F, K120GT, K120H, K121, K121K, K121L, K121S, K130, K130E, K130F, K130Y, K200, K200DS, K200DSF, K200DSK, K200F, K200MT, K210, K220, K220AR, K220BR, K220DS, K220DSF, K220DSK, K220DSZ, K220H, K220T, K220Y, K220Z, K240, K240AR, K240F, K240H, K330, K350, K350AR, K350DS, K350E, K350F, K350H, K350K, K350N, K350NDS, K350TR, K350Y, K350Z, K371, K373, K410, K410A, K410F, K410G, K420DS, K420N, K420NM, K420PR, K425, K428, K430AR, K430DS, K430DSE, K430DSF, K430DSY, K430H, K430N, K430T, K430TR, K430TV, K430Y, K450, K500AR, K500DS, K500DSF, K500DSK, K500DSZ, K500F, K500H, K500I, K500J, K500K, K500N, K500TR, K500Y, K500Z, K520, K520D, K520DY, K520K, K520TR, K520Y, K530, K530AR, K530DY, K530F, K530TR, K535, K535D, K535N, K535T, K540, K550, K550BN, K550BNGO1, K557, K580, K580AR, K580DS, K580DSF, K580DSK, K580DSZ, K580F, K580H, K580I, K580TR, K580Y, K580Z, K600, K600HK, K600Y
- KB-series: KB620, KB770, KB775f
- KC-series: KC550, KC560, KC910, KC910Q, KC910Qa
- KE-series: KE500, KE508, KE590, KE590i, KE600, KE608, KE770, KE800, KE850, KE850A, KE858, KE970, KE990, KE990C, KE990d, KE998
- KF-series: KF240, KF245, KF300, KF305, KF310, KF311, KF350, KF390, KF390GO, KF390Q, KF510, KF600, KF690, KF700, KF700q, KF701, KF750, KF750GO, KF755, KF755c, KF755d, KF757, KF758, KF900
- KG-series: KG110, KG115, KG118, KG119, KG120, KG130, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG210, KG220, KG221, KG225, KG228, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG320s, KG328, KG370, KG375, KG376, KG70, KG77, KG800, KG810, KG90, KG90n
- KH-series: KH1000, KH1200, KH1300, KH1400, KH1600, KH1800, KH1800M, KH2100, KH2200, KH2700, KH3100, KH3400, KH3900, KH4500, KH5200, KH6400, KH6500, KH8000, KH8200, KH8600
- KM-series: KM330, KM335, KM380, KM380c, KM380d, KM380T, KM385d, KM386c, KM500, KM500c, KM500d, KM501, KM553, KM555, KM555e, KM555G, KM555GO, KM555R, KM555RGO, KM570, KM570F, KM710, KM710C, KM710D, KM900, KM900e, KM900f, KM900g
- KP-series: KP100, KP105, KP106, KP107, KP108, KP109, KP109a, KP109b, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP130a, KP130b, KP135, KP150, KP151, KP152, KP168, KP169, KP170, KP175, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210, KP215, KP220, KP230, KP233, KP235, KP260, KP265, KP270, KP275, KP293, KP320, KP330, KP500, KP501, KP501GO, KP501N, KP502, KP502GO, KP505, KP550, KP570, KP570q
- KS-series: KS20, KS360, KS365, KS500, KS660
- KT-series: KT520, KT525, KT610, KT615
- KU-series: KU1700, KU2000, KU2100, KU250, KU2800, KU310, KU311, KU3700, KU380, KU385, KU4000, KU4300, KU450, KU5400, KU580, KU5900, KU6000, KU6300, KU800, KU830, KU9000, KU9100, KU9200, KU9300, KU950, KU9500, KU9600, KU970, KU990, KU990GO, KU990i, KU990iGO, KU990MF, KU990R
- L-series: L-01D, L-02D, L-06C, L01A, L01B, L01C, L01F, L02B, L03A, L03B, L03C, L04A, L04B, L04C, L06A, L07C, L1100, L1150, L1400, L21, L22, L23, L24, L25 (Fx0, Firefox OS), L3100, L341i, L342i, L343i, L600i, L600v, L601i, L602i, L704i, L705i, L705ix, L706ie, L852i
- L-0-series: L-01E, L-02E, L-04E, L-05D, L-05E, L-06D, L-06DJOJO, L-06DJOJOP, L-07C
- LG-series: LG870
- LS-series: LS450, LS660, LS665, LS675, LS676, LS720, LS740, LS751, LS755, LS770, LS775, LS885, LS970, LS980, LS990, LS991, LS992, LS993, LS995, LS996, LS997, LS998
- LU-series: LU6200
- LV-series: LV7400, LV7400R
- M-series: M150, M150AT, M151, M153, M154, M160, M160E, M200E, M200N, M210, M250, M250AR, M250DS, M250DSN, M250E, M250F, M250H, M250I, M250K, M250M, M250N, M250Y, M250YK, M255, M257, M257PR, M320, M320AR, M320DSN, M320F, M320G, M320H, M320K, M320M, M320N, M320TV, M322, M327, M400AR, M400DF, M400DK, M400DY, M400F, M400MT, M400N, M400Y, M430, M4400, M4410, M470, M470F, M6100, M700, M700A, M700AN, M700AR, M700B, M700DSK, M700DSN, M700F, M700H, M700N, M700TV, M700Y, M700Z, M703, M703PR, M710H, MS769
- ME-series: ME550, ME770, ME850, ME850c, ME850d, ME970, ME970c, ME970d
- MG-series: MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110b, MG120, MG125, MG130, MG150, MG155, MG160, MG161, MG161a, MG165, MG165a, MG230d, MG235, MG280, MG295, MG296, MG320, MG370, MG377, MG610, MG800, MG808, MG810c, MG810d
- MP-series: MP260, MP450
- MS-series: MS20, MS210, MS25, MS323, MS330, MS345, MS395, MS428, MS500, MS500Z, MS550, MS631, MS659, MS870
- MU-series: MU500, MU515
- P-series: P350, P350F, P350G, P350GN, P350GO, P355, P500, P500GO, P500H, P503, P504, P505, P505CH, P505P, P505R, P506, P506GO, P509, P509BK, P509BKP, P509MZ, P509MZDU, P509MZP, P509P, P509TN, P509TNDU, P509TNP, P520, P655H, P655K, P659, P659BK, P659BKGO, P659H, P690, P690b, P690F, P692, P693, P698, P698f, P700, P705, P705f, P705g, P705GO, P708g, P710, P712, P713, P713GO, P713TR, P714, P715, P716, P720, P7200, P720h, P725, P760, P765, P768, P768e, P768f, P768g, P768N, P769, P769BK, P769BKGO, P769BKGO1, P778G, P870, P870H, P870P, P875, P875H, P880, P880g, P895, P895QB, P920, P920H, P925, P925G, P925P, P929, P930, P930P, P935, P936, P940, P940h, P940SC, P970, P970G, P970H, P970N, P990, P990DW, P990H, P990HN, P993, P999, P999DW, P999DWDU, P999DWP, P999WA
- RS-series: RS988
- S-series: S01, S02, S310, S360, S365, S367, S5000, S5100, S5200
- SH-series: SH110, SH130, SH150, SH150A, SH170, SH210, SH240, SH400, SH410, SH460, SH470, SH490, SH640, SH650, SH810, SH860
- SU-series: SU100, SU130, SU200, SU210, SU370, SU410, SU420, SU430, SU540, SU600, SU630, SU640, SU660, SU760, SU870, SU880, SU900, SU910, SU920, SU950, SU960
- T-series: T300, T310, T310GO, T310i, T310N, T315i, T320, T320e, T320g, T325, T325G, T370, T375, T385, T385B, T385GO, T395, T480K, T480S, T500, T500GO, T505, T505GO, T510, T515, T515DW, T530, T565, T565B, T580, T585
- TE-series: TE365, TE365F
- TG-series: TG800
- TP-series: TP260, TP450
- TU-series: TU330, TU500, TU515, TU515T, TU720, TU750, TU915
- U-series: U250, U300, U300C, U310, U310C, U370, U370c, U370w, U450, U450C, U800, U8120, U8130, U8150, U8180, U8200, U8210, U8290, U830, U8330, U8360, U8380, U880, U890, U900, U960, U970, U990
- UK-series: UK410
- US-series: US215, US550, US601, US610, US700, US992, US996, US998, US998R, US998U
- V-series: V300K, V300KR, V300KW, V300L, V300LW, V300S, V300SW, V32, V33, V350AWM, V350ULM, V400, V410, V411, V490, V495, V496, V497, V520, V521, V521WG, V522, V525, V530, V533, V909, V909DW, V909DWDU, V930, V935, V935T, V940, V940N
- VK-series: VK410, VK815
- VM-series: VM720
- VS-series: VS425, VS425LPP, VS425PP, VS500, VS500PP, VS750, VS810KPP, VS810PP, VS835, VS870, VS880PP, VS930, VS980, VS985, VS985DU, VS985WDU, VS986, VS986W, VS987, VS988, VS990, VS995, VS996
- W-series: W3000, W5300, W7000, W7020, W7100
- X-series: X130G, X130J, X135, X137, X145, X147, X150, X155, X157, X160, X160T, X165, X165G, X170, X170FTV, X170G, X180G, X190, X210, X210CM, X210CMR, X210DS, X210EM, X210EMW, X210G, X210K, X210L, X210MA, X210MB, X210NMW, X210S, X210UKM, X210ULM, X210ULMA, X210ULMG, X220DS, X220DSH, X220G, X220MB, X230, X230AR, X230DS, X230DSF, X230DSV, X230F, X230H, X230HV, X230I, X230K, X230YK, X230Z, X240, X240AR, X240DS, X240DSF, X240F, X240H, X240I, X240K, X320K, X320L, X320S, X410TK, X410ULMG, X410ULML, X410UM, X600K, X600KP, X600L, X600LP, X600S, X600SP, X800K, X800L, X800S
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
Octoplus Samsung Digital 1 Year License
Octoplus Samsung 1 Year Digital License allows you to service Samsung cell phones.
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 1 year period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Supported Models:*
- Galaxy S-series: Galaxy S SC-02B
- Galaxy Tab-series: Galaxy Tab SC-01C
- G-series: G9500, G9508, G950D, G950F, G950FD, G950J, G950N, G950U, G950U1, G950V, G950W
- GT-5-series: GT-5570, GT-5570B, GT-5570L
- GT-B-series: GT-B2710, GT-B2710D, GT-B3210, GT-B3210M, GT-B3310, GT-B3313, GT-B3410, GT-B3410L, GT-B3410W, GT-B5330, GT-B5330B, GT-B5330L, GT-B5510, GT-B5510B, GT-B5510L, GT-B5512, GT-B5512B, GT-B7510, GT-B7510L, GT-B7722
- GT-C-series: GT-C3010, GT-C3010S, GT-C3011, GT-C3050, GT-C3050C, GT-C3200, GT-C3200G, GT-C3212, GT-C3212I , GT-C3222, GT-C3222W, GT-C3262, GT-C3300, GT-C3300D, GT-C3300I, GT-C3300K, GT-C3303, GT-C3303I, GT-C3303K, GT-C3310, GT-C3310R, GT-C3312, GT-C3312R, GT-C3312S, GT-C3313T, GT-C3322, GT-C3322i, GT-C3322W, GT-C3330, GT-C3332, GT-C3350, GT-C3500, GT-C3510, GT-C3510N, GT-C3510T, GT-C3520, GT-C3530, GT-C3560, GT-C3590, GT-C3592, GT-C3595, GT-C3750, GT-C3752, GT-C3780, GT-C3782, GT-C5010, GT-C5010B, GT-C5010E, GT-C5212I, GT-C5510, GT-C6112, GT-C6112C, GT-C6712
- GT-E-series: GT-E1050, GT-E1050I, GT-E1050V , GT-E1055G, GT-E1055T, GT-E1070, GT-E1070C, GT-E1070M, GT-E1070T, GT-E1080, GT-E1080C, GT-E1080F, GT-E1080I, GT-E1080T, GT-E1080W, GT-E1081T, GT-E1085F, GT-E1085L, GT-E1086, GT-E1086I, GT-E1086L, GT-E1087T, GT-E1088C, GT-E1100T, GT-E1105F, GT-E1105T, GT-E1120 , GT-E1130B, GT-E1150, GT-E1150C, GT-E1150I, GT-E1151, GT-E1153, GT-E1153I, GT-E1155L, GT-E1170, GT-E1170I, GT-E1170T, GT-E1175T, GT-E1190, GT-E1195, GT-E1200, GT-E1200I, GT-E1200M, GT-E1200R, GT-E1200T, GT-E1200Y, GT-E1202, GT-E1202C, GT-E1202I, GT-E1205L, GT-E1205M, GT-E1205Q, GT-E1205T, GT-E1205Y, GT-E1207T, GT-E1207Y, GT-E1210, GT-E1210S, GT-E1220, GT-E1220T, GT-E1225T, GT-E123, GT-E1230, GT-E1230T, GT-E1232B, GT-E1232D, GT-E1260, GT-E1260B, GT-E1270, GT-E1272, GT-E1272I, GT-E1280, GT-E1282T, GT-E1310, GT-E1310B, GT-E1310C, GT-E1310E, GT-E1310M, GT-E1310S, GT-E1360, GT-E1360B, GT-E1360M, GT-E1360S, GT-E1500, GT-E210, GT-E2120, GT-E2120B, GT-E2120L, GT-E2121, GT-E2121B, GT-E2121L, GT-E2152 , GT-E2152I, GT-E2152L, GT-E2200, GT-E2202, GT-E2210 , GT-E2210B , GT-E2210C, GT-E2210L, GT-E2220, GT-E2222, GT-E2230, GT-E2230L, GT-E2230M, GT-E2232, GT-E2250, GT-E2252, GT-E2262, GT-E2330, GT-E2330B, GT-E2350, GT-E2350B, GT-E2370, GT-E2530, GT-E2550, GT-E2600, GT-E2652, GT-E2652W, GT-E3210, GT-E3213K, GT-E3217L, GT-E3300, GT-E3300I, GT-E3300L, GT-E3309
- GT-I-series: GT-I5500, GT-I5500B, GT-I5500L, GT-I5500M, GT-I5503, GT-I5503T, GT-I5508, GT-I5510, GT-I5510L, GT-I5510M, GT-I5510T, GT-I5700, GT-I5700E, GT-I5700L, GT-I5800, GT-I5800L, GT-I5801, GT-I6712, GT-I7500L, GT-I8150, GT-I8150B, GT-I8150T, GT-I8160, GT-I8160L, GT-I8160P, GT-I8190, GT-I8190L, GT-I8190N, GT-I8190T, GT-I8200, GT-I8200L, GT-I8200N, GT-I8200Q, GT-I8260, GT-I8260B, GT-I8260E, GT-I8260L, GT-I8262, GT-I8262B, GT-I8262D, GT-I8262E, GT-I8262L, GT-I8320, GT-I8350, GT-I8350T, GT-I8530, GT-I8530C, GT-I8550, GT-I8550E, GT-I8550L, GT-I8552, GT-I8552B, GT-I8730, GT-I8730T, GT-I8750, GT-I9000, GT-I9000B, GT-I9000M, GT-I9000T, GT-I9001, GT-I9003, GT-I9003L, GT-I9010, GT-I9020, GT-I9020A, GT-I9020T, GT-I9023, GT-I9060, GT-I9060C, GT-I9060I, GT-I9060L, GT-I9060M, GT-I9063T, GT-I9070, GT-I9070C, GT-I9070H, GT-I9070P, GT-I9080, GT-I9080L, GT-I9082, GT-I9082L, GT-I9100, GT-I9100G, GT-I9100M, GT-I9100P, GT-I9100T, GT-I9103, GT-I9105, GT-I9105P, GT-I9108, GT-I9128V, GT-I9150, GT-I9152, GT-I9190, GT-I9192, GT-I9195, GT-I9195I, GT-I9195L, GT-I9195T, GT-I9197, GT-I9198, GT-I9200, GT-I9205, GT-I9206, GT-I9207, GT-I9208, GT-I9210, GT-I9210T, GT-I9250, GT-I9250M, GT-I9250T, GT-I9260, GT-I9268, GT-I9295, GT-I9300, GT-I9300C, GT-I9300I, GT-I9300T, GT-I9301i, GT-I9305, GT-I9305N, GT-I9305T, GT-I9308, GT-I9308I, GT-I9500, GT-I9502, GT-I9505, GT-I9506, GT-I9515, GT-I9515L, GT-II8200Q
- GT-N-series: GT-N5100, GT-N5105, GT-N5110, GT-N7000, GT-N7000B, GT-N7005, GT-N7100, GT-N7100T, GT-N7102, GT-N7105, GT-N7105T, GT-N7108, GT-N8000, GT-N8005, GT-N8010, GT-N8013
- GT-P-series: GT-P1000, GT-P1000L, GT-P1000M, GT-P1000N, GT-P1000R, GT-P1000T, GT-P1010, GT-P3100, GT-P3100B, GT-P3110, GT-P3113, GT-P5100, GT-P5110, GT-P5113, GT-P5200, GT-P5210, GT-P5220, GT-P6201, GT-P6800, GT-P6810, GT-P7300, GT-P7300B, GT-P7300C, GT-P7310, GT-P7510
- GT-S-series: GT-S3330, GT-S3332, GT-S3350, GT-S3353, GT-S3370, GT-S3370B, GT-S3370L, GT-S3370Y, GT-S3550, GT-S3550L, GT-S3570, GT-S3572, GT-S3650, GT-S3650C, GT-S3650M, GT-S3650W, GT-S3653, GT-S3653M, GT-S3653W, GT-S3770, GT-S3770K, GT-S3770M, GT-S3800W, GT-S3802, GT-S3802W, GT-S3850, GT-S5220, GT-S5220R, GT-S5222, GT-S5229, GT-S5230, GT-S5230G, GT-S5230H, GT-S5230K, GT-S5230N, GT-S5230W, GT-S5233A, GT-S5233S, GT-S5233T, GT-S5233W, GT-S5250, GT-S5250L, GT-S5250W, GT-S5253, GT-S5260, GT-S5260L, GT-S5260P, GT-S5263, GT-S5270K, GT-S5270L, GT-S5270Y, GT-S5280, GT-S5282, GT-S5292, GT-S5296, GT-S5300, GT-S5300B, GT-S5300L, GT-S5301, GT-S5301B, GT-S5301L, GT-S5302, GT-S5302B, GT-S5303, GT-S5310, GT-S5310B, GT-S5310E, GT-S5310G, GT-S5310L, GT-S5310R, GT-S5310U, GT-S5312, GT-S5312L, GT-S5330, GT-S5333, GT-S5360, GT-S5360B, GT-S5360L, GT-S5360T, GT-S5363, GT-S5367, GT-S5369, GT-S5380, GT-S5380B, GT-S5380D, GT-S5380F, GT-S5380G, GT-S5380K, GT-S5510 , GT-S5510T , GT-S5511, GT-S5560I, GT-S5570, GT-S5570B, GT-S5570I, GT-S5570L, GT-S5578, GT-S5600, GT-S5600H, GT-S5600L, GT-S5603, GT-S5603T, GT-S5610, GT-S5610K, GT-S5611, GT-S5611V, GT-S5620, GT-S5620B, GT-S5620L, GT-S5620P, GT-S5620R, GT-S5628, GT-S5628I, GT-S5660, GT-S5660L, GT-S5660M, GT-S5660V, GT-S5670, GT-S5670B, GT-S5670L, GT-S5690, GT-S5690L, GT-S5690M, GT-S5690R, GT-S5750, GT-S5750E, GT-S5753, GT-S5753E, GT-S5780, GT-S5830, GT-S58301, GT-S5830B, GT-S5830C, GT-S5830D, GT-S5830G, GT-S5830I, GT-S5830L, GT-S5830M, GT-S5830T, GT-S5830V, GT-S5830Z, GT-S5838, GT-S5839I, GT-S6010, GT-S6010L, GT-S6010W, GT-S6012, GT-S6102, GT-S6102B, GT-S6102E, GT-S6102Z, GT-S6310, GT-S6310L, GT-S6310N, GT-S6310T, GT-S6312, GT-S6352, GT-S6500, GT-S6500D, GT-S6500L, GT-S6500T, GT-S6790, GT-S6790E, GT-S6790L, GT-S6790N, GT-S6792L, GT-S6800, GT-S6802, GT-S6802B, GT-S6810, GT-S6810B, GT-S6810E, GT-S6810L, GT-S6810M, GT-S6810P, GT-S6812, GT-S6812B, GT-S6812C, GT-S6812I, GT-S7070, GT-S7070C, GT-S7230E, GT-S7233E, GT-S7250, GT-S7250D, GT-S7262, GT-S7270, GT-S7270L, GT-S7272, GT-S7272C, GT-S7273T, GT-S7275, GT-S7275B, GT-S7275R, GT-S7275T, GT-S7275Y, GT-S7390, GT-S7390E, GT-S7390G, GT-S7390L, GT-S7392, GT-S7392L, GT-S7500, GT-S7500L, GT-S7500T, GT-S7508, GT-S7530, GT-S7560, GT-S7560M, GT-S7562, GT-S7562I, GT-S7562L, GT-S7572, GT-S7580, GT-S7580L, GT-S7582, GT-S7582L, GT-S7583T, GT-S7710, GT-S7710L, GT-S8000, GT-S8000B, GT-S8000C, GT-S8000H, GT-S8000L, GT-S8000M, GT-S8003, GT-S8500, GT-S8500B, GT-S8500L, GT-S8500M, GT-S8530, GT-S8530B, GT-S8530C, GT-S8530L, GT-S8600
- GT-T-series: GT-T989, GT-T989D
- J-series: J530F, J530FM, J530G, J530GM, J530K, J530L, J530Y, J530YM, J700T, J700T1, J730F, J730FM, J730G, J730GM, J730K
- N-series: N9500, N9508, N950F, N950FD, N950N, N950U, N950U1, N950W
- SC-0-series: SC-01D, SC-01E, SC-01F, SC-01G, SC-01K, SC-02C, SC-02E, SC-02F, SC-02J, SC-03D, SC-03E, SC-03J, SC-04E, SC-04F, SC-04G, SC-05D, SC-05G, SC-06D
- SCV-series: SCV37
- SCH-I-series: SCH-I435, SCH-I535, SCH-I997
- SCH-M-series: SCH-M490, SCH-M710, SCH-M715
- SCH-N-series: SCH-N719
- SCH-R-series: SCH-R960
- SCH-W-series: SCH-W200, SCH-W210, SCH-W240, SCH-W270, SCH-W290, SCH-W300, SCH-W330, SCH-W350, SCH-W360, SCH-W380, SCH-W390, SCH-W390M, SCH-W410, SCH-W420, SCH-W450, SCH-W460, SCH-W460R, SCH-W510, SCH-W550, SCH-W560, SCH-W570, SCH-W580, SCH-W590, SCH-W690, SCH-W720, SCH-W740, SCH-W750, SCH-W760, SCH-W770, SCH-W830, SCH-W850, SCH-W860, SCH-W900, SCH-W920, SCH-W930
- SCL-series: SCL24
- SCV-series: SCV33, SCV35, SCV36, SCV37
- SGH-A-series: SGH-A157, SGH-A177, SGH-A257, SGH-A517 , SGH-A667, SGH-A667T, SGH-A767, SGH-A777, SGH-A817, SGH-A847, SGH-A847D, SGH-A847M, SGH-A847R, SGH-A877, SGH-A887, SGH-A927, SGH-A997
- SGH-B-series: SGH-B2100
- SGH-C-series: SGH-C414, SGH-C414M, SGH-C414R, SGH-C414V, SGH-C414W, SGH-C414Y
- SGH-I-series: SGH-I187, SGH-I257, SGH-I257M, SGH-I317, SGH-I317M, SGH-I337, SGH-I337M, SGH-I337Z, SGH-I407, SGH-I437, SGH-I437P, SGH-I437Z, SGH-I497, SGH-I527, SGH-I527M, SGH-I537, SGH-I545, SGH-I547, SGH-I547C, SGH-I577, SGH-I667L, SGH-I677, SGH-I677L, SGH-I677T, SGH-I717, SGH-I717D, SGH-I717M, SGH-I717R, SGH-I727, SGH-I727R, SGH-I747, SGH-I747D, SGH-I747M, SGH-I757M, SGH-I777, SGH-I827, SGH-I827D, SGH-I847, SGH-I8700, SGH-I897, SGH-I917, SGH-I917R, SGH-I937, SGH-I957, SGH-I957D, SGH-I957M, SGH-I957R, SGH-I997R
- SGH-M-series: SGH-M919, SGH-M919M, SGH-M919V
- SGH-S-series: SGH-S275M, SGH-S275R, SGH-S730M
- SGH-T-series: SGH-T159V, SGH-T199, SGH-T259, SGH-T289, SGH-T359, SGH-T379, SGH-T399, SGH-T399N, SGH-T469, SGH-T469V, SGH-T469W, SGH-T479, SGH-T479B, SGH-T499, SGH-T499V, SGH-T499Y, SGH-T589, SGH-T589R, SGH-T589W, SGH-T599, SGH-T599N, SGH-T599V, SGH-T669, SGH-T679, SGH-T679M, SGH-T699, SGH-T759, SGH-T769, SGH-T839, SGH-T879, SGH-T889, SGH-T889V, SGH-T899, SGH-T899M, SGH-T939, SGH-T959, SGH-T959P, SGH-T959v, SGH-T989, SGH-T989D, SGH-T999, SGH-T999L, SGH-T999N, SGH-T999V
- SHV-E-series: SHV-E110S, SHV-E120K, SHV-E120L, SHV-E120S, SHV-E140S, SHV-E150S, SHV-E160K, SHV-E160L, SHV-E160S, SHV-E170K, SHV-E170L, SHV-E170S, SHV-E210K, SHV-E210L, SHV-E210S, SHV-E250K, SHV-E250S, SHV-E270K, SHV-E270S, SHV-E275S, SHV-E300K, SHV-E300L, SHV-E300S, SHV-E330K , SHV-E330L, SHV-E330S , SHV-E370K, SHV-E470S, SHV-E500L, SHV-E500S
- SHW-A-series: SHW-A110K, SHW-A110S, SHW-A130S, SHW-A160S, SHW-A180S, SHW-A210S, SHW-A220S, SHW-A250K, SHW-A250S, SHW-A300S
- SHW-M-series: SHW-M100S, SHW-M110S, SHW-M130K, SHW-M180S, SHW-M190S, SHW-M240S, SHW-M250K, SHW-M250S, SHW-M250S, SHW-M290K, SHW-M340S, SHW-M440, SHW-M440S
- SM-A-series: SM-A102U, SM-A105F, SM-A105FN, SM-A105G, SM-A105M, SM-A107F, SM-A107M, SM-A202F, SM-A202FN, SM-A202K, SM-A205F, SM-A205FN, SM-A205G, SM-A205GN, SM-A205K, SM-A205S, SM-A205W, SM-A205Y, SM-A205YN, SM-A260F, SM-A260G, SM-A3000, SM-A3009, SM-A300F, SM-A300FU, SM-A300G, SM-A300H, SM-A300M, SM-A300Y, SM-A300YZ, SM-A3050, SM-A3058, SM-A305F, SM-A305FN, SM-A305G, SM-A305GN, SM-A305GT, SM-A305N, SM-A305YN, SM-A307FN, SM-A307G, SM-A307GN, SM-A307GT, SM-A310F, SM-A310FD, SM-A310M, SM-A310MD, SM-A310N0, SM-A310Y, SM-A320F, SM-A320FL, SM-A320Y, SM-A405F, SM-A405FM, SM-A405FN, SM-A405G, SM-A405GN, SM-A405S, SM-A5000, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FD, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500M, SM-A500S, SM-A500W, SM-A500XZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500YZ, SM-A505F, SM-A505FM, SM-A505FN, SM-A505G, SM-A505GN, SM-A505GT, SM-A507FN, SM-A5100, SM-A5108, SM-A510F, SM-A510FD, SM-A510K, SM-A510L, SM-A510M, SM-A510MD, SM-A510S, SM-A510Y, SM-A510YD, SM-A520F, SM-A520K, SM-A520L, SM-A520S, SM-A520W, SM-A530F, SM-A530N, SM-A530W, SM-A600A, SM-A600AZ, SM-A600F, SM-A600FN, SM-A600G, SM-A600GN, SM-A600N, SM-A600T, SM-A600T1, SM-A600U, SM-A6050, SM-A605F, SM-A605FN, SM-A605G, SM-A605GN, SM-A6060, SM-A7000, SM-A7009, SM-A700F, SM-A700FD, SM-A700FQ, SM-A700FZ, SM-A700H, SM-A700K, SM-A700L, SM-A700M, SM-A700S, SM-A700YD, SM-A700YZ, SM-A7100, SM-A7108, SM-A710F, SM-A710FD, SM-A710K, SM-A710L, SM-A710M, SM-A710MD, SM-A710S, SM-A710Y, SM-A720F, SM-A720N, SM-A720S, SM-A730F, SM-A730N, SM-A750F, SM-A750FN, SM-A750G, SM-A750GN, SM-A800F, SM-A800I, SM-A800IZ, SM-A800S, SM-A800YZ, SM-A805F, SM-A805FN, SM-A805FZ, SM-A810F, SM-A810FD, SM-A810S, SM-A810YZ, SM-A9000, SM-A9000K, SM-A9100, SM-A910F, SM-A910FD
- SM-B-series: SM-B105E, SM-B109E, SM-B110E, SM-B310E, SM-B312E , SM-B312EH, SM-B313E, SM-B350E, SM-B360E
- SM-C-series: SM-C101, SM-C105, SM-C105A, SM-C105K, SM-C105L, SM-C105S, SM-C111, SM-C115, SM-C115M, SM-C5000, SM-C5010, SM-C5018, SM-C7000, SM-C700S, SM-C7010, SM-C7018, SM-C7100, SM-C710F, SM-C9000, SM-C9008, SM-C900F, SM-C900Y
- SM-E-series: SM-E500F, SM-E500H, SM-E500HQ, SM-E500M, SM-E500YZ, SM-E7000, SM-E700F, SM-E700H, SM-E700M
- SM-G-series: SM-G110B, SM-G110H, SM-G110M, SM-G130BT, SM-G130BU, SM-G130E , SM-G130H , SM-G130HN , SM-G130M, SM-G130U, SM-G150N0, SM-G150NK, SM-G150NL, SM-G150NS, SM-G155S, SM-G1600, SM-G1650, SM-G165N, SM-G310HN, SM-G313H, SM-G313HN, SM-G313HU, SM-G313HY, SM-G313HZ, SM-G313M, SM-G313ML, SM-G313MU, SM-G313MY, SM-G313U, SM-G316H, SM-G316HU, SM-G316M, SM-G316ML, SM-G316MY, SM-G316U, SM-G318H, SM-G318HZ, SM-G318ML, SM-G318MZ, SM-G350, SM-G350E, SM-G350L, SM-G350M, SM-G355H, SM-G355HN, SM-G355HQ, SM-G355M, SM-G357F, SM-G357FZ, SM-G357M, SM-G3606, SM-G3608, SM-G3609, SM-G360AZ, SM-G360BT, SM-G360F, SM-G360FY, SM-G360G, SM-G360GY, SM-G360H, SM-G360HU, SM-G360M, SM-G360P, SM-G360T, SM-G360T1, SM-G361F, SM-G361H, SM-G361HU, SM-G3812, SM-G3812B, SM-G3815, SM-G3818, SM-G3819, SM-G386W, SM-G388F, SM-G389F, SM-G390F, SM-G390W, SM-G390Y, SM-G5108, SM-G5108Q, SM-G5109, SM-G5308W, SM-G5309W, SM-G530A, SM-G530BT, SM-G530F, SM-G530FQ, SM-G530FZ, SM-G530H, SM-G530M, SM-G530P, SM-G530T, SM-G530T1, SM-G530Y, SM-G531BT, SM-G531F, SM-G531H, SM-G531Y, SM-G532F, SM-G532FD, SM-G532G, SM-G532M, SM-G532MT, SM-G5500, SM-G550F, SM-G550FY, SM-G550T, SM-G550T2, SM-G5510, SM-G5520, SM-G5700, SM-G570F, SM-G570FD, SM-G570M, SM-G570MD, SM-G570Y, SM-G6000, SM-G600F, SM-G600FY, SM-G600S, SM-G6100, SM-G610F, SM-G610FD, SM-G610FZ, SM-G610K, SM-G610L, SM-G610M, SM-G610S, SM-G610Y, SM-G611F, SM-G611FF, SM-G611K, SM-G611L, SM-G611M, SM-G611MT, SM-G611S, SM-G615F, SM-G615FU, SM-G710, SM-G7102 , SM-G7102T, SM-G7105, SM-G7105L, SM-G710K, SM-G710L, SM-G710S, SM-G7200, SM-G7202, SM-G720AX, SM-G720NO, SM-G730A, SM-G730M, SM-G730W8, SM-G7508Q, SM-G7509, SM-G750A, SM-G750F, SM-G750H, SM-G800F, SM-G800H, SM-G800HQ, SM-G800I, SM-G800M, SM-G800Y, SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850FQ, SM-G850M, SM-G850T, SM-G850Y, SM-G860P, SM-G870A, SM-G870D, SM-G870F, SM-G870F0, SM-G870W, SM-G8750, SM-G8850, SM-G8858, SM-G885F, SM-G885S, SM-G885Y, SM-G890A, SM-G891A, SM-G892A, SM-G892U, SM-G892U TMB, SM-G9006V, SM-G9006W, SM-G9008V, SM-G9008W, SM-G9009D, SM-G9009W, SM-G900A, SM-G900F, SM-G900FD, SM-G900FG, SM-G900H, SM-G900I , SM-G900K, SM-G900L, SM-G900M, SM-G900MD, SM-G900P , SM-G900S, SM-G900T , SM-G900T2, SM-G900T3, SM-G900W8, SM-G901F, SM-G903F, SM-G903FD, SM-G903M, SM-G903W, SM-G906K, SM-G906L, SM-G906S, SM-G9105, SM-G910S, SM-G9200, SM-G9208, SM-G9209, SM-G920A, SM-G920AZ, SM-G920D, SM-G920F, SM-G920FD, SM-G920FZ, SM-G920I, SM-G920K, SM-G920L, SM-G920P, SM-G920R4, SM-G920S, SM-G920T, SM-G920W8, SM-G9250, SM-G925A, SM-G925F, SM-G925FQ, SM-G925I, SM-G925K, SM-G925L, SM-G925P, SM-G925S, SM-G925T, SM-G925W8, SM-G9287, SM-G9287C, SM-G928C, SM-G928F, SM-G928G, SM-G928I, SM-G928K, SM-G928L, SM-G928N0, SM-G928P, SM-G928S, SM-G928T, SM-G928W8, SM-G930, SM-G9300, SM-G9308, SM-G930A, SM-G930AZ, SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930P, SM-G930S, SM-G930T, SM-G930U, SM-G930V, SM-G930W8, SM-G9350, SM-G935A, SM-G935F, SM-G935FD, SM-G935K, SM-G935L, SM-G935P, SM-G935S, SM-G935T, SM-G935U, SM-G935V, SM-G935W8, SM-G9500, SM-G9508, SM-G950D, SM-G950F, SM-G950FD, SM-G950J, SM-G950N, SM-G950U, SM-G950U TMB, SM-G950U1, SM-G950U1 TMB, SM-G950V, SM-G950W, SM-G9550, SM-G955F, SM-G955FD, SM-G955N, SM-G955U, SM-G955U TMB, SM-G955U1, SM-G955U1 TMB, SM-G955W, SM-G9600, SM-G9608, SM-G960F, SM-G960N, SM-G960U, SM-G960U TMB, SM-G960U1, SM-G960U1 TMB, SM-G960W, SM-G9650, SM-G965F, SM-G965N, SM-G965U, SM-G965U TMB, SM-G965U1, SM-G965U1 TMB, SM-G965W, SM-G970F, SM-G970N, SM-G970U, SM-G973F, SM-G973N, SM-G973U, SM-G975F, SM-G975N, SM-G975U, SM-G977U
- SM-GT-series: SM-GTI9295
- SM-J-series: SM-J100F, SM-J100FN, SM-J100G, SM-J100H, SM-J100M, SM-J100ML, SM-J100MU, SM-J100MV, SM-J100VPP, SM-J100Y, SM-J105B, SM-J105F, SM-J105H, SM-J105M, SM-J105Y, SM-J106B, SM-J106M, SM-J110F, SM-J110G, SM-J110H, SM-J110L, SM-J110M, SM-J111F, SM-J111M, SM-J120A, SM-J120AZ, SM-J120F, SM-J120FN, SM-J120G, SM-J120H, SM-J120M, SM-J120P, SM-J120W, SM-J120ZN, SM-J200BT, SM-J200F, SM-J200G, SM-J200GU, SM-J200H, SM-J200M, SM-J200Y, SM-J210F, SM-J210FD, SM-J250F, SM-J250G, SM-J250M, SM-J250N, SM-J260F, SM-J260G, SM-J260M, SM-J260T, SM-J260T1, SM-J260Y, SM-J3110, SM-J3119, SM-J3119S, SM-J320A, SM-J320AZ, SM-J320F, SM-J320FN, SM-J320G, SM-J320H, SM-J320M, SM-J320MU, SM-J320NO, SM-J320P, SM-J320V, SM-J320VPP, SM-J320W8, SM-J320Y, SM-J320YZ, SM-J320ZN, SM-J321AZ, SM-J326A, SM-J326AZ, SM-J327A, SM-J327AZ, SM-J327P, SM-J327P (Sprint), SM-J327T, SM-J327T1, SM-J327V, SM-J327VPP, SM-J3308, SM-J330F, SM-J330FD, SM-J330FN, SM-J330G, SM-J330GM, SM-J330L, SM-J330N, SM-J336AZ, SM-J337A, SM-J337AZ, SM-J337T, SM-J337W, SM-J400F, SM-J400G, SM-J400GD, SM-J400M, SM-J410F, SM-J410G, SM-J415F, SM-J415FN, SM-J415G, SM-J415GN, SM-J5007, SM-J5008, SM-J500F, SM-J500FN, SM-J500G, SM-J500H, SM-J500M, SM-J500NO, SM-J500Y, SM-J5108, SM-J510F, SM-J510FN, SM-J510FQ, SM-J510G, SM-J510GN, SM-J510H, SM-J510K, SM-J510L, SM-J510MN, SM-J510N, SM-J510S, SM-J510U, SM-J510UN, SM-J530F, SM-J530FM, SM-J530G, SM-J530GM, SM-J530K, SM-J530L, SM-J530S, SM-J530Y, SM-J530YM, SM-J600F, SM-J600FN, SM-J600G, SM-J600GF, SM-J600GT, SM-J600L, SM-J600N, SM-J610F, SM-J610FN, SM-J610G, SM-J610GN, SM-J700F, SM-J700H, SM-J700M, SM-J701F, SM-J701FD, SM-J701M, SM-J701MT, SM-J7108, SM-J710F, SM-J710FD, SM-J710FN, SM-J710FQ, SM-J710FZ, SM-J710GN, SM-J710K, SM-J710MN, SM-J720F, SM-J720M, SM-J727A, SM-J727AZ, SM-J727P, SM-J727PP (Sprint), SM-J727S, SM-J727T, SM-J727T1, SM-J727V, SM-J727VPP, SM-J730F, SM-J730FM, SM-J730G, SM-J730GM, SM-J730K, SM-J730M, SM-J737A, SM-J737T, SM-J737T1, SM-J810F, SM-J810G, SM-J810M, SM-J810Y
- SM-M-series: SM-M105F, SM-M105G, SM-M105M, SM-M105Y, SM-M107F, SM-M107FN, SM-M205F, SM-M205FN, SM-M205G, SM-M205M, SM-M205N, SM-M305F, SM-M305M, SM-M307F
- SM-N-series: SM-N750, SM-N7500Q, SM-N7502, SM-N7505, SM-N7505L, SM-N900, SM-N9000Q, SM-N9002, SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900J, SM-N900K, SM-N900L, SM-N900P, SM-N900Q, SM-N900S, SM-N900T, SM-N900V, SM-N900W8, SM-N910A, SM-N910C, SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910H, SM-N910K, SM-N910L, SM-N910P, SM-N910S, SM-N910T, SM-N910U, SM-N910V, SM-N910W8, SM-N9150, SM-N915A, SM-N915D, SM-N915F, SM-N915FY, SM-N915G, SM-N915P, SM-N915S, SM-N915T, SM-N915W8, SM-N916K, SM-N916L, SM-N916S, SM-N9200, SM-N9208, SM-N920A, SM-N920C, SM-N920CD, SM-N920F, SM-N920G, SM-N920I, SM-N920K, SM-N920L, SM-N920P, SM-N920S, SM-N920T, SM-N920W8, SM-N930, SM-N9300, SM-N930A, SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930P, SM-N930R4, SM-N930S, SM-N930T, SM-N930U, SM-N930W8, SM-N9500, SM-N9508, SM-N950F, SM-N950FD, SM-N950N, SM-N950U, SM-N950U TMB, SM-N950U1, SM-N950U1 TMB, SM-N950W, SM-N960F, SM-N960FD, SM-N960N, SM-N960U (TMB), SM-N960U1 (TMB), SM-N960W, SM-N970F, SM-N970U, SM-N970U1, SM-N970W, SM-N971N, SM-N975F, SM-N975U, SM-N975U1, SM-N975W, SM-N976B, SM-N976F, SM-N976N
- SM-P-series: SM-P350, SM-P355, SM-P355C, SM-P355M, SM-P355Y, SM-P550, SM-P555, SM-P555C, SM-P555K, SM-P555L, SM-P555M, SM-P555S, SM-P555Y, SM-P585M, SM-P585N, SM-P585Y, SM-P601, SM-P602 , SM-P605, SM-P605M, SM-P605S, SM-P605V, SM-P607A, SM-P607T, SM-P901, SM-P902, SM-P905, SM-P905F0, SM-P905M, SM-P905V, SM-P907A, SM-P907T
- SM-R-series: SM-R750, SM-R750A, SM-R750B, SM-R750D, SM-R750J, SM-R750T, SM-R750W
- SM-T-series: SM-T111, SM-T111M, SM-T111NQ, SM-T113, SM-T116, SM-T116BU, SM-T116IR, SM-T116NQ, SM-T116NU, SM-T116NY, SM-T210, SM-T2105, SM-T211, SM-T211M, SM-T217A, SM-T230, SM-T230NT, SM-T230NU, SM-T231, SM-T232, SM-T237P, SM-T2397, SM-T239C, SM-T239M, SM-T2556, SM-T2558, SM-T255S, SM-T280, SM-T280Q, SM-T280QZ, SM-T285, SM-T285M, SM-T285YD, SM-T287, SM-T310, SM-T311, SM-T312, SM-T315, SM-T315T, SM-T320, SM-T320NU, SM-T321, SM-T321A, SM-T325, SM-T330, SM-T331, SM-T331C, SM-T332, SM-T335, SM-T335F3, SM-T335K, SM-T335L, SM-T337A, SM-T337T, SM-T350, SM-T355, SM-T355C, SM-T355Y, SM-T357T, SM-T357W, SM-T365, SM-T365FO, SM-T365M, SM-T365Y, SM-T375L, SM-T375S, SM-T377P, SM-T377T, SM-T377W, SM-T378K, SM-T378L, SM-T378S, SM-T378V, SM-T385, SM-T385C, SM-T395, SM-T525, SM-T530, SM-T530NU, SM-T531, SM-T532, SM-T533, SM-T535, SM-T537A, SM-T537R4, SM-T537V, SM-T550, SM-T555, SM-T555C, SM-T560, SM-T561, SM-T561M, SM-T561Y, SM-T562, SM-T567V, SM-T580, SM-T585, SM-T585C, SM-T585M, SM-T585N, SM-T585Y, SM-T677A, SM-T677K, SM-T677L, SM-T677NK, SM-T677NL, SM-T705, SM-T705C, SM-T705M, SM-T705W, SM-T705Y, SM-T707A, SM-T707V, SM-T710, SM-T715, SM-T715C, SM-T715N0, SM-T715Y, SM-T719C, SM-T719Y, SM-T805, SM-T805C, SM-T805M, SM-T805Y, SM-T807A, SM-T807J, SM-T807P, SM-T807R4, SM-T807V, SM-T810, SM-T815, SM-T815C, SM-T815N0, SM-T815Y, SM-T817P, SM-T817T, SM-T817W, SM-T818, SM-T818A, SM-T818T, SM-T818V, SM-T818W, SM-T819C, SM-T819Y, SM-T825, SM-T825Y, SM-T827, SM-T827V, SM-T900, SM-T905
- SM-W-series: SM-W2014, SM-W2015, SM-W2017
- SM-Z-series: SM-Z130H, SM-Z200F, SM-Z200M, SM-Z200Y, SM-Z300F, SM-Z300FD, SM-Z300H
- SoftBank-series: SoftBank 708SC, SoftBank 805SC, SoftBank SC-04D, SoftBank707SC, SoftBank940SC, SoftBankX01SC
- SPH-G-series: SPH-G930
- SPH-L-series: SPH-L710, SPH-L720, SPH-L720T, SPH-L900
- SPH-M-series: SPH-M8400
- SPH-W-series: SPH-W2400, SPH-W2500, SPH-W2700, SPH-W2900, SPH-W3000, SPH-W3500, SPH-W4100, SPH-W4200, SPH-W4700, SPH-W5000, SPH-W5200, SPH-W5300, SPH-W5310, SPH-W5500, SPH-W5700, SPH-W5900, SPH-W6300, SPH-W6310, SPH-W7100, SPH-W7700, SPH-W7900, SPH-W8300, SPH-W8400, SPH-W8700, SPH-W9000, SPH-W9300, SPH-W9500
- T-series: T670, T677A, T677K, T677L, T677NK, T677NL
- YP-G-series: YP-G70
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
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Octoplus Samsung Digital 6 Month License
octoplus Samsung 6 Months Digital License allows you to service Samsung cell phones.
General Information:
- This license will be bound to your PC. No dongle or box is required.
- PC can be changed once per 48 hours (during the COVID-19 period)
When things will get back to normal, this time will be increased up to 72 hours. - After the end of 6 Months period you will have to buy this license again.
When we confirm your payment and process your order, we will send your activation code and detailed instructions.
Main Features:
- Decode
- Repair IMEI/Bluetooth
- Write Firmware
- Read/Calculate Codes
- Read/Write Full Flash
- Read/Write GDFS
- Flash via USB
- Read/Write/Repair NVM
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
- Edit Language
- Format FS
- Write/Repair Security
- Write Security Backup
- Factory Reset
- Hard Reset
- Read/Write/Repair TA
- Read Info
- Repair EFS
- Repair WiFi Address
- Reset Screen Lock/Pattern Lock
Supported Models:*
- Galaxy S-series: Galaxy S SC-02B
- Galaxy Tab-series: Galaxy Tab SC-01C
- G-series: G9500, G9508, G950D, G950F, G950FD, G950J, G950N, G950U, G950U1, G950V, G950W
- GT-5-series: GT-5570, GT-5570B, GT-5570L
- GT-B-series: GT-B2710, GT-B2710D, GT-B3210, GT-B3210M, GT-B3310, GT-B3313, GT-B3410, GT-B3410L, GT-B3410W, GT-B5330, GT-B5330B, GT-B5330L, GT-B5510, GT-B5510B, GT-B5510L, GT-B5512, GT-B5512B, GT-B7510, GT-B7510L, GT-B7722
- GT-C-series: GT-C3010, GT-C3010S, GT-C3011, GT-C3050, GT-C3050C, GT-C3200, GT-C3200G, GT-C3212, GT-C3212I , GT-C3222, GT-C3222W, GT-C3262, GT-C3300, GT-C3300D, GT-C3300I, GT-C3300K, GT-C3303, GT-C3303I, GT-C3303K, GT-C3310, GT-C3310R, GT-C3312, GT-C3312R, GT-C3312S, GT-C3313T, GT-C3322, GT-C3322i, GT-C3322W, GT-C3330, GT-C3332, GT-C3350, GT-C3500, GT-C3510, GT-C3510N, GT-C3510T, GT-C3520, GT-C3530, GT-C3560, GT-C3590, GT-C3592, GT-C3595, GT-C3750, GT-C3752, GT-C3780, GT-C3782, GT-C5010, GT-C5010B, GT-C5010E, GT-C5212I, GT-C5510, GT-C6112, GT-C6112C, GT-C6712
- GT-E-series: GT-E1050, GT-E1050I, GT-E1050V , GT-E1055G, GT-E1055T, GT-E1070, GT-E1070C, GT-E1070M, GT-E1070T, GT-E1080, GT-E1080C, GT-E1080F, GT-E1080I, GT-E1080T, GT-E1080W, GT-E1081T, GT-E1085F, GT-E1085L, GT-E1086, GT-E1086I, GT-E1086L, GT-E1087T, GT-E1088C, GT-E1100T, GT-E1105F, GT-E1105T, GT-E1120 , GT-E1130B, GT-E1150, GT-E1150C, GT-E1150I, GT-E1151, GT-E1153, GT-E1153I, GT-E1155L, GT-E1170, GT-E1170I, GT-E1170T, GT-E1175T, GT-E1190, GT-E1195, GT-E1200, GT-E1200I, GT-E1200M, GT-E1200R, GT-E1200T, GT-E1200Y, GT-E1202, GT-E1202C, GT-E1202I, GT-E1205L, GT-E1205M, GT-E1205Q, GT-E1205T, GT-E1205Y, GT-E1207T, GT-E1207Y, GT-E1210, GT-E1210S, GT-E1220, GT-E1220T, GT-E1225T, GT-E123, GT-E1230, GT-E1230T, GT-E1232B, GT-E1232D, GT-E1260, GT-E1260B, GT-E1270, GT-E1272, GT-E1272I, GT-E1280, GT-E1282T, GT-E1310, GT-E1310B, GT-E1310C, GT-E1310E, GT-E1310M, GT-E1310S, GT-E1360, GT-E1360B, GT-E1360M, GT-E1360S, GT-E1500, GT-E210, GT-E2120, GT-E2120B, GT-E2120L, GT-E2121, GT-E2121B, GT-E2121L, GT-E2152 , GT-E2152I, GT-E2152L, GT-E2200, GT-E2202, GT-E2210 , GT-E2210B , GT-E2210C, GT-E2210L, GT-E2220, GT-E2222, GT-E2230, GT-E2230L, GT-E2230M, GT-E2232, GT-E2250, GT-E2252, GT-E2262, GT-E2330, GT-E2330B, GT-E2350, GT-E2350B, GT-E2370, GT-E2530, GT-E2550, GT-E2600, GT-E2652, GT-E2652W, GT-E3210, GT-E3213K, GT-E3217L, GT-E3300, GT-E3300I, GT-E3300L, GT-E3309
- GT-I-series: GT-I5500, GT-I5500B, GT-I5500L, GT-I5500M, GT-I5503, GT-I5503T, GT-I5508, GT-I5510, GT-I5510L, GT-I5510M, GT-I5510T, GT-I5700, GT-I5700E, GT-I5700L, GT-I5800, GT-I5800L, GT-I5801, GT-I6712, GT-I7500L, GT-I8150, GT-I8150B, GT-I8150T, GT-I8160, GT-I8160L, GT-I8160P, GT-I8190, GT-I8190L, GT-I8190N, GT-I8190T, GT-I8200, GT-I8200L, GT-I8200N, GT-I8200Q, GT-I8260, GT-I8260B, GT-I8260E, GT-I8260L, GT-I8262, GT-I8262B, GT-I8262D, GT-I8262E, GT-I8262L, GT-I8320, GT-I8350, GT-I8350T, GT-I8530, GT-I8530C, GT-I8550, GT-I8550E, GT-I8550L, GT-I8552, GT-I8552B, GT-I8730, GT-I8730T, GT-I8750, GT-I9000, GT-I9000B, GT-I9000M, GT-I9000T, GT-I9001, GT-I9003, GT-I9003L, GT-I9010, GT-I9020, GT-I9020A, GT-I9020T, GT-I9023, GT-I9060, GT-I9060C, GT-I9060I, GT-I9060L, GT-I9060M, GT-I9063T, GT-I9070, GT-I9070C, GT-I9070H, GT-I9070P, GT-I9080, GT-I9080L, GT-I9082, GT-I9082L, GT-I9100, GT-I9100G, GT-I9100M, GT-I9100P, GT-I9100T, GT-I9103, GT-I9105, GT-I9105P, GT-I9108, GT-I9128V, GT-I9150, GT-I9152, GT-I9190, GT-I9192, GT-I9195, GT-I9195I, GT-I9195L, GT-I9195T, GT-I9197, GT-I9198, GT-I9200, GT-I9205, GT-I9206, GT-I9207, GT-I9208, GT-I9210, GT-I9210T, GT-I9250, GT-I9250M, GT-I9250T, GT-I9260, GT-I9268, GT-I9295, GT-I9300, GT-I9300C, GT-I9300I, GT-I9300T, GT-I9301i, GT-I9305, GT-I9305N, GT-I9305T, GT-I9308, GT-I9308I, GT-I9500, GT-I9502, GT-I9505, GT-I9506, GT-I9515, GT-I9515L, GT-II8200Q
- GT-N-series: GT-N5100, GT-N5105, GT-N5110, GT-N7000, GT-N7000B, GT-N7005, GT-N7100, GT-N7100T, GT-N7102, GT-N7105, GT-N7105T, GT-N7108, GT-N8000, GT-N8005, GT-N8010, GT-N8013
- GT-P-series: GT-P1000, GT-P1000L, GT-P1000M, GT-P1000N, GT-P1000R, GT-P1000T, GT-P1010, GT-P3100, GT-P3100B, GT-P3110, GT-P3113, GT-P5100, GT-P5110, GT-P5113, GT-P5200, GT-P5210, GT-P5220, GT-P6201, GT-P6800, GT-P6810, GT-P7300, GT-P7300B, GT-P7300C, GT-P7310, GT-P7510
- GT-S-series: GT-S3330, GT-S3332, GT-S3350, GT-S3353, GT-S3370, GT-S3370B, GT-S3370L, GT-S3370Y, GT-S3550, GT-S3550L, GT-S3570, GT-S3572, GT-S3650, GT-S3650C, GT-S3650M, GT-S3650W, GT-S3653, GT-S3653M, GT-S3653W, GT-S3770, GT-S3770K, GT-S3770M, GT-S3800W, GT-S3802, GT-S3802W, GT-S3850, GT-S5220, GT-S5220R, GT-S5222, GT-S5229, GT-S5230, GT-S5230G, GT-S5230H, GT-S5230K, GT-S5230N, GT-S5230W, GT-S5233A, GT-S5233S, GT-S5233T, GT-S5233W, GT-S5250, GT-S5250L, GT-S5250W, GT-S5253, GT-S5260, GT-S5260L, GT-S5260P, GT-S5263, GT-S5270K, GT-S5270L, GT-S5270Y, GT-S5280, GT-S5282, GT-S5292, GT-S5296, GT-S5300, GT-S5300B, GT-S5300L, GT-S5301, GT-S5301B, GT-S5301L, GT-S5302, GT-S5302B, GT-S5303, GT-S5310, GT-S5310B, GT-S5310E, GT-S5310G, GT-S5310L, GT-S5310R, GT-S5310U, GT-S5312, GT-S5312L, GT-S5330, GT-S5333, GT-S5360, GT-S5360B, GT-S5360L, GT-S5360T, GT-S5363, GT-S5367, GT-S5369, GT-S5380, GT-S5380B, GT-S5380D, GT-S5380F, GT-S5380G, GT-S5380K, GT-S5510 , GT-S5510T , GT-S5511, GT-S5560I, GT-S5570, GT-S5570B, GT-S5570I, GT-S5570L, GT-S5578, GT-S5600, GT-S5600H, GT-S5600L, GT-S5603, GT-S5603T, GT-S5610, GT-S5610K, GT-S5611, GT-S5611V, GT-S5620, GT-S5620B, GT-S5620L, GT-S5620P, GT-S5620R, GT-S5628, GT-S5628I, GT-S5660, GT-S5660L, GT-S5660M, GT-S5660V, GT-S5670, GT-S5670B, GT-S5670L, GT-S5690, GT-S5690L, GT-S5690M, GT-S5690R, GT-S5750, GT-S5750E, GT-S5753, GT-S5753E, GT-S5780, GT-S5830, GT-S58301, GT-S5830B, GT-S5830C, GT-S5830D, GT-S5830G, GT-S5830I, GT-S5830L, GT-S5830M, GT-S5830T, GT-S5830V, GT-S5830Z, GT-S5838, GT-S5839I, GT-S6010, GT-S6010L, GT-S6010W, GT-S6012, GT-S6102, GT-S6102B, GT-S6102E, GT-S6102Z, GT-S6310, GT-S6310L, GT-S6310N, GT-S6310T, GT-S6312, GT-S6352, GT-S6500, GT-S6500D, GT-S6500L, GT-S6500T, GT-S6790, GT-S6790E, GT-S6790L, GT-S6790N, GT-S6792L, GT-S6800, GT-S6802, GT-S6802B, GT-S6810, GT-S6810B, GT-S6810E, GT-S6810L, GT-S6810M, GT-S6810P, GT-S6812, GT-S6812B, GT-S6812C, GT-S6812I, GT-S7070, GT-S7070C, GT-S7230E, GT-S7233E, GT-S7250, GT-S7250D, GT-S7262, GT-S7270, GT-S7270L, GT-S7272, GT-S7272C, GT-S7273T, GT-S7275, GT-S7275B, GT-S7275R, GT-S7275T, GT-S7275Y, GT-S7390, GT-S7390E, GT-S7390G, GT-S7390L, GT-S7392, GT-S7392L, GT-S7500, GT-S7500L, GT-S7500T, GT-S7508, GT-S7530, GT-S7560, GT-S7560M, GT-S7562, GT-S7562I, GT-S7562L, GT-S7572, GT-S7580, GT-S7580L, GT-S7582, GT-S7582L, GT-S7583T, GT-S7710, GT-S7710L, GT-S8000, GT-S8000B, GT-S8000C, GT-S8000H, GT-S8000L, GT-S8000M, GT-S8003, GT-S8500, GT-S8500B, GT-S8500L, GT-S8500M, GT-S8530, GT-S8530B, GT-S8530C, GT-S8530L, GT-S8600
- GT-T-series: GT-T989, GT-T989D
- J-series: J530F, J530FM, J530G, J530GM, J530K, J530L, J530Y, J530YM, J700T, J700T1, J730F, J730FM, J730G, J730GM, J730K
- N-series: N9500, N9508, N950F, N950FD, N950N, N950U, N950U1, N950W
- SC-0-series: SC-01D, SC-01E, SC-01F, SC-01G, SC-01K, SC-02C, SC-02E, SC-02F, SC-02J, SC-03D, SC-03E, SC-03J, SC-04E, SC-04F, SC-04G, SC-05D, SC-05G, SC-06D
- SCV-series: SCV37
- SCH-I-series: SCH-I435, SCH-I535, SCH-I997
- SCH-M-series: SCH-M490, SCH-M710, SCH-M715
- SCH-N-series: SCH-N719
- SCH-R-series: SCH-R960
- SCH-W-series: SCH-W200, SCH-W210, SCH-W240, SCH-W270, SCH-W290, SCH-W300, SCH-W330, SCH-W350, SCH-W360, SCH-W380, SCH-W390, SCH-W390M, SCH-W410, SCH-W420, SCH-W450, SCH-W460, SCH-W460R, SCH-W510, SCH-W550, SCH-W560, SCH-W570, SCH-W580, SCH-W590, SCH-W690, SCH-W720, SCH-W740, SCH-W750, SCH-W760, SCH-W770, SCH-W830, SCH-W850, SCH-W860, SCH-W900, SCH-W920, SCH-W930
- SCL-series: SCL24
- SCV-series: SCV33, SCV35, SCV36, SCV37
- SGH-A-series: SGH-A157, SGH-A177, SGH-A257, SGH-A517 , SGH-A667, SGH-A667T, SGH-A767, SGH-A777, SGH-A817, SGH-A847, SGH-A847D, SGH-A847M, SGH-A847R, SGH-A877, SGH-A887, SGH-A927, SGH-A997
- SGH-B-series: SGH-B2100
- SGH-C-series: SGH-C414, SGH-C414M, SGH-C414R, SGH-C414V, SGH-C414W, SGH-C414Y
- SGH-I-series: SGH-I187, SGH-I257, SGH-I257M, SGH-I317, SGH-I317M, SGH-I337, SGH-I337M, SGH-I337Z, SGH-I407, SGH-I437, SGH-I437P, SGH-I437Z, SGH-I497, SGH-I527, SGH-I527M, SGH-I537, SGH-I545, SGH-I547, SGH-I547C, SGH-I577, SGH-I667L, SGH-I677, SGH-I677L, SGH-I677T, SGH-I717, SGH-I717D, SGH-I717M, SGH-I717R, SGH-I727, SGH-I727R, SGH-I747, SGH-I747D, SGH-I747M, SGH-I757M, SGH-I777, SGH-I827, SGH-I827D, SGH-I847, SGH-I8700, SGH-I897, SGH-I917, SGH-I917R, SGH-I937, SGH-I957, SGH-I957D, SGH-I957M, SGH-I957R, SGH-I997R
- SGH-M-series: SGH-M919, SGH-M919M, SGH-M919V
- SGH-S-series: SGH-S275M, SGH-S275R, SGH-S730M
- SGH-T-series: SGH-T159V, SGH-T199, SGH-T259, SGH-T289, SGH-T359, SGH-T379, SGH-T399, SGH-T399N, SGH-T469, SGH-T469V, SGH-T469W, SGH-T479, SGH-T479B, SGH-T499, SGH-T499V, SGH-T499Y, SGH-T589, SGH-T589R, SGH-T589W, SGH-T599, SGH-T599N, SGH-T599V, SGH-T669, SGH-T679, SGH-T679M, SGH-T699, SGH-T759, SGH-T769, SGH-T839, SGH-T879, SGH-T889, SGH-T889V, SGH-T899, SGH-T899M, SGH-T939, SGH-T959, SGH-T959P, SGH-T959v, SGH-T989, SGH-T989D, SGH-T999, SGH-T999L, SGH-T999N, SGH-T999V
- SHV-E-series: SHV-E110S, SHV-E120K, SHV-E120L, SHV-E120S, SHV-E140S, SHV-E150S, SHV-E160K, SHV-E160L, SHV-E160S, SHV-E170K, SHV-E170L, SHV-E170S, SHV-E210K, SHV-E210L, SHV-E210S, SHV-E250K, SHV-E250S, SHV-E270K, SHV-E270S, SHV-E275S, SHV-E300K, SHV-E300L, SHV-E300S, SHV-E330K , SHV-E330L, SHV-E330S , SHV-E370K, SHV-E470S, SHV-E500L, SHV-E500S
- SHW-A-series: SHW-A110K, SHW-A110S, SHW-A130S, SHW-A160S, SHW-A180S, SHW-A210S, SHW-A220S, SHW-A250K, SHW-A250S, SHW-A300S
- SHW-M-series: SHW-M100S, SHW-M110S, SHW-M130K, SHW-M180S, SHW-M190S, SHW-M240S, SHW-M250K, SHW-M250S, SHW-M250S, SHW-M290K, SHW-M340S, SHW-M440, SHW-M440S
- SM-A-series: SM-A102U, SM-A105F, SM-A105FN, SM-A105G, SM-A105M, SM-A107F, SM-A107M, SM-A202F, SM-A202FN, SM-A202K, SM-A205F, SM-A205FN, SM-A205G, SM-A205GN, SM-A205K, SM-A205S, SM-A205W, SM-A205Y, SM-A205YN, SM-A260F, SM-A260G, SM-A3000, SM-A3009, SM-A300F, SM-A300FU, SM-A300G, SM-A300H, SM-A300M, SM-A300Y, SM-A300YZ, SM-A3050, SM-A3058, SM-A305F, SM-A305FN, SM-A305G, SM-A305GN, SM-A305GT, SM-A305N, SM-A305YN, SM-A307FN, SM-A307G, SM-A307GN, SM-A307GT, SM-A310F, SM-A310FD, SM-A310M, SM-A310MD, SM-A310N0, SM-A310Y, SM-A320F, SM-A320FL, SM-A320Y, SM-A405F, SM-A405FM, SM-A405FN, SM-A405G, SM-A405GN, SM-A405S, SM-A5000, SM-A500F, SM-A500F1, SM-A500FD, SM-A500FQ, SM-A500FU, SM-A500G, SM-A500H, SM-A500HQ, SM-A500K, SM-A500L, SM-A500M, SM-A500S, SM-A500W, SM-A500XZ, SM-A500Y, SM-A500YZ, SM-A505F, SM-A505FM, SM-A505FN, SM-A505G, SM-A505GN, SM-A505GT, SM-A507FN, SM-A5100, SM-A5108, SM-A510F, SM-A510FD, SM-A510K, SM-A510L, SM-A510M, SM-A510MD, SM-A510S, SM-A510Y, SM-A510YD, SM-A520F, SM-A520K, SM-A520L, SM-A520S, SM-A520W, SM-A530F, SM-A530N, SM-A530W, SM-A600A, SM-A600AZ, SM-A600F, SM-A600FN, SM-A600G, SM-A600GN, SM-A600N, SM-A600T, SM-A600T1, SM-A600U, SM-A6050, SM-A605F, SM-A605FN, SM-A605G, SM-A605GN, SM-A6060, SM-A7000, SM-A7009, SM-A700F, SM-A700FD, SM-A700FQ, SM-A700FZ, SM-A700H, SM-A700K, SM-A700L, SM-A700M, SM-A700S, SM-A700YD, SM-A700YZ, SM-A7100, SM-A7108, SM-A710F, SM-A710FD, SM-A710K, SM-A710L, SM-A710M, SM-A710MD, SM-A710S, SM-A710Y, SM-A720F, SM-A720N, SM-A720S, SM-A730F, SM-A730N, SM-A750F, SM-A750FN, SM-A750G, SM-A750GN, SM-A800F, SM-A800I, SM-A800IZ, SM-A800S, SM-A800YZ, SM-A805F, SM-A805FN, SM-A805FZ, SM-A810F, SM-A810FD, SM-A810S, SM-A810YZ, SM-A9000, SM-A9000K, SM-A9100, SM-A910F, SM-A910FD
- SM-B-series: SM-B105E, SM-B109E, SM-B110E, SM-B310E, SM-B312E , SM-B312EH, SM-B313E, SM-B350E, SM-B360E
- SM-C-series: SM-C101, SM-C105, SM-C105A, SM-C105K, SM-C105L, SM-C105S, SM-C111, SM-C115, SM-C115M, SM-C5000, SM-C5010, SM-C5018, SM-C7000, SM-C700S, SM-C7010, SM-C7018, SM-C7100, SM-C710F, SM-C9000, SM-C9008, SM-C900F, SM-C900Y
- SM-E-series: SM-E500F, SM-E500H, SM-E500HQ, SM-E500M, SM-E500YZ, SM-E7000, SM-E700F, SM-E700H, SM-E700M
- SM-G-series: SM-G110B, SM-G110H, SM-G110M, SM-G130BT, SM-G130BU, SM-G130E , SM-G130H , SM-G130HN , SM-G130M, SM-G130U, SM-G150N0, SM-G150NK, SM-G150NL, SM-G150NS, SM-G155S, SM-G1600, SM-G1650, SM-G165N, SM-G310HN, SM-G313H, SM-G313HN, SM-G313HU, SM-G313HY, SM-G313HZ, SM-G313M, SM-G313ML, SM-G313MU, SM-G313MY, SM-G313U, SM-G316H, SM-G316HU, SM-G316M, SM-G316ML, SM-G316MY, SM-G316U, SM-G318H, SM-G318HZ, SM-G318ML, SM-G318MZ, SM-G350, SM-G350E, SM-G350L, SM-G350M, SM-G355H, SM-G355HN, SM-G355HQ, SM-G355M, SM-G357F, SM-G357FZ, SM-G357M, SM-G3606, SM-G3608, SM-G3609, SM-G360AZ, SM-G360BT, SM-G360F, SM-G360FY, SM-G360G, SM-G360GY, SM-G360H, SM-G360HU, SM-G360M, SM-G360P, SM-G360T, SM-G360T1, SM-G361F, SM-G361H, SM-G361HU, SM-G3812, SM-G3812B, SM-G3815, SM-G3818, SM-G3819, SM-G386W, SM-G388F, SM-G389F, SM-G390F, SM-G390W, SM-G390Y, SM-G5108, SM-G5108Q, SM-G5109, SM-G5308W, SM-G5309W, SM-G530A, SM-G530BT, SM-G530F, SM-G530FQ, SM-G530FZ, SM-G530H, SM-G530M, SM-G530P, SM-G530T, SM-G530T1, SM-G530Y, SM-G531BT, SM-G531F, SM-G531H, SM-G531Y, SM-G532F, SM-G532FD, SM-G532G, SM-G532M, SM-G532MT, SM-G5500, SM-G550F, SM-G550FY, SM-G550T, SM-G550T2, SM-G5510, SM-G5520, SM-G5700, SM-G570F, SM-G570FD, SM-G570M, SM-G570MD, SM-G570Y, SM-G6000, SM-G600F, SM-G600FY, SM-G600S, SM-G6100, SM-G610F, SM-G610FD, SM-G610FZ, SM-G610K, SM-G610L, SM-G610M, SM-G610S, SM-G610Y, SM-G611F, SM-G611FF, SM-G611K, SM-G611L, SM-G611M, SM-G611MT, SM-G611S, SM-G615F, SM-G615FU, SM-G710, SM-G7102 , SM-G7102T, SM-G7105, SM-G7105L, SM-G710K, SM-G710L, SM-G710S, SM-G7200, SM-G7202, SM-G720AX, SM-G720NO, SM-G730A, SM-G730M, SM-G730W8, SM-G7508Q, SM-G7509, SM-G750A, SM-G750F, SM-G750H, SM-G800F, SM-G800H, SM-G800HQ, SM-G800I, SM-G800M, SM-G800Y, SM-G850A, SM-G850F, SM-G850FQ, SM-G850M, SM-G850T, SM-G850Y, SM-G860P, SM-G870A, SM-G870D, SM-G870F, SM-G870F0, SM-G870W, SM-G8750, SM-G8850, SM-G8858, SM-G885F, SM-G885S, SM-G885Y, SM-G890A, SM-G891A, SM-G892A, SM-G892U, SM-G892U TMB, SM-G9006V, SM-G9006W, SM-G9008V, SM-G9008W, SM-G9009D, SM-G9009W, SM-G900A, SM-G900F, SM-G900FD, SM-G900FG, SM-G900H, SM-G900I , SM-G900K, SM-G900L, SM-G900M, SM-G900MD, SM-G900P , SM-G900S, SM-G900T , SM-G900T2, SM-G900T3, SM-G900W8, SM-G901F, SM-G903F, SM-G903FD, SM-G903M, SM-G903W, SM-G906K, SM-G906L, SM-G906S, SM-G9105, SM-G910S, SM-G9200, SM-G9208, SM-G9209, SM-G920A, SM-G920AZ, SM-G920D, SM-G920F, SM-G920FD, SM-G920FZ, SM-G920I, SM-G920K, SM-G920L, SM-G920P, SM-G920R4, SM-G920S, SM-G920T, SM-G920W8, SM-G9250, SM-G925A, SM-G925F, SM-G925FQ, SM-G925I, SM-G925K, SM-G925L, SM-G925P, SM-G925S, SM-G925T, SM-G925W8, SM-G9287, SM-G9287C, SM-G928C, SM-G928F, SM-G928G, SM-G928I, SM-G928K, SM-G928L, SM-G928N0, SM-G928P, SM-G928S, SM-G928T, SM-G928W8, SM-G930, SM-G9300, SM-G9308, SM-G930A, SM-G930AZ, SM-G930F, SM-G930FD, SM-G930K, SM-G930L, SM-G930P, SM-G930S, SM-G930T, SM-G930U, SM-G930V, SM-G930W8, SM-G9350, SM-G935A, SM-G935F, SM-G935FD, SM-G935K, SM-G935L, SM-G935P, SM-G935S, SM-G935T, SM-G935U, SM-G935V, SM-G935W8, SM-G9500, SM-G9508, SM-G950D, SM-G950F, SM-G950FD, SM-G950J, SM-G950N, SM-G950U, SM-G950U TMB, SM-G950U1, SM-G950U1 TMB, SM-G950V, SM-G950W, SM-G9550, SM-G955F, SM-G955FD, SM-G955N, SM-G955U, SM-G955U TMB, SM-G955U1, SM-G955U1 TMB, SM-G955W, SM-G9600, SM-G9608, SM-G960F, SM-G960N, SM-G960U, SM-G960U TMB, SM-G960U1, SM-G960U1 TMB, SM-G960W, SM-G9650, SM-G965F, SM-G965N, SM-G965U, SM-G965U TMB, SM-G965U1, SM-G965U1 TMB, SM-G965W, SM-G970F, SM-G970N, SM-G970U, SM-G973F, SM-G973N, SM-G973U, SM-G975F, SM-G975N, SM-G975U, SM-G977U
- SM-GT-series: SM-GTI9295
- SM-J-series: SM-J100F, SM-J100FN, SM-J100G, SM-J100H, SM-J100M, SM-J100ML, SM-J100MU, SM-J100MV, SM-J100VPP, SM-J100Y, SM-J105B, SM-J105F, SM-J105H, SM-J105M, SM-J105Y, SM-J106B, SM-J106M, SM-J110F, SM-J110G, SM-J110H, SM-J110L, SM-J110M, SM-J111F, SM-J111M, SM-J120A, SM-J120AZ, SM-J120F, SM-J120FN, SM-J120G, SM-J120H, SM-J120M, SM-J120P, SM-J120W, SM-J120ZN, SM-J200BT, SM-J200F, SM-J200G, SM-J200GU, SM-J200H, SM-J200M, SM-J200Y, SM-J210F, SM-J210FD, SM-J250F, SM-J250G, SM-J250M, SM-J250N, SM-J260F, SM-J260G, SM-J260M, SM-J260T, SM-J260T1, SM-J260Y, SM-J3110, SM-J3119, SM-J3119S, SM-J320A, SM-J320AZ, SM-J320F, SM-J320FN, SM-J320G, SM-J320H, SM-J320M, SM-J320MU, SM-J320NO, SM-J320P, SM-J320V, SM-J320VPP, SM-J320W8, SM-J320Y, SM-J320YZ, SM-J320ZN, SM-J321AZ, SM-J326A, SM-J326AZ, SM-J327A, SM-J327AZ, SM-J327P, SM-J327P (Sprint), SM-J327T, SM-J327T1, SM-J327V, SM-J327VPP, SM-J3308, SM-J330F, SM-J330FD, SM-J330FN, SM-J330G, SM-J330GM, SM-J330L, SM-J330N, SM-J336AZ, SM-J337A, SM-J337AZ, SM-J337T, SM-J337W, SM-J400F, SM-J400G, SM-J400GD, SM-J400M, SM-J410F, SM-J410G, SM-J415F, SM-J415FN, SM-J415G, SM-J415GN, SM-J5007, SM-J5008, SM-J500F, SM-J500FN, SM-J500G, SM-J500H, SM-J500M, SM-J500NO, SM-J500Y, SM-J5108, SM-J510F, SM-J510FN, SM-J510FQ, SM-J510G, SM-J510GN, SM-J510H, SM-J510K, SM-J510L, SM-J510MN, SM-J510N, SM-J510S, SM-J510U, SM-J510UN, SM-J530F, SM-J530FM, SM-J530G, SM-J530GM, SM-J530K, SM-J530L, SM-J530S, SM-J530Y, SM-J530YM, SM-J600F, SM-J600FN, SM-J600G, SM-J600GF, SM-J600GT, SM-J600L, SM-J600N, SM-J610F, SM-J610FN, SM-J610G, SM-J610GN, SM-J700F, SM-J700H, SM-J700M, SM-J701F, SM-J701FD, SM-J701M, SM-J701MT, SM-J7108, SM-J710F, SM-J710FD, SM-J710FN, SM-J710FQ, SM-J710FZ, SM-J710GN, SM-J710K, SM-J710MN, SM-J720F, SM-J720M, SM-J727A, SM-J727AZ, SM-J727P, SM-J727PP (Sprint), SM-J727S, SM-J727T, SM-J727T1, SM-J727V, SM-J727VPP, SM-J730F, SM-J730FM, SM-J730G, SM-J730GM, SM-J730K, SM-J730M, SM-J737A, SM-J737T, SM-J737T1, SM-J810F, SM-J810G, SM-J810M, SM-J810Y
- SM-M-series: SM-M105F, SM-M105G, SM-M105M, SM-M105Y, SM-M107F, SM-M107FN, SM-M205F, SM-M205FN, SM-M205G, SM-M205M, SM-M205N, SM-M305F, SM-M305M, SM-M307F
- SM-N-series: SM-N750, SM-N7500Q, SM-N7502, SM-N7505, SM-N7505L, SM-N900, SM-N9000Q, SM-N9002, SM-N9005, SM-N900A, SM-N900J, SM-N900K, SM-N900L, SM-N900P, SM-N900Q, SM-N900S, SM-N900T, SM-N900V, SM-N900W8, SM-N910A, SM-N910C, SM-N910F, SM-N910G, SM-N910H, SM-N910K, SM-N910L, SM-N910P, SM-N910S, SM-N910T, SM-N910U, SM-N910V, SM-N910W8, SM-N9150, SM-N915A, SM-N915D, SM-N915F, SM-N915FY, SM-N915G, SM-N915P, SM-N915S, SM-N915T, SM-N915W8, SM-N916K, SM-N916L, SM-N916S, SM-N9200, SM-N9208, SM-N920A, SM-N920C, SM-N920CD, SM-N920F, SM-N920G, SM-N920I, SM-N920K, SM-N920L, SM-N920P, SM-N920S, SM-N920T, SM-N920W8, SM-N930, SM-N9300, SM-N930A, SM-N930F, SM-N930FD, SM-N930K, SM-N930L, SM-N930P, SM-N930R4, SM-N930S, SM-N930T, SM-N930U, SM-N930W8, SM-N9500, SM-N9508, SM-N950F, SM-N950FD, SM-N950N, SM-N950U, SM-N950U TMB, SM-N950U1, SM-N950U1 TMB, SM-N950W, SM-N960F, SM-N960FD, SM-N960N, SM-N960U (TMB), SM-N960U1 (TMB), SM-N960W, SM-N970F, SM-N970U, SM-N970U1, SM-N970W, SM-N971N, SM-N975F, SM-N975U, SM-N975U1, SM-N975W, SM-N976B, SM-N976F, SM-N976N
- SM-P-series: SM-P350, SM-P355, SM-P355C, SM-P355M, SM-P355Y, SM-P550, SM-P555, SM-P555C, SM-P555K, SM-P555L, SM-P555M, SM-P555S, SM-P555Y, SM-P585M, SM-P585N, SM-P585Y, SM-P601, SM-P602 , SM-P605, SM-P605M, SM-P605S, SM-P605V, SM-P607A, SM-P607T, SM-P901, SM-P902, SM-P905, SM-P905F0, SM-P905M, SM-P905V, SM-P907A, SM-P907T
- SM-R-series: SM-R750, SM-R750A, SM-R750B, SM-R750D, SM-R750J, SM-R750T, SM-R750W
- SM-T-series: SM-T111, SM-T111M, SM-T111NQ, SM-T113, SM-T116, SM-T116BU, SM-T116IR, SM-T116NQ, SM-T116NU, SM-T116NY, SM-T210, SM-T2105, SM-T211, SM-T211M, SM-T217A, SM-T230, SM-T230NT, SM-T230NU, SM-T231, SM-T232, SM-T237P, SM-T2397, SM-T239C, SM-T239M, SM-T2556, SM-T2558, SM-T255S, SM-T280, SM-T280Q, SM-T280QZ, SM-T285, SM-T285M, SM-T285YD, SM-T287, SM-T310, SM-T311, SM-T312, SM-T315, SM-T315T, SM-T320, SM-T320NU, SM-T321, SM-T321A, SM-T325, SM-T330, SM-T331, SM-T331C, SM-T332, SM-T335, SM-T335F3, SM-T335K, SM-T335L, SM-T337A, SM-T337T, SM-T350, SM-T355, SM-T355C, SM-T355Y, SM-T357T, SM-T357W, SM-T365, SM-T365FO, SM-T365M, SM-T365Y, SM-T375L, SM-T375S, SM-T377P, SM-T377T, SM-T377W, SM-T378K, SM-T378L, SM-T378S, SM-T378V, SM-T385, SM-T385C, SM-T395, SM-T525, SM-T530, SM-T530NU, SM-T531, SM-T532, SM-T533, SM-T535, SM-T537A, SM-T537R4, SM-T537V, SM-T550, SM-T555, SM-T555C, SM-T560, SM-T561, SM-T561M, SM-T561Y, SM-T562, SM-T567V, SM-T580, SM-T585, SM-T585C, SM-T585M, SM-T585N, SM-T585Y, SM-T677A, SM-T677K, SM-T677L, SM-T677NK, SM-T677NL, SM-T705, SM-T705C, SM-T705M, SM-T705W, SM-T705Y, SM-T707A, SM-T707V, SM-T710, SM-T715, SM-T715C, SM-T715N0, SM-T715Y, SM-T719C, SM-T719Y, SM-T805, SM-T805C, SM-T805M, SM-T805Y, SM-T807A, SM-T807J, SM-T807P, SM-T807R4, SM-T807V, SM-T810, SM-T815, SM-T815C, SM-T815N0, SM-T815Y, SM-T817P, SM-T817T, SM-T817W, SM-T818, SM-T818A, SM-T818T, SM-T818V, SM-T818W, SM-T819C, SM-T819Y, SM-T825, SM-T825Y, SM-T827, SM-T827V, SM-T900, SM-T905
- SM-W-series: SM-W2014, SM-W2015, SM-W2017
- SM-Z-series: SM-Z130H, SM-Z200F, SM-Z200M, SM-Z200Y, SM-Z300F, SM-Z300FD, SM-Z300H
- SoftBank-series: SoftBank 708SC, SoftBank 805SC, SoftBank SC-04D, SoftBank707SC, SoftBank940SC, SoftBankX01SC
- SPH-G-series: SPH-G930
- SPH-L-series: SPH-L710, SPH-L720, SPH-L720T, SPH-L900
- SPH-M-series: SPH-M8400
- SPH-W-series: SPH-W2400, SPH-W2500, SPH-W2700, SPH-W2900, SPH-W3000, SPH-W3500, SPH-W4100, SPH-W4200, SPH-W4700, SPH-W5000, SPH-W5200, SPH-W5300, SPH-W5310, SPH-W5500, SPH-W5700, SPH-W5900, SPH-W6300, SPH-W6310, SPH-W7100, SPH-W7700, SPH-W7900, SPH-W8300, SPH-W8400, SPH-W8700, SPH-W9000, SPH-W9300, SPH-W9500
- T-series: T670, T677A, T677K, T677L, T677NK, T677NL
- YP-G-series: YP-G70
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
Octopus Box Credits For Exiting Users (Instant)
Must Follow service description
Do Not Submit any Username for which You Don't Have Password
We Cannot Fix it or Revoke it
if you do not follow this Rule GiftedGsm is not Responsible
Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.5.8 Release Notes:
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
Octopus Box Credits For New Users (Instant)
Octopus Credits For Unlock Remove FRP
Octoplus Unlimited Sony Ericsson + Sony Activation
buy 400 Credits account to activate Sony
Note: Must Type 8 digit passward & Username to get order instant
Do not Submit order as user: NEW, Password NEW
Do Not Add Any Kind of Special Character in Username Or Password
If any kind of delay it will be only your mistake
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Octopus Box LG Activation
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Sigma Pack 1 Activation Code
I've got an activation code. What shall I do next?
Activation: you can activate pack in Sigmakey Software.
For this purpose, please, perform the following steps:
- Open "Sigmakey" tab
- Type in activation code in "Activation code" window
- Press "Activate Pack" button. The Pack will be activated immediately
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
sigma Pack 1+ Pack 2 + Pack 3 + Pack 4 + Pack 5 Activation
Pack 1 Activation enables decode and repair IMEI features for the latest Motorola TI smartphones along with unique Yoda method of decode/get codes for the newest MTK-based Motorola, Alcatel, Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo smartphones*.
Pack 2 Activation enables service features for the latest Qualcomm Hexagon smartphones.
Pack 3 Activation enables FRP Remove feature for Hi-Silicon Huawei Android and Qualcomm Huawei Android smartphones*.
Pack 4 Activation is a unique solution allowing you to Repair IMEI on the latest Huawei phones.
Pack 5 Activation
These particular Activations can be used with SigmaKey Dongle or Sigma Box only.
After successful transaction we will send your activation code on your email address.
I've got the activation code. What shall I do next?
How to Activate:
- Click on the "SigmaKey" tab.
- Enter the received code into the "Activation Code" field (as shown on the picture below).
- Click on the "Activate Pack" button.
Additional features will be available straight away after successful activation!
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Sigma Pack 2 Activation
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Sigma Pack 3 Activation Code
Pack 3 Activation for Sigma enables FRP REMOVE feature for:
- Hi-Silicon Huawei Android smartphones
- Qualcomm Huawei Android smartphones
I've got an activation code. What shall I do next?
Activation: you can activate pack in Sigmakey Software.
For this purpose, please, perform the following steps:
- Open "Sigmakey" tab
- Type in activation code in "Activation code" window
- Press "Activate Pack" button. The Pack will be activated immediately
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1 - 5minute
Sigma Pack 4 Activation
Sigma Pack 4 Activation is a unique solution allowing you to Repair IMEI on the latest Huawei phones.
- No risk of phone damage during the repair process
- No need to reflash or reset the phone after each repair operation
- No data lost after IMEI repair operation
- Fast one click solution with unlimited operations
- All Android OS and security versions supported
Sigma Pack 4 - Features:
- Repair IMEI
Sigma Pack 4 - Supported Huawei Phones:
- Y5 2019
- Y6 Prime 2019
- Y6 Pro 2019
- Y6 2019
- Honor Play 8A
- Honor 8A Pro
- Honor 8A
- Enjoy 9e
- Honor 8S
- AMN-AL10, AMN-L03, AMN-L21, AMN-L22, AMN-L23, AMN-L29, AMN-LX1, AMN-LX3, AMN-LX9
- JAT-L21, JAT-L29, JAT-L41, JAT-AL00, JAT-LX1
- MRD-L03, MRD-L11, MRD-L21, MRD-L41, MRD-AL00, MRD-TL00, MRD-LX1, MRD-LX1F, MRD-LX3
- KSA-AL00, KSA-AL10, KSA-L22, KSA-L23, KSA-L29, KSA-LX9
Note! All Sigma users with Sigma Pack 4 Activated will get access to all future updates introduced to this pack.
How to Activate:
- Click on the "SigmaKey" tab.
- Enter the received code into the "Activation Code" field (as shown on the picture below).
- Click on the "Activate Pack" button.
Additional features will be available straight away after successful activation!
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 5minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Sigma Pack 5 Activation
Sigma Pack 5 Activation allows you to use Huawei secure data (certificate) files made by other Sigma smart cards.
Huawei certificate files are intended for working with IMEI codes of Huawei phones.
After activating this pack, you will be able to:
- Share your Huawei certificate files
- Use shared Huawei certificate files
The certificate (secure data file) allows to:
- Restore your phone's IMEI
- Copy the IMEI of Phone 1 and restore it to Phone 2 (in case the phone 1 is damaged)
- Replace an old active mobile with the new one, saving IMEI number
- Backup and restore original IMEI(s) and network lock state
With Sigma Pack 5 activated, you enable the feature Daily Counter Reset of Huawei Autorizations
Note! To use the option Daily Counter Reset of Huawei Autorizations you need to have Pack 4 activated as well.
Supported devices:
Huawei devices on HiSilicon Kirin 710 / 65x / 95x / 810 / 960 / 970 / 980 / 990 / 990 5G and older:
- Huawei AKA-AL10, AKA-L29, AQM-AL00, AQM-AL10, AQM-L21A, AQM-LX1, AQM-TL00, AQM-TL10, ART-AL00, ART-L28, ART-L29, ART-TL00, BAH3-AL00, BAH3-L09, EBG-AN00, EBG-AN10, EBG-TN00, EBG-TN10, ELE-AL00, ELE-L04, ELE-L09, ELE-L29, ELE-TL00, ELS-AN00, ELS-N04, ELS-NX9, ELS-TN00, Enjoy 10, Enjoy 10 Plus, Enjoy 9 Plus, Enjoy 9S, EVR-AL00, EVR-L29, EVR-N29, EVR-TL00, GLK-LX1, GLK-LX2, GLK-LX3, HLK-AL00, HLK-AL10, HLK-L22, HLK-L29, HLK-TL00, HLK-TL10, HMA-AL00, HMA-L09, HMA-L29, HMA-TL00, Honor 10 Lite, Honor 10i, Honor 20, Honor 20 Lite, Honor 20 Lite RU, Honor 20 Pro, Honor 20 Youth Edition, Honor 20i, Honor 20S, Honor 30 Pro, Honor 30 Pro+, Honor 8x, Honor 9C, Honor 9X, Honor 9x Global, Honor 9x Lite, Honor 9X Pro, Honor Magic 2, Honor Play 3, Honor Play 4 Pro, Honor Play 4T, Honor Play 4T Pro, Honor Tab 5 8.0, Honor V20, Honor V30 Pro, Honor View 30, HRY-AL00, HRY-AL00A, HRY-AL00T, HRY-AL00TA, HRY-LX1, HRY-LX1MEB, HRY-LX1T, HRY-LX2, HWV33, INE-AL00, INE-LX1, INE-LX1R, INE-LX2, INE-LX2R, INE-TL00, JDN2-AL00, JDN2-W09, JKM-AL00, JKM-AL10, JKM-AL20, JKM-LX1, JKM-LX2, JKM-LX3, JKM-TL00, JNY-AL10, JNY-L22, JNY-LX1, JNY-LX2, JNY-TL10, JSN-L21, JSN-L22, JSN-L23, JSN-L42, JSN-LX1, JSN-LX2, JSN-LX3, LIO-AL00, LIO-AN00, LIO-L09, LIO-L29, LIO-N29, LIO-TL00, LIO-TN00, LRA-AL00, LRA-TL00, LTK-LX3, LYA-AL00, LYA-L09, LYA-L29, LYA-TL00, Maimang 7, Maimang 8, MAR-AL00, MAR-L01, MAR-L21, MAR-L22, MAR-LX1, MAR-LX2, MAR-LX3A, MAR-TL00, Mate 20, Mate 20 Lite, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 RS, Mate 20 X, Mate 20X, Mate 30, Mate 30 Lite, Mate 30 Pro, Mate 30 Pro 5G, Mate 30 RS, Mate X, Mate Xs, MatePad, MatePad 10.8 4g, MatePad Pro, MatePad Pro 5G, Mediapad M5 Lite 8.0, Mediapad M6 10.8, Mediapad M6 8.4, Mediapad M6 Turbo, MRX-AL09, MRX-AL19, MRX-W09, Nova 3i, Nova 4e, Nova 5, Nova 5 Pro, Nova 5i, Nova 5i Pro, Nova 5T, Nova 5T Pro, Nova 5Z, Nova 6, Nova 6 5G, Nova 6 SE, Nova 7i, Nova Lite 3, Nova Lite 3+, OXF-AN00, OXF-AN10, OXP-AN00, P Smart 2019, P Smart 2020, P Smart Pro, P Smart Z, P Smart+, P Smart+ 2019, P20 lite 2019, P30, P30 Lite, P30 Pro, P30 Pro New Edition, P40, P40 Lite, P40 Lite E, P40 Pro, P40 Pro+, PCT-AL10, PCT-L29, PCT-TL10, POT-AL00, POT-AL10, POT-L21, POT-L22, POT-L23, POT-LX1, POT-LX2, POT-LX3, POT-TL00, SCM-AL09, SCMR-AL09, SEA-AL00, SEA-AL10, SEA-TL00, SNE-AL00, SNE-L01, SNE-L03, SNE-L21, SNE-L23, SNE-LX1, SNE-LX2, SNE-LX3, SNE-TL00, SPL-L29, SPN-AL00, SPN-TL00, STK-AL00, STK-L01, STK-L01M, STK-L21, STK-L21VHN, STK-L22, STK-LX1, STK-LX3, STK-TL00, TAS-AL00, TAS-L09, TAS-L29, TAS-TL00, TNY-TL00, VOG-AL00, VOG-AL10, VOG-L04, VOG-L09, VOG-L29, VOG-TL00, VRD-AL00, WLZ-AL10, WLZ-AN00, Y7p, Y8p, Y8s, Y9 2019, Y9 Prime 2019, Y9S, YAL-AL00, YAL-AL50, Yal-L21, YAL-L41, Yal-L61, Yal-L71, YAL-TL50
- ALP-AL00, ALP-L09, ALP-L29, ALP-TL00, BKL-AL00, BKL-AL20, BKL-L09, BKL-TL20, BLA-A09, BLA-AL00, BLA-L09, BLA-L29, BLA-TL00, CLT-L04, CLT-L09, CLT-L29, COL-AL10, COL-L29, COL-TL00, COL-TL10, COR-AL00, COR-L29, COR-TL10, EML-AL00, EML-L09, EML-L22, EML-L29, EML-TL00, Honor 10, Honor 10 GT, Honor Note 10, Honor Play, Honor View 10, Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, Mate RS Porshe, Nova 3, Nova 4 High, Nova 4 Standard, P20, P20 Pro, PAR-AL00, PAR-LX1, PAR-LX9, PAR-TL20, RVL-AL10
- AGS2-W09, AGS2-W19, BAH2-L09, BAH2-W09, CMR-09, CMR-W19, M2-802L, M2-803L, M2-A01L, M2-A01W, Mediapad M2 10, Mediapad M2 8.0, Mediapad M5 10 Pro, Mediapad M5 8, Mediapad M5 Lite 10, Mediapad T5 10, SHT-W09
- BKL-TL00, Enjoy 7S, FIG-AL00, FIG-AL10, FIG-L21, FIG-L22, FIG-LA1, FIG-LX1, FIG-LX2, FIG-lx3, FIG-TL10, HWI-TL00, Nova 2s Premium Edition, Nova Lite 2, P Smart
- 8 Pro, ANE-AL00, ANE-L01, ANE-L22, ANE-L23, ANE-LX2, ANE-LX3, BAC-AL00, BAC-L01, BAC-L02, BAC-L03, BAC-L09, BAC-L21, BAC-L22, BAC-L23, BAC-TL00, BND-AL10, BND-L21, BND-L24, BND-TL10, BTV-DL09, BTV-L0J, BTV-W09, CMR-AL09, CMR-AL19, D188-L29, DUK-AL00, DUK-AL10, DUK-AL20, DUK-AL30, DUK-L09, DUK-L29, DUK-TL30, EDI-AL10, EDI-DL00, Edison, Enjoy 7S, Enjoy 8 Plus, FIG-TL10, FLA-AL00, FLA-AL10, FLA-AL20, FLA-L22, FLA-LX2, FLA-LX3, G10, G10 Plus, HDN-L09, Honor 7X, Honor 8 pro, Honor 9, Honor 9 Lite, Honor 9i, Honor Changwan 7X, Honor Note 8 Premium Edition, Honor V9, Honor WaterPlay 10.1, Huawei G10, HWI-AL00, HWV32, LDN-AL00, LLD-AL10, LLD-L22, LLD-L31, LON-AL00, LON-CL00, LON-L09, LON-L29, LON-TL10B, Maiming 6, Mate 10 Lite, Mate 9, Mate 9 Pro, MediaPad M5 8.4, MediaPad M5 Pro 10.8, MHA-AL10, MHA-L09, MHA-L29, MHA-TL00, Nova 2, Nova 2 Plus, Nova 2i, P10, P10 Plus, P20 Lite, PIC-AL00, PIC-L09, PIC-L29, PIC-TL00, RNE-AL00, RNE-L01, RNE-L02, RNE-L03, RNE-L21, RNE-L22, RNE-L23, SHT-AL09, STF-AL00, STF-AL10, STF-AL20, STF-L09, STF-L14, STF-L19, STF-L29, STF-L39, STF-TL10, VKY-AL00, VKY-L09, VKY-L29, VTR-AL00, VTR-L09, VTR-L29, VTR-TL00, Y9 2018
How to Activate:
- Click on "SigmaKey" tab.
- Enter the received code into the "Activation Code" field (as shown on the picture below).
- Click on "Activate Pack" button.
- Enter Activation code.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Hardware Tools Activation
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Pragmafix Activation
iPhone And Android Hardware Reparing Tools
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few hours
XinZhiZao [ Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System ] 1 account/1 year
A professional maintenance tool for inquiring professional maintenance information of mobile phones, computers, tablets and other electronic products. Collecting the strengths of hundreds of companies, make maintenance so simple!
Tool download :
Help[ PC client manual v2.3 ]
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - few hours
XinZhiZao [ Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System ] 3 account/1 year
professional maintenance information of mobile phones, computers, tablets and other electronic products. Collecting the strengths of hundreds of companies, make maintenance so simple!
Tool download :
Help[ PC client manual v2.3 ]
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few hours
Infinity online services
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5hours
AMT-Dongle Software Activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle/BEST Dongle/Infinity CDMA Dongle
Instruction: After order become COMPLETED you should update Smart-Card firmware
Enter S/N (8 symbols like 12345678) and click to Order
For More Details visit Developer Website
Note: This is a Developer Product & We are offering at the behalf of Infinity Team
if any issue we will ask infinity team to fix or client must have to contact with developer team for operational issue
giftedgsm is only Responsible for activation issue
Once activation done this product will be non refundable
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 6 Hours
Asansam Box software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
Avator-Dongle (without Avator-Pro) software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Avator Pro Not Included
You can Activate Only Avator Only at Infinit Box/Dongle, Infinity Best Dongle Infinity CDMA Tool
You must have Avator-Box hardware to get Avator-Box functions !
Read before buy !
Delivery Time
Avator-Dongle (without Avator-Pro) software activation for Infinity [BEST]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Avator Pro Not Included
You can Activate Only Avator Only at Infinit Box/Dongle, Infinity Best Dongle Infinity CDMA Tool
You must have Avator-Box hardware to get Avator-Box functions !
Read before buy !
Delivery Time
Avator-Dongle (without Avator-Pro) software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Avator Pro Not Included
You can Activate Only Avator Only at Infinit Box/Dongle, Infinity Best Dongle Infinity CDMA Tool
You must have Avator-Box hardware to get Avator-Box functions !
Read before buy !
Delivery Time
Avator-Pro software activation for Infinity (with Avator-Dongle activated)
Only for dongles with already activated Avator-Dongle ! 1 hour-36 hours
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10 Hours
CS-Tool S-Pack (S-Module) Activation for CS-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Full activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Before activation run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Full activation for Infinity [BEST]
Before activation run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Full activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Before activation run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
DC-Unlocker Full activation for Rocker-Dongle
Before activation run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Delivery Time
DC-Unlocker Full activation for Vygis-Toolbox & VPower
Before activation run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Lite activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Lite activation for Infinity [BEST]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Before Buy activation Once run DC-Unlocker with Dongle connected to initialize Dongle ! After that make activation !
After activation you DO NOT need to update dongle firmware !
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
DC-Unlocker Lite activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
DC-Unlocker Lite activation for Rocker-Dongle
Please Here Only Rocker Dongle Serial
Delivery Time
DC-Unlocker Lite activation for Vygis-Toolbox & VPower
Delivery Time
GB-Key software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool (Pack-1 for 1 year included)
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
GB-Key software activation for Infinity [BEST] (Pack-1 for 1 year included)
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|1-24 Hours
GRT-Dongle software activation for Infinity
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
DELIVERY TIME : 1-24 Hours
Delivery Time
|Auto API
Hua Dongle software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
Hua Dongle software activation for Infinity [BEST]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Auto API
Hua Dongle software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
Infinity BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] software activation for Infinity CDMA Tool
This service will activate Best Dongle BB5 Service tool at your CDMA Tool
Do Not Submit Here Best Dongle Serial Serial here
Delivery Time
Infinity BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
This service will activate Best Dongle BB5 Service tool at your infinity Box
Do Not Submit Here Best Dongle Serial or CDMA Tool Dongle Serial here
Delivery Time
|Auto API
Infinity Box/Dongle Credits Any Quantity (Create New Username)
Infinity Box/Dongle Credits For New Username
Please Place Correct infinity Server Username or Box/Dongle Username
Do not Place Wrong User or Serial.
Delivery Time
|Auto API
Infinity Box/Dongle Credits Any Quantity (Refill Existing Username)
Infinity Box/Dongle Credits For Refill in Existing Username
Please Place Correct infinity Server Username or Box/Dongle Username
Do not Place Wrong User or Serial.
Delivery Time
Infinity Content Extractor software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Please do not Submit Here Infinity Box serial or Best Dongle Serial.
Delivery Time
Infinity Content Extractor software activation for Infinity [BEST]
Buy This Service Only For Best Dongle Do not Place order For infinity Box Or CDMA Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Please do not Submit Here Infinity Box serial or Best Dongle Serial.
Delivery Time
Infinity Language Pack Editor software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Please do not Submit Here Infinity Box serial or Best Dongle Serial.
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Infinity Server Logs 10 Credits
Supported 10 credit for Samsung Exynos unlock code 1 Phone " Promotion
Please Apply With Only Correct Username
Download Dongle Manager And Get Correct Username
Note: Please Do Not Apply With Serial Number Or Wrong Username
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.23 - BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled and more
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
MTKx: Improved RPL operations
- Unlock operations improved
BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled (1-2 minutes)
RAPUv11, RAPUv21, RAP3Gv4, BRCM2x platforms supported
- NaviManager updated
Revised Downloader engine
Enabled "QltQuery" option - allow download older SW version for some models
All latest Nokia MTK phones SW packages Query/Download fixed
Download by product code improved and revised
- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx: Some models can gone to stuck/blink due downgrade, for repair enough reflash latest SW version
List of currently supported models for direct unlock:
RM-381; Nokia 6750
RM-424; Nokia 6720c
RM-469; Nokia E52
RM-470; Nokia 6700c
RM-481; Nokia E52-2
RM-482; Nokia E55
RM-491; Nokia 6710s
RM-497; Nokia 7020
RM-529; Nokia E72-2
RM-530; Nokia E72
RM-540; Nokia X3-00
RM-547; Nokia 6730c
RM-564; Nokia 6720cb
RM-566; Nokia 6730c
RM-576; Nokia 6700s
RM-577; Nokia 6700sc
RM-582; Nokia Vertu CQ
RM-584; Nokia E72-5
RM-586; Nokia 2710c
RM-596; Nokia N8-00
RM-598; Nokia 7230
RM-601; Nokia C6-01
RM-604; Nokia 7230
RM-609; Nokia E6-00
RM-614; Nokia C3-00
RM-615; Nokia 5330
RM-618; Nokia X2-00
RM-626; Nokia E7-00
RM-627; Nokia X5-01
RM-632; Nokia E5-00
RM-634; Nokia E5-00
RM-638; Nokia 6303ci
RM-639; Nokia X3-02
RM-640; Nokia C3-01
RM-645; Nokia C5-00
RM-648; Nokia X5-01
RM-658; Nokia E73
RM-659; Nokia X7-00
RM-670; Nokia 700
RM-675; Nokia C7-00
RM-679; Nokia T7-00
RM-681; Nokia Vertu CT
RM-682; Nokia 6702S
RM-688; Nokia C5-00
RM-691; Nokia C7-00
RM-697; Nokia C5-03
RM-699; Nokia E5-00M
RM-707; Nokia X7-00
RM-709; Nokia X2-01
RM-714; Nokia Asha 311
RM-717; Nokia X2-01
RM-718; Nokia C6-01
RM-719; Nokia C5-03
RM-720; Nokia C5-04
RM-721; Nokia C2-01
RM-722; Nokia C2-01
RM-730; Nokia 702T
RM-744; Nokia C5-00
RM-745; Nokia C5-00
RM-749; Nokia C7-00s Oro
RM-750; Nokia 500
RM-754; Nokia 801T
RM-763; Nokia Asha 303
RM-774; Nokia 701
RM-775; Nokia X3-02
RM-776; Nokia C3-01
RM-779; Nokia 603
RM-781; Nokia Asha 300
RM-807; Nokia 808 Pure
RM-813; Nokia Asha 302
RM-815; Nokia C5-05
RM-816; Nokia C5-06
RM-884; Nokia Asha 302
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Infinity Server Logs 100 Credits
Please Apply With Only Correct Username
Download Dongle Manager And Get Correct Username
Note: Please Do Not Apply With Serial Number Or Wrong Username
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.23 - BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled and more
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
MTKx: Improved RPL operations
- Unlock operations improved
BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled (1-2 minutes)
RAPUv11, RAPUv21, RAP3Gv4, BRCM2x platforms supported
- NaviManager updated
Revised Downloader engine
Enabled "QltQuery" option - allow download older SW version for some models
All latest Nokia MTK phones SW packages Query/Download fixed
Download by product code improved and revised
- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx: Some models can gone to stuck/blink due downgrade, for repair enough reflash latest SW version
List of currently supported models for direct unlock:
RM-381; Nokia 6750 RM-424; Nokia 6720c RM-469; Nokia E52 RM-470; Nokia 6700c RM-481; Nokia E52-2 RM-482; Nokia E55 RM-491; Nokia 6710s RM-497; Nokia 7020 RM-529; Nokia E72-2 RM-530; Nokia E72 RM-540; Nokia X3-00 RM-547; Nokia 6730c RM-564; Nokia 6720cb RM-566; Nokia 6730c RM-576; Nokia 6700s RM-577; Nokia 6700sc RM-582; Nokia Vertu CQ RM-584; Nokia E72-5 RM-586; Nokia 2710c RM-596; Nokia N8-00 RM-598; Nokia 7230 RM-601; Nokia C6-01 RM-604; Nokia 7230 RM-609; Nokia E6-00 RM-614; Nokia C3-00 RM-615; Nokia 5330 RM-618; Nokia X2-00 RM-626; Nokia E7-00 RM-627; Nokia X5-01 RM-632; Nokia E5-00 RM-634; Nokia E5-00 RM-638; Nokia 6303ci RM-639; Nokia X3-02 RM-640; Nokia C3-01 RM-645; Nokia C5-00 RM-648; Nokia X5-01 RM-658; Nokia E73 RM-659; Nokia X7-00 RM-670; Nokia 700 RM-675; Nokia C7-00 RM-679; Nokia T7-00 RM-681; Nokia Vertu CT RM-682; Nokia 6702S RM-688; Nokia C5-00 RM-691; Nokia C7-00 RM-697; Nokia C5-03 RM-699; Nokia E5-00M RM-707; Nokia X7-00 RM-709; Nokia X2-01 RM-714; Nokia Asha 311 RM-717; Nokia X2-01 RM-718; Nokia C6-01 RM-719; Nokia C5-03 RM-720; Nokia C5-04 RM-721; Nokia C2-01 RM-722; Nokia C2-01 RM-730; Nokia 702T RM-744; Nokia C5-00 RM-745; Nokia C5-00 RM-749; Nokia C7-00s Oro RM-750; Nokia 500 RM-754; Nokia 801T RM-763; Nokia Asha 303 RM-774; Nokia 701 RM-775; Nokia X3-02 RM-776; Nokia C3-01 RM-779; Nokia 603 RM-781; Nokia Asha 300 RM-807; Nokia 808 Pure RM-813; Nokia Asha 302 RM-815; Nokia C5-05 RM-816; Nokia C5-06 RM-884; Nokia Asha 302
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Infinity Server Logs 200 Credits
Please Apply With Only Correct Username
Download Dongle Manager And Get Correct Username
Note: Please Do Not Apply With Serial Number Or Wrong Username
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.23 - BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled and more
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
MTKx: Improved RPL operations
- Unlock operations improved
BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled (1-2 minutes)
RAPUv11, RAPUv21, RAP3Gv4, BRCM2x platforms supported
- NaviManager updated
Revised Downloader engine
Enabled "QltQuery" option - allow download older SW version for some models
All latest Nokia MTK phones SW packages Query/Download fixed
Download by product code improved and revised
- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx: Some models can gone to stuck/blink due downgrade, for repair enough reflash latest SW version
List of currently supported models for direct unlock:
RM-381; Nokia 6750 RM-424; Nokia 6720c RM-469; Nokia E52 RM-470; Nokia 6700c RM-481; Nokia E52-2 RM-482; Nokia E55 RM-491; Nokia 6710s RM-497; Nokia 7020 RM-529; Nokia E72-2 RM-530; Nokia E72 RM-540; Nokia X3-00 RM-547; Nokia 6730c RM-564; Nokia 6720cb RM-566; Nokia 6730c RM-576; Nokia 6700s RM-577; Nokia 6700sc RM-582; Nokia Vertu CQ RM-584; Nokia E72-5 RM-586; Nokia 2710c RM-596; Nokia N8-00 RM-598; Nokia 7230 RM-601; Nokia C6-01 RM-604; Nokia 7230 RM-609; Nokia E6-00 RM-614; Nokia C3-00 RM-615; Nokia 5330 RM-618; Nokia X2-00 RM-626; Nokia E7-00 RM-627; Nokia X5-01 RM-632; Nokia E5-00 RM-634; Nokia E5-00 RM-638; Nokia 6303ci RM-639; Nokia X3-02 RM-640; Nokia C3-01 RM-645; Nokia C5-00 RM-648; Nokia X5-01 RM-658; Nokia E73 RM-659; Nokia X7-00 RM-670; Nokia 700 RM-675; Nokia C7-00 RM-679; Nokia T7-00 RM-681; Nokia Vertu CT RM-682; Nokia 6702S RM-688; Nokia C5-00 RM-691; Nokia C7-00 RM-697; Nokia C5-03 RM-699; Nokia E5-00M RM-707; Nokia X7-00 RM-709; Nokia X2-01 RM-714; Nokia Asha 311 RM-717; Nokia X2-01 RM-718; Nokia C6-01 RM-719; Nokia C5-03 RM-720; Nokia C5-04 RM-721; Nokia C2-01 RM-722; Nokia C2-01 RM-730; Nokia 702T RM-744; Nokia C5-00 RM-745; Nokia C5-00 RM-749; Nokia C7-00s Oro RM-750; Nokia 500 RM-754; Nokia 801T RM-763; Nokia Asha 303 RM-774; Nokia 701 RM-775; Nokia X3-02 RM-776; Nokia C3-01 RM-779; Nokia 603 RM-781; Nokia Asha 300 RM-807; Nokia 808 Pure RM-813; Nokia Asha 302 RM-815; Nokia C5-05 RM-816; Nokia C5-06 RM-884; Nokia Asha 302
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Infinity Server Logs 25 Credits
Please Apply With Only Correct Username
Download Dongle Manager And Get Correct Username
Note: Please Do Not Apply With Serial Number Or Wrong Username
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.23 - BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled and more
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
MTKx: Improved RPL operations
- Unlock operations improved
BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled (1-2 minutes)
RAPUv11, RAPUv21, RAP3Gv4, BRCM2x platforms supported
- NaviManager updated
Revised Downloader engine
Enabled "QltQuery" option - allow download older SW version for some models
All latest Nokia MTK phones SW packages Query/Download fixed
Download by product code improved and revised
- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx: Some models can gone to stuck/blink due downgrade, for repair enough reflash latest SW version
List of currently supported models for direct unlock:
RM-381; Nokia 6750 RM-424; Nokia 6720c RM-469; Nokia E52 RM-470; Nokia 6700c RM-481; Nokia E52-2 RM-482; Nokia E55 RM-491; Nokia 6710s RM-497; Nokia 7020 RM-529; Nokia E72-2 RM-530; Nokia E72 RM-540; Nokia X3-00 RM-547; Nokia 6730c RM-564; Nokia 6720cb RM-566; Nokia 6730c RM-576; Nokia 6700s RM-577; Nokia 6700sc RM-582; Nokia Vertu CQ RM-584; Nokia E72-5 RM-586; Nokia 2710c RM-596; Nokia N8-00 RM-598; Nokia 7230 RM-601; Nokia C6-01 RM-604; Nokia 7230 RM-609; Nokia E6-00 RM-614; Nokia C3-00 RM-615; Nokia 5330 RM-618; Nokia X2-00 RM-626; Nokia E7-00 RM-627; Nokia X5-01 RM-632; Nokia E5-00 RM-634; Nokia E5-00 RM-638; Nokia 6303ci RM-639; Nokia X3-02 RM-640; Nokia C3-01 RM-645; Nokia C5-00 RM-648; Nokia X5-01 RM-658; Nokia E73 RM-659; Nokia X7-00 RM-670; Nokia 700 RM-675; Nokia C7-00 RM-679; Nokia T7-00 RM-681; Nokia Vertu CT RM-682; Nokia 6702S RM-688; Nokia C5-00 RM-691; Nokia C7-00 RM-697; Nokia C5-03 RM-699; Nokia E5-00M RM-707; Nokia X7-00 RM-709; Nokia X2-01 RM-714; Nokia Asha 311 RM-717; Nokia X2-01 RM-718; Nokia C6-01 RM-719; Nokia C5-03 RM-720; Nokia C5-04 RM-721; Nokia C2-01 RM-722; Nokia C2-01 RM-730; Nokia 702T RM-744; Nokia C5-00 RM-745; Nokia C5-00 RM-749; Nokia C7-00s Oro RM-750; Nokia 500 RM-754; Nokia 801T RM-763; Nokia Asha 303 RM-774; Nokia 701 RM-775; Nokia X3-02 RM-776; Nokia C3-01 RM-779; Nokia 603 RM-781; Nokia Asha 300 RM-807; Nokia 808 Pure RM-813; Nokia Asha 302 RM-815; Nokia C5-05 RM-816; Nokia C5-06 RM-884; Nokia Asha 302
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Infinity Server Logs 50 Credits
Please Apply With Only Correct Username
Download Dongle Manager And Get Correct Username
Note: Please Do Not Apply With Serial Number Or Wrong Username
Infinity Nokia [BEST] v2.23 - BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled and more
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Improved "Security Repair" feature
MTKx: Improved RPL operations
- Unlock operations improved
BB5 15/20 digits Fast SPUnlock enabled (1-2 minutes)
RAPUv11, RAPUv21, RAP3Gv4, BRCM2x platforms supported
- NaviManager updated
Revised Downloader engine
Enabled "QltQuery" option - allow download older SW version for some models
All latest Nokia MTK phones SW packages Query/Download fixed
Download by product code improved and revised
- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all
MTKx: Some models can gone to stuck/blink due downgrade, for repair enough reflash latest SW version
List of currently supported models for direct unlock:
RM-381; Nokia 6750 RM-424; Nokia 6720c RM-469; Nokia E52 RM-470; Nokia 6700c RM-481; Nokia E52-2 RM-482; Nokia E55 RM-491; Nokia 6710s RM-497; Nokia 7020 RM-529; Nokia E72-2 RM-530; Nokia E72 RM-540; Nokia X3-00 RM-547; Nokia 6730c RM-564; Nokia 6720cb RM-566; Nokia 6730c RM-576; Nokia 6700s RM-577; Nokia 6700sc RM-582; Nokia Vertu CQ RM-584; Nokia E72-5 RM-586; Nokia 2710c RM-596; Nokia N8-00 RM-598; Nokia 7230 RM-601; Nokia C6-01 RM-604; Nokia 7230 RM-609; Nokia E6-00 RM-614; Nokia C3-00 RM-615; Nokia 5330 RM-618; Nokia X2-00 RM-626; Nokia E7-00 RM-627; Nokia X5-01 RM-632; Nokia E5-00 RM-634; Nokia E5-00 RM-638; Nokia 6303ci RM-639; Nokia X3-02 RM-640; Nokia C3-01 RM-645; Nokia C5-00 RM-648; Nokia X5-01 RM-658; Nokia E73 RM-659; Nokia X7-00 RM-670; Nokia 700 RM-675; Nokia C7-00 RM-679; Nokia T7-00 RM-681; Nokia Vertu CT RM-682; Nokia 6702S RM-688; Nokia C5-00 RM-691; Nokia C7-00 RM-697; Nokia C5-03 RM-699; Nokia E5-00M RM-707; Nokia X7-00 RM-709; Nokia X2-01 RM-714; Nokia Asha 311 RM-717; Nokia X2-01 RM-718; Nokia C6-01 RM-719; Nokia C5-03 RM-720; Nokia C5-04 RM-721; Nokia C2-01 RM-722; Nokia C2-01 RM-730; Nokia 702T RM-744; Nokia C5-00 RM-745; Nokia C5-00 RM-749; Nokia C7-00s Oro RM-750; Nokia 500 RM-754; Nokia 801T RM-763; Nokia Asha 303 RM-774; Nokia 701 RM-775; Nokia X3-02 RM-776; Nokia C3-01 RM-779; Nokia 603 RM-781; Nokia Asha 300 RM-807; Nokia 808 Pure RM-813; Nokia Asha 302 RM-815; Nokia C5-05 RM-816; Nokia C5-06 RM-884; Nokia Asha 302
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
Infinity-Box/Dongle 1 year Updates/Support Renew, Chinese Miracle-2 included [CM2 1year Renewal]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Infinity-Box/Dongle 1 year Updates/Support Renew, Chinese Miracle-2 included
This service will renew CM2 software and Renew 1 year support at your infinity Box & Best Dongle & CDMA Tool.
Delivery Time
Infinity-Box/Dongle 2 years Updates Support Renewal Chinese Miracle 2 included [CM2 2 Years Renew]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Infinity-Box 2 years Updates/Support Renew, Chinese Miracle-2 included
This service will Renew Support CM2 softwares and 2 year support at your infinity Box & Best Dongle & CDMA Tool.
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool, Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support
Delivery Time
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool, Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool, Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support included
This Service will activate infinity Box, CM2 and 1 Year support Renewal at CDMA Tool Dongle
after this activation you can use all modules which are supported only infinity Box with CDMA Tool Dongle
Please do not Submit Here Infinity Box serial or Best Dongle Serial.
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity [BEST], Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support in
Delivery Time
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity [BEST], Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support in
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct Serial Number
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Infinity-Box/Dongle software activation for Infinity [BEST], Chinese Miracle-2 and 1 year support included
This Service will activate CM2 and 1 Year support at Best Dongle & infinity Box.
after this activation you can use all modules which are supported only infinity Box with Best Dongle
Please do not Submit Here Infinity CDMA tool Serial
Delivery Time
Micro-Box 1 year support renew (Infinity/Magma Activation)
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
Micro-Box software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
Micro-Box software activation for Infinity [BEST]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
Micro-Box software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10 Hours
SPT Box software activation for USTPRO2
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10 Hours
Delivery Time
SPT-Box software activation for Infinity CDMA-Tool
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
SPT-Box software activation for Infinity [BEST]
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
Delivery Time
SPT-Box software activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle
Please download Dongle Manager From Here Read Serial Number and apply with correct 8 Digit Serial Number only
Correct Serial Format
28312ABC = ✔
AB80CDEF = ✔
48AB7C01 = ✔
Wrong Serial Formats
28312abc = ✘
AB80-CDEF = ✘
48AB7c01 = ✘
King Tools
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5hours
King Tools Activation With 50 Credit ( PROMO For New Client)
King Tools Activation Service
Please Download New Exe and Register and Provide Username
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - Few Minutes
King Tools Credit
Submit Correct Username Only!
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - Few Minutes
Laelo Infinity Tool
Delivery Time
|INSTANT- 5 mint
iNfinity Laelo Samsung Unlock tool (New User Service)
This service is Now At API Please Place Order Correctly Do not place here for refill existing user.
If any user exist already the api will change it to other new username
Direct unlock any samsung exynos phone
- This is direct unlock .... in 50 seconds no need wait calculate codes
- Suppots latest S10 security etc etc
How it will Work
1 Place Order at wait for order to be done You will Receive A username Password.
After Your Order Done Open This Link Login there with Received Username & pass
Click At "Products" Then Click At "Unlock Codes & Services" Find This Service " Samsung unlock tool Laelo" Click at Buy
There You can See Software "Download" Download the tool
(Note Default Password of tool download is 12345678)
There also you can see Username & pass Use that to Login & Unlock Your Device
For More Details Follow images
Supported Models List Here
In case of any issue
Login here with your Username Password
Click At My Account & Follow this image
Delivery Time
|INSTANT- 5 mint
iNfinity Laelo Samsung Unlock tool (Refill Existing User)
This service is Now At API Please Place Order Correctly
Place Username to refill purchased after 15 May 2019, Username Purchased before 15 May 2019 Not possible to Refill.
Direct unlock any samsung exynos phone
- This is direct unlock .... in 50 seconds no need wait calculate codes
- Suppots latest S10 security etc etc
How it will Work
1 Place Order at wait for order to be done You will Receive A username Password.
After Your Order Done Open This Link Login there with Received Username & pass
Click At "Products" Then Click At "Unlock Codes & Services" Find This Service " Samsung unlock tool Laelo" Click at Buy
There You can See Software "Download" Download the tool
(Note Default Password of tool download is 12345678)
There also you can see Username & pass Use that to Login & Unlock Your Device
For More Details Follow images
Supported Models List Here
In case of any issue
Login here with your Username Password
Click At My Account & Follow this image
Mi-Bypass Tools
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
MI-Byass MI Bypass Tool Credit [XIAOMI & LG] (New User)
Mi-Bypass Tool V.1.0.0
Official Bypass Mi Account
For Xiaomi Devices
*- Supported Unlocked BL Devices*
*- One-Click Operation
*- Add Any Mi Account After Bypass*
*- Without VPN
*- No Relock After Factory Reset
*- Without Firmware Updates
*- One-Click (Reset FRP)
*- Official Firmwares (Download Center)
*- Safe Install On Fastboot Only
*- 5 Credit Bypass
*- 1 Credit Reset FRP Fastboot Xiaomi
*- Reset FRP LG DownloadMode ( MTK) Free
If You have 5 Credit .................................................
Supported LG MTK FRP
LG-SP200, LM-Q710HSW
LG-SP320, LM-Q710NAW ETC...................... ......................
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Mi-Bypass MI Bypass Tool Any Credit [XIAOMI & LG] (Old and existing User) Have 5 Credit
Mi-Bypass Tool V.1.0.0
Official Bypass Mi Account
For Xiaomi Devices
*- Supported Unlocked BL Devices*
*- One-Click Operation
*- Add Any Mi Account After Bypass*
*- Without VPN
*- No Relock After Factory Reset
*- Without Firmware Updates
*- One-Click (Reset FRP)
*- Official Firmwares (Download Center)
*- Safe Install On Fastboot Only
*- 5 Credit Bypass
*- 1 Credit Reset FRP Fastboot Xiaomi
*- Reset FRP LG DownloadMode ( MTK) Free
If You have 5 Credit .................................................
Supported LG MTK FRP
LG-SP200, LM-Q710HSW
LG-SP320, LM-Q710NAW ...................... ......................
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Micro Box Activations
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10 Hours
Alcatel Activation for Micro Box
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 6 Hours
HTC Activation for Micro Box
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant -10 Hours
Micro Box 1 years support renew
DELIVERY TIME : Instant -10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10 Hours
Micro Box 2 years support renew
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant -10 Hours
MicroBox BlackBerry MEP0 Unlimited
DELIVERY TIME : Instant -10 Hours
Delivery Time
|10.00 Hours
MicroBox LG Activation
DELIVERY TIME : 10.00 Hours
Miracle Activation
Delivery Time
|24-48 Hours
Falcon Activation for Miracle Key Dongle
DELIVERY TIME : 24-48 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 7hours
mBypass Tool Credits
All Service in One Pack mBypass Pack
Bypass Hello Gsm - Free
Bypass Hello Meid - Free
Bypass Hello iPod/iPads - Free
Bypass Hello GSM Carrier Unlock - Free
Bypass Passcode/Dissable - 4$
FMI:Off Passcode Removal - 5$
BYPASS MDM with JB - 3$
User Need Pack & Credit
Miracle Mbypass Tool
V 1.16 Download Link
GSM Carrier Unlock / iPhone 7 - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
MEID Bypass [No Signal] / iPhone 5s - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
Device with MEID
iPhone 5s - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device blacklisted IMEI
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
Untethered - Power off and on
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
GSM Bypass Full / iPhone 7 - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 7hours
Delivery Time
|instant - 1hour
mBypass Tool Pack (Login Edition)
All Service in One Pack mBypass Pack
Bypass Hello Gsm - Free
Bypass Hello Meid - Free
Bypass Hello iPod/iPads - Free
Bypass Hello GSM Carrier Unlock - Free
Bypass Passcode/Dissable - 4$
FMI:Off Passcode Removal - 5$
BYPASS MDM with JB - 3$
User Need Pack & Credit
Miracle Mbypass Tool
V 1.16 Download Link
GSM Carrier Unlock / iPhone 7 - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
MEID Bypass [No Signal] / iPhone 5s - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
Device with MEID
iPhone 5s - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device blacklisted IMEI
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
Untethered - Power off and on
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
GSM Bypass Full / iPhone 7 - X & iPads with SIM tray
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
iOS 12.0 - 14.3
iPhone 7 - X
iPads with SIM tray
Untethered - Power off and on
Calls, SMS, Mobile Data
Passcode / FaceID / TouchID
Notifications, Siri, iCloud sync
FaceTime, iMessage
SIM Carrier Unlock
Device with MEID
Device blacklisted IMEI
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 1hour
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
Miracle 1 Year Account Activations Instant[Promo]
Use this tool to get correct serial
Wrong Serial applied we are not responsible
This service is at API now Please do not do Any Mistake we are not responsible for any mistake
Correct Serial number start from: MICBX
Do not submit incomplete or wrong serial
Serial Start From MBCM is Wrong
we or miracle team not responsible for any mistake
here is the link to the software to read serial: Link to download exe
Renewal for Miracle Box extends your access to all the latest updates and support for one more year.
Please note. This activation is valid for one year only! After the expiration you have to purchase it again, if you want to use Miracle software.
To activate your box and key you need to provide us with Miracle Key serial number. Activation will be completed immediately.
You can read your Miracle Key serial number using Miracle Key SN Reader Download. Miracle Key SN Start From MICBX
Please carefully read your serial number. Make sure you provide us with correct Miracle Key Dongle S/N. Serial number starts with
MICBX letters!
Activation cannot be returned or cancelled if you made a mistake and gave us wrong serial number.
Note : Virtual product. Instructions provided by e-mail. Purchase of this virtual product generally processed within 2 hours after we received your payment in full. For details please read
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Miracle Box Digital (Login Edition)
Miracle Box / Thunder Now Digital
No Need any Box
No Need any Key
Same all Function Like Miracle Box
Same all Updates Like Miracle Box
Miracle Last 10 Years Number 1
Number 1 Selling
Number 1 Updates
Number 1 Supports
Number 1 Trust for Dealer's
"Only Miracle Give you Unlimited Power
All people know only Miracle Box have Fuzzy Logic Technology, That's
why we have Best Mediatek, Spreadtrum, Qualcomm Power."
We can Connect Auto Mobile.
We can connect CPU Based Mobile.
We can Connect Model Based Mobile.
we are not like other make one software and sale
to user with different name.
in 10 Years 500000+ Customers Why?
in 10 Years 3000+ Updates Why?
in 10 Years 67000 followers Why?
More info :
Download Update :
How To Buy
Download The Tool From above link
after install Copy HWID (Hardware ID)
Wrtie HWID as Serial Number While Placing Order
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 60 Minutes
1. Miracle Huawei Pack Buy 1 Get 3 Free
[+] Free Miracle eMMC Tool
[+] Free Activate Miracle Moto Tool
[+] Free Activate Miracle Vivo Tool
Use this tool to get correct serial
wrong serial applied we are not responsible.
Please Do not Place order if 1 Year Support is not active at your card
if support is not active credits will deduct but activation will not work
in that case we or miracle team will not refund
Correct Serial Number start from: MICBX
Do not submit incomplete or wrong serial
Serial Start From MBCM is wrong
we or miracle team not responsible for any mistake
here is the link to the software to read serial: Link to download exe
Version 1.1 (28 Sept 2017)
# Unlimited Reset Huawei FRP.
# Unlimited Reset Google FRP.
# Unlimited Unlock Boot Loader.
# Unlimited Reset Pattern Lock.
= Note For Use This Pack Must Buy Huawei Lite Pack
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 60 Minutes
Delivery Time
Miracle Meizu Pack (Login Edition) instant
Do Not Send Wrong HWID We Will Not Refund
Miracle Meizu Pack (Login Edition)
User Name and Password can work on Both Tool
just buy Credits
# New User Write Your Hardware ID (HardID)
# Wrong Hardware ID Credits/Money No Refund.
Must Provide Correct HWID
How to GET HWID Watch This Video
This service is Only For Miracle Xiaomi Use
Do not place here wrong HWID we are miracle team is not responsible for mistakes
or Experiments before place order must check HWID carefully
Download & Support For This Tool
Delivery Time
Miracle Samsung Credits Instant
Unlock your SAMSUNG Mobile Phone Now
with easy and single click.
Delivery Time
|instant - 60min
Miracle Schematics Pro
Miracle Schematics Pro
Miracle Schematics Pro
One Click Solution For (Hardware Solutions)
Mobile PCB & Schematics Viewer by Professional Way
# One Click PCB Bitmap Viewer.
# One Click Schematics Viewer.
# Zoom in and Zoom Out Option.
[X] 1000+ Models Supported
# Apple
# Huawei
# Infinix
# Lava
# Meizu
# OnePlus
# Oppo
# Samsung
# Xiaomi
# Redmi
How to place Order
1. Download Latest Setup from Link
2. Install Miracle Schematics Pro and open Exe
3. Provide Your Hardware ID with Order
Note :
# Once Order Placed Can't Cancel.
# You Need to Write Correct Hardware ID.
# Wrong Hardware ID then Credits No Refund.
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 60min
Delivery Time
|1-6 Hours
Miracle Xiaomi / Meizu Credits for (login Edition)
Must Provide Correct Miracle Xiaomi Username
This service is Only For Miracle Xiaomi Use
Download & Support For This Tool
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Miracle Xiaomi Pack (Login Edition)
Must Provide Minimum 5 Digit Unique Username & HWID
How to GET HWID Watch This Video
This service is Only For Miracle Xiaomi Use
Download & Support For This Tool
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
MobiFirmware 1 Year Premium Membership
MobiFirmware is A Database For Firmware And Flash Tools.
How To Order.
Enter amount of quanity you needed and you"ll be replied with an Activation Code.
Activation Guide -
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
MobiFirmware 3months Premium Membership
MobiFirmware is A Database For Firmware And Flash Tools.
How To Order.
Enter amount of quanity you needed and you"ll be replied with an Activation Code.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
MobiFirmware 6months Premium Membership
MobiFirmware is A Database For Firmware And Flash Tools.
How To Order.
Enter amount of quanity you needed and you"ll be replied with an Activation Code.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
NCK Products
Delivery Time
|Instant - 3hours
GSM Shield Box Xiaomi Server Credits
1 Pack = 10 Credits
Added Xiaomi Auth Server Support
Auth needs 10 credits
Credits x 10 used to authorized phone for Read/Write
Credit will be charged for every auth, no matter if same device
Credit is NON-Refundable, even if process failed after auth
Added Xiaomi Auth Application Support
You can use own Xiaomi Service Account if you have
Make sure to untick Use Xiaomi Auth Server when required checkbox if using own account
Supported Xiaomi Models and Which need Authorized :
Xiaomi Reset Mi Account on Android 9 Version Not Work!!
Model Need Auhtorization Server:
Black Shark 2
Redmi 6 Pro
Redmi 7
Redmi K20 Pro
Redmi Note 7
Redmi Note 7 Pro
Redmi Note 7S
Mi 8
Mi 8 Pro
Mi 8 SE
Mi 9
Mi 9 SE
Mi CC9
Mi CC9e
Mi Mix 3
Mi Mix 3 5G
PocoPhone F1
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 3hours
Delivery Time
|1-10 Hours
NCK Box Dongle Credits
Correct Serial Must be Like
Please Apply here only with Nck Box or Dongle Serial Number
Do not apply with any fake serial or username
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Hours
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
NCK Box/Dongle / AVB / UMT Ultimate Huawei Activation ( unlimited )
NCK Ultimate Nck Huawei Module
How to get done this activation
before buy must run huawei software in your computer once and click check account and then you can submit your serial of NCK or UMT and you will get unlimited activation instant.
Download Link For Ultimate Tool!MtBhjaba!UzAGKL_mMKCHzue4qeNMyTZR0laTeERhduOYj-20XDk
only Supported for NCK Dongle and UMT Dongle / Box
Authorize Phone (enable Diag)
Read Sim Unlock Codes
Read Bootloader Codes
Direct Unlock
IMEI Change - Repair
Reapir SN
Reapir WIFI/Bluetooth etc...
Reapir Empty Board
Reapir MEID
Erase FRP
Reset Huawei ID
Change Single/Dual Sim
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Nck Yearly Activation BOX ONLY (instant)
Box Serial
Serial Start From 2, 4, 6, 8 are Box Serials
Dongle Serial
Serial Start From 0,1,3,5,7,9 are Dongle Serials
Please Be Carefull While Placing Order
Note: Please do not submit wrong serial
This is yearly support activation/renewel
if your box have already activated support do not place order may be it mark as done but you may need again buy after expire.
only place order if your box is asking Support Expire Please Renew Etc
Once activated it will work till 1 year after year completed you must need to buy it again.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Nck Yearly Activation DONGLE ONLY (instant)
Box Serial
Serial Start From 2, 4, 6, 8 are Box Serials
Dongle Serial
Serial Start From 0,1,3,5,7,9 are Dongle Serials.
Please Be Carefull While Placing Order
Note: Please do not submit wrong serial
This is yearly support activation/renewel
if your box have already activated support do not place order may be it mark as done but you may need again buy after expire.
only place order if your box is asking Support Expire Please Renew Etc
Once activated it will work till 1 year after year completed you must need to buy it again.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|INSTANT- 5 mint
UMT Box/Dongle 1 Year Activation
Please always place correct 12 Digit Serial Example: UMT111111111
Ultimate Multi Tool 1 Year Activation
This is Normal 1 year activation to use all modules but not related to HUAWEI Module.
For Huawei module you must purchase it on its own and it is unlimited = no yearly activation needed
Delivery Time
|Instant - 15min
UMT Emmc ISP Tool Activation Without Hardware
Please always place correct 12 Digit Serial Example: UMT111111111
Place Only Order if You have EMMC Hardware
UMT Emmc ISP Tool Activation - Without Hardware
This is only ativation no hardware provided
This is important for users who have own hardware to use
This Activation is life time activation providing that your umt card is active with it s yearly activation.
Is activation is one time payment? Yes
Is this activation working without hardware? No
Is it refundable? No
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 15min
Official Activations
Delivery Time
|instant -24hour
(Promo Offer)WXJ / Wuxinji / FCL Activation 1 Year
DELIVERY TIME : instant -24hour
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Android Multi Tool - Credits
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|1-10 Hours
Asansam Box Dongle Convertion to Hua Tools
AsanSam Box / AsanSam Dongle convertion to Hua Tools
10000 smartphone models are supported.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Avengers (Box/Dongle) 1 Year Activation/Renew instant
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Combinett Pro Activation 1 Account 1 Year
Professional Hardware Guide
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few hours
DT PRO TOOL Now Online !!
Zip Password : WhosYourDaddy
Downlaod :
For the item, DT Pro Tool Activation – License need to provide the DT Manager PRO Finger ID and DT Smart PRO Finger ID, pls follow below link and give us the IDs, Thanks
Files Password: WhosYourDaddy
For All Latest Update Detail Can Find It on
How to find the Finger ID?
DT Pro Tool is a solution allowing you to downgrade OS version and repair Huawei phones.
This solution is permanent, annual activation is not required.
Note! Usually activation takes up to 24 hours.
DT Pro Tool can be used on 1 PC ONLY. After you`ve used this activation on one PC you cannot change it.
How to Activate DT Pro Tool
Step 1. When your payment is received, we will send the password required for unzipping of DT files (see Step 3).
Step 2. Download DT Smart PRO and DT Manager PRO from the developer`s website.
Step 3. Create the "DTPRO TEAM" folder on your PC. Paste and unzip all the downloaded files using the provided password.
Note! Always run Modules.exe as administrator
Step 4. Provide us with your Fingerprints ID (as shown on the pictures below).
Important! Proper way to give us your Fingerprints IDs:
- DT Smart PRO - Fingerprints ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- DT Manager PRO - Fingerprints ID: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Step 5. You will receive your PIN CODE and 2 license files required for activation of your software. To activate your software, follow the video tutorials given below.
How to Activate DT Pro Manager
How to Activate DT Pro Smart
Activation process may take up to 24 hours.
How to Downgrade Huawei Phone OS Version
Supported Models*:
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-LX1
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-LX2
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-LX3
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-L03T
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-AL00
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-TL10
- Huawei P10 LITE WAS-LX2J
- Huawei P10 VTR-L09
- Huawei P10 VTR-L29
- Huawei P10 VTR-AL00
- Huawei P10 VTR-TL00
- Huawei P10 PLUS VKY-L09
- Huawei P10 PLUS VKY-L29
- Huawei P10 PLUS VKY-AL00
- Huawei P10 SELFIE BAC-L03
- Huawei P10 SELFIE BAC-L21
- Huawei P10 SELFIE BAC-L23
- Huawei P10 SELFIE BAC-AL00
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-LX1
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-LX2
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-LX3
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-LX2J
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-AL00
- Huawei P20 LITE ANE-TL00
- Huawei MATE9 MHA-L09
- Huawei MATE9 MHA-L29
- Huawei MATE9 MHA-AL00
- Huawei MATE9 MHA-TL00
- Huawei MATE9 PRO LON-AL00
- Huawei MATE9 PRO LON-AL10
- Huawei MATE9 PRO LON-L29
- Huawei MATE RS NEO-AL00
- Huawei MATE RS NEO-L29
- Huawei MATE S CRR-CL00
- Huawei MATE S CRR-CL10
- Huawei MATE S CRR-CL20
- Huawei MATE S CRR-J01
- Huawei MATE S CRR-L09
- Huawei MATE S CRR-L23
- Huawei MATE S CRR-UL10
- Huawei MATE S CRR-UL20A
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-AL00
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-L01
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-L03
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-L21
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-L22J
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-L23
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-LX1
- Huawei MATE10 LITE RNE-LX3
- Huawei MATE10 ALP-L09
- Huawei MATE10 ALP-L29
- Huawei MATE10 ALP-AL00
- Huawei MATE10 AL-TL00
- Huawei MATE10 PRO BLA-L09
- Huawei MATE10 PRO BLA-L29
- Huawei MATE10 PRO BLA-AL00
- Huawei MATE10 PRO BLA-TL00
- Huawei HONOR 8 PRO DUK-L09
- Huawei HONOR 8 PRO DUK-L09I
- Huawei HONOR 8 PRO DUK-TL30
- Huawei HONOR 8 PRO DUK-AL00
- Huawei HONOR 8 PRO DUK-AL20
- Huawei HONOR9 STF-L09
- Huawei HONOR9 STF-AL00
- Huawei HONOR9 STF-AL10
- Huawei HONOR9 STF-TL10
- Huawei HONOR V10 BKL-AL20
- Huawei HONOR V10 BKL-L04
- Huawei HONOR V10 BKL-L09
- Huawei Y9-2018 FLA-AL10
- Huawei Y9-2018 FLA-AL00
- Huawei Y9-2018 FLA-LX1
- Huawei Y9-2018 FLA-LX2
- Huawei Y9-2018 FLA-LX3
- Huawei P-SMART FIG-LX1
- Huawei P-SMART FIG-LA1
- Huawei P-SMART FIG-LX2
- Huawei P-SMART FIG-LX3
* Developer provides support only for those phones which are on the list of supported. Not all servicing features can be applied to some supported models, due to difference of hardware / software versions. Complete list of supported models you can find on the official product page, or on the GSM forum.
Detailed information on the further use of the virtual product will be sent to your email, specified during registration, when we confirm your payment and process your order.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Easy Box Credits Pack 1000
NOKIA - flash phones, repair imei, simlock ( all via credits ).
Credits only consumed once for next operations:
Phone flash: 10 credits
Service functions: 10 credits
FRP unlock: 10 credits
FDP repair: 10 credits
Charged EACH time for next operations:
Nokia1 -- 30 credits
Nokia1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia2.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia2.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia2 -- 100 redits
Nokia 3.1 A -- 100 credits
Nokia 3.1 C -- 100 credits
Nokia3.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia3.1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia3 -- 30 credits
Nokia5.1 -- 30 credits
Nokia5.1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia6.1_plus -- 100 credits
Nokia6 -- 100 credits
Nokia7.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia7 -- 100 credits
Nokia7_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia8 -- 100 credits
Nokia8.1.X7 -- 100 credits
Nokia9 -- 100 credits
Nokia 3310 3G -- 30 credits
Nokia 3310 4G -- 30 credits
Nokia 8110 -- 30 credits
Nokia 106 -- 30 credits
Nokia 210 -- 30 credits
=====================================================================ALCATEL PHONES==========================================================================
ALCATEL - flash phones, repair imei ( via credits ), simlock.
Repair imei : 10 credits
=======================================================================LG PHONES==============================================================================
SIMUNLOCK CODES BY IMEI ( via credits ).
LG OLD phones -- 38 credits
LG NEW phones -- 51 credits
======================================================================HTC PHONES===============================================================================
HTC - SIMUNLOCK CODES BY IMEI ( via credits ).
HTC phones -- 5 credits
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Easy-Box 200 Credits pack (Nokia Sony Alcatel)
NOKIA - flash phones, repair imei, simlock ( all via credits ).
Credits only consumed once for next operations:
Phone flash: 10 credits
Service functions: 10 credits
FRP unlock: 10 credits
FDP repair: 10 credits
Charged EACH time for next operations:
Nokia1 -- 30 credits
Nokia1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia2.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia2.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia2 -- 100 redits
Nokia 3.1 A -- 100 credits
Nokia 3.1 C -- 100 credits
Nokia3.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia3.1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia3 -- 30 credits
Nokia5.1 -- 30 credits
Nokia5.1_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia6.1_plus -- 100 credits
Nokia6 -- 100 credits
Nokia7.1 -- 100 credits
Nokia7 -- 100 credits
Nokia7_Plus -- 100 credits
Nokia8 -- 100 credits
Nokia8.1.X7 -- 100 credits
Nokia9 -- 100 credits
Nokia 3310 3G -- 30 credits
Nokia 3310 4G -- 30 credits
Nokia 8110 -- 30 credits
Nokia 106 -- 30 credits
Nokia 210 -- 30 credits
=====================================================================ALCATEL PHONES==========================================================================
ALCATEL - flash phones, repair imei ( via credits ), simlock.
Repair imei : 10 credits
=======================================================================LG PHONES==============================================================================
SIMUNLOCK CODES BY IMEI ( via credits ).
LG OLD phones -- 38 credits
LG NEW phones -- 51 credits
======================================================================HTC PHONES===============================================================================
HTC - SIMUNLOCK CODES BY IMEI ( via credits ).
HTC phones -- 5 credits
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 3hours
EME Mobile Tool (EMT) Standard Edition License
Support forum and software download:
How to use it?
- Visit or download the user software
- Click Sign Up Now, fill in the item of the page (Asterisk * indicates required fields)
- Click Submit button, the account create completedTIPS: Email is used to reset the password when you forgot password, we recommended that you fill in the email when registering an account.
- Place the order and fill in the username on our site, we will activate the account for you in 1-24 hours after your order payment done confirmed.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 3hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 3hours
EMT Tool Credits
Support forum and software download:
How to use it?
- Visit or download the user software
- Click Sign Up Now, fill in the item of the page (Asterisk * indicates required fields)
- Click Submit button, the account create completedTIPS: Email is used to reset the password when you forgot password, we recommended that you fill in the email when registering an account.
- Place the order and fill in the username on our site, we will activate the account for you in 1-24 hours after your order payment done confirmed.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 3hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Free Token For G977U,N976V,G970U,G973U,G975U, G977T,N970U,N975U |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | CPU | Supported Bit | How | Credits Used | |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S9 SM-G960U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S9+ SM-G965U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | J3 Achieve SM-J337P | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | J7 Refine SM-J737P | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | J3 Emerge SM-J327P | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | J7 Perx SM-J727P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 5 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A6 SM-A600P | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10e SM-G970U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10 SM-G973U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10+ SM-G975U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10 5G SM-G977P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A10e SM-A102U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A20 SM-A205U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A50 SM-A505U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note9 SM-N960U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20 SM-G981U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20+ SM-G986U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20 Ultra SM-G988U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note10 SM-N970U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note10+ SM-N975U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note10+ 5G SM-N976U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A51 SM-A515U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A71 5G SM-A716U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S9 SM-G960U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S9+ SM-G965U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10e SM-G970U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10 SM-G973U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S10+ SM-G975U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A10e SM-A102U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A20 SM-A205U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A50 SM-A505U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note9 SM-N960U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20 SM-G981U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20+ SM-G986U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | S20 Ultra SM-G988U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note10 SM-N970U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note10+ SM-N975U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A51 SM-A515U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A51 5G SM-A516U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | A71 5G SM-A716U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note20 Ultra 5G SM-N986U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Note20 Ultra 5G SM-N986U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A71 5G SM-A716U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A71 5G SM-A716U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A21 SM-A215U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A21 SM-A215U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A11 SM-A115U | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 10 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy A11 SM-A115U1 | Exynos | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 10 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy S10 Lite SM-G770U1 | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab A 8.4 SM-T307U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab E SM-T377P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab A 2018 SM-T387P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab A (2019) SM-T517P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab A 10.1 inches SM-T587P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab A 10.5 SM-T597P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab S5e SM-T727P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab S4 SM-T837P | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
SPR, BST, VMU, DSH, XAS Carriers (Any KNOX) | Galaxy Tab S6 LTE SM-T867U | Qualcomm | ALL BIT Supported | Direct Unlock | 8 Credits |
A102USQU1ASF8 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102USQU2ASI1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102USQS3ASJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102USQS4ASK3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102USQU4ASK7 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102USQS6ATC1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102U1UEU2ASJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102U1UEU2ASH6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102U1UES4ASK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102U1UEU5ATB2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A102U1UES6ATE2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A307GDXU1ASHC | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UEU2ASJ2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UES2ASI5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UEU2ASH6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UES3ASJ3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UES3ASK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
A505U1UES3ASL1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AUCU1ASC6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AUCU2ASE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AUCU3BSH6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AUCS5BSK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUU1ASA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUS2ASD2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUS3ASF1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUS4BSJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUS5BSK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260AZTUU7BTA4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCS1ARG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCU2ARG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCU3ARJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCU6ASF1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCS6ASE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCS7BSH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AUCU7ASG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUS2ARG2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUU3ARI2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUU4ARL1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUU5ASB2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUS6ASE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J337AZTUS7ASH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J737AUCU1ARE3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J737AUCS2ARH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J737AUCU3ARJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J737AUCS4ASD1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J737AUCS6BSK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDU1ASGA | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDU2ASI5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDS2ASJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDS3ATA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDS4ATE3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S102DLUDU5BTE7 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDS2ASJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDU2ASI2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDU1ASGA | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDU2ASK2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDS3ATB1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S205DLUDS4ATE3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S260DLUDU1ASC7 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S260DLUDU3BSI5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S260DLUDS4BSL1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S260DLUDS5BTA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S260DLUDS6BTE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDU1AQD1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDU1AQF1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDU2AQG2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDS3ARD3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDS4ARG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDS5BSE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDS6BSG2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S337TLUDS7BSK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S550TLUDU2AQC4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S737TLUDS4BSE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S737TLUDS5BSG2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S737TLUDS6BSJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S737TLUDS7BTB2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S506DLUDS4ATA3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S506DLUDU1ASH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S506DLUDU2ASI4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S506DLUDS2ASJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S506DLUDU3ASL5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU1ARG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU1ARH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU2ASA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU2ARI3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU3ASC2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDU4BSG3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
S767VLUDS4BSJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVU1ARK8 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVU3ASH1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVS2ASD4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVS3ASG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVS3ASI2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVS4ATA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J260T1UVS5ATD1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727TUVU3ARA1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727TUVS4BRK1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727TUVS5BSC2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727TUVS6BSI2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727T1UVS3BRI1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
J727T1UVS6BSI2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G390WVLU1AQE5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G570MUBS7CSK2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G950FXXU1AQL5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G950FXXS3CRG1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G950FXXU4CRKB | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G955FXXU3CRGH | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G955FXXU5DSFB | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G955FXXU6DSK5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXU1BRE3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXS2BRH8 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXU2CSC1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXU6CSG4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXU7CSJ5 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXU7CSI6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G960FXXS3CSD2 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU1ARB1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU1ARCC | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU2BRJ1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU4CSE1 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU7CSI6 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G965FXXU7DTA3 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G970FXXU1ASBA | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G970FXXU1ASC8 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G973FXXU1ASD4 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G973FXXU1ASBA | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G973USQS2ASF7 | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G973FXXS3ASJA | Exynos | Direct Unlock | 3 Credits | ||
G973FXXU3ASJ4 | Exynos |
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
HDE Tools Time License 1 Year Access
-Download EXE File!ngJ3WAKC!dM6gyg204YHgXeEGuYmNUYilsNT2_ZEWQkKChKICUTo
-Press Active
This errors are for Activation Problem and Need Register
2019-01-04 09:34:24.505 ERROR!
Insufficient credits!
Wrong user password(if you are new user and dont repair before this)
HDE Tools Activation for AsanSam / HUA – you will be able to do Factory Unlock, Repair IMEI, Read Bootloader code, Reset FRP on All Huawei phones, unlimited, during 1 year.
After 1 year, a renovation is required.
There is no need to select phone, all models are detected automatically.
You can check compatible Huawei phone models here.
HDE Tools – Possibilities:
Huawei Qualcomm-based Phones:
- Unlock (Free and Unlimited)
- Read Unlock Code (Unlimited)
- Repair IMEI, SN, BT, etc. (Free and Unlimited)
- Reset FRP (Free and Unlimited)
- Read Unlock Bootloader Code (Unlimited)
Huawei HiSilicon-based Phones:
- Unlock (Free and Unlimited)
- Read Unlock Code (Unlimited)
- Repair IMEI, SN, BT, etc. (Free and Unlimited)
- Reset FRP (Free and Unlimited)
- Read Unlock Bootloader Code (Unlimited)
Huawei CDMA Phones:
- Repair ESN, IMEI, etc. (Free and Unlimited)
Huawei MTK-based Phones:
- Unlock (Free and Unlimited)
- Read Unlock Code (Unlimited)
- Permanent Repair IMEI, BT, etc. (Free and Unlimited)
Enable DIAG Port (Free and Unlimited)
Without Root! Without Enable DIAG Port!
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
HDE Tools Time License 2 Year Access
-Download EXE File!ngJ3WAKC!dM6gyg204YHgXeEGuYmNUYilsNT2_ZEWQkKChKICUTo
-Press Active
This errors are for Activation Problem and Need Register
2019-01-04 09:34:24.505 ERROR!
Insufficient credits!
Wrong user password(if you are new user and dont repair before this)
HDE Tools time License tool ñ you will be able to do Factory Unlock, Repair IMEI, Read Bootloader code, Reset FRP on All Huawei phones, unlimited, during 1 or 2 year.
-A Amazing and Giant tools for Huawei phones supported
-The best and cheapset Prodcut for Huawei in world
-No need Root
-No need USB Debugging
-Just need usb cable
-no need select Model
-no need Active Diag
-No need Credits
-Yearly pack(1 or 2 year)
-No need Credits or logs
Supported 1000+ Huawei models and modifications
Hisilicon Full Supported
Quallcomm Full Support
MTK New and Old Phones Support
Windows Phones Support
Read unlock codes,Direct Unlock
Repair IMEI, IMEI2
Repair WIFI, Bluetooth
Repair SN
Enable All Language
Repair Vendor, Country
Read bootloader code,Lock bootloader
Unlock FRP
Remove Huawei ID
One click Authorize(Enable Diag port)
How to connect phones?
-Manufactor mode
-Flash Mode For New MTK Phones
Qualcomm and HiSilicon: *#*#2846579#*#*
MTK: *#*#14789632#*#* and Connect powered off phone For New Phones
Windows: ##2846579#
1.Background setting
2.USB ports setting
Select Manufacture mode
-Unlock FREE and Unlimited
-Repair IMEI, PCB SN, BT...etc FREE and Unlimited
-FRP Reset FREE AND Unlimited
-Erase Restricted version
-Full Repair after change emmc
HUAWEI HiSilicon Based Phones
-Unlock FREE and Unlimited
-Repair IMEI, PCB SN, BT...etc FREE and Unlimited
-FRP Reset FREE AND Unlimited
HUAWEI HiSilicon 2K Based Phones
-Unlock FREE and Unlimited
-Repair IMEI, SN, BT...etc FREE and Unlimited
-FRP Reset FREE AND Unlimited
-Repair ESN,IMEI etc etc...FREE and Unlimited
-Unlock FREE and Unlimited
-PERMANENT Repair IMEI,BT...etc FREE and Unlimited
HUAWEI New MTK Based Phones
(connect powered off phone)
-Unlock FREE and Unlimited
and Unlimited WITHOUT ROOT
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|instant-6 Hours
HUA Dongle Reactivation
HUA Dongle Reactivation is intended for the old users:
- who registered Hua Box, Hua Dongle or Hua Tool Activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle/BEST Dongle before January 1, 2018
- who registered Asansam Box/Dongle Conversion to Hua Tools before January 1, 2017
and want to be able to download the future HUA software versions.
Important! Date of registration is NOT a purchase date!
WITHOUT this reactivation you will be able only to use the old software versions released before January 1, 2018 (for Hua Box / Dongle, Hua Tool Activation for Infinity-Box/Dongle / BEST Dongle owners) and released before January 1, 2017 (for the owners of Asansam Box/Dongle Conversion to Hua Tools)
Q1: What if I don`t buy this reactivation?
A1: You will not be able to use all our future updates, only the updates released previously.
Q2: Is this reactivation permanent?
A2: This reactivation is not required annually. But once in a few years, depending on provided possibilities and features, reactivation will be required.
Q3: Which users need this reactivation?
A3: This reactivation is intended for old users only.
DELIVERY TIME : instant-6 Hours
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
HW Tool for Huawei
This software working with huawei phone flash & bypass frp and huawei id
support emui 10 system and this time
support huawei phone 9.1 9.0 8.2 8.0 downgrade
support huawei phone qualcomm hisi mtk cpu mobile phone or PDA
even last huawei phone mate30 mate30 pro
mate 20 5G mate30 5G mate 30 5G
huawei P30 P30PRO V20....
they are working in it!!!
is a power full for huawei phone
Tools Is Unlimited For Supported Models
Download form GDriver ( First )
Download LINK ( 2)
Video Guide On How To Activate -:-
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
International Number With Verification Code Ready ( WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Snap, Facebook )
✅ Warranty for six months ✅
✅ You can transfer it from one device to another, but the order must be ordered again ✅
✅ You can renew it after six months, but the order must be ordered again ✅
✅ You can activate any application with it, but the order must be ordered again ✅
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10 Hours
MFC Credit 100 Credit
This Credits Use for MFC Dongle.
- 100 Crestis Per Unit
If you place order one time you will bought 100 credtis in one time. Once you get the recharge key you can recharge into your account by mfc software.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10 Hours
Delivery Time
|1 - 5 Mintues
Moto-Key Credits Any Quanity
You are buying credits for Moto-Key Tool
We are not responsible for any kind of warantee about this tool
You can download from here: Moto-key
Note: you must write your username correctly, any error can cause you to lose your credits
- All Carriers and Models Supported
* AT&T:
- G7 Play
- E5 Plus
- Z2 Force (XT1789-05)
- E5 Plus
- G7 Play
- All Supported, Except E5, E6, E7 and Variants
- G6 Forge
- G7 Play
- E5 Supra
- G7 Play
- Z3
- Z3 Play
- Z4
- G7 Power (XT1955-6)
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 5 Mintues
Delivery Time
|Instant - 6 Hours
Ns Pro Yearly Activation
Upgrade activation for NS Pro users that exceed 1 year of free updates. The activation allows the customer to use the latest NS Pro update (NS Pro v.5.5.0)
Supported models:
- Samsung B270i
- Samsung B7320
- Samsung C6620
- Samsung C6625
- Samsung D900E
- Samsung E200E
- Samsung E1080
- Samsung E1085
- Samsung E1100T
- Samsung E1105T
- Samsung E2120
- Samsung i200
- Samsung i637
- Samsung i900
- Samsung i8510
- Samsung i8910
- Samsung M2310
- Samsung M2710
- Samsung M7600
- Samsung S3110
- Samsung S5050
- Samsung S5200
- Samsung S5230
- Samsung S5230W
- Samsung S5233
- Samsung S5233A
- Samsung S5233S
- Samsung S5600V
- Samsung T119
- Samsung T349
Code reading supported for
- Samsung S5600
- Samsung S5600V
- Samsung S7220
- Samsung S7350
- Samsung S8300
N.B. Please provide us with your NS Pro box serial number (serial number of a smart card which should be read out via software) while making the order.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
|01 - 06 hours
PowerPack for SigmaKey Huawei Edition Owners
PowerPack enables exclusive features for SigmaKey Huawei Edition owners.
You will be able to service devices based on HiSilicon Kirin 710 / Kirin 710F / Kirin 710A / Kirin 980 processors via testpoint./p>
- Board (factory) flash files flashing
- Write original files
- Write OEM INFO
- Load Fastboot / Backdoor open (requires internet connection)
The product is virtual - no packaging!
PowerPack for SigmaKey Huawei Edition Owners can only be activated for SigmaKey Huawei Edition
DELIVERY TIME : 01 - 06 hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 6hours
Realme Auth Flash Tool
Download Tool From here
Auth-Flash - #1 Service Auth Flash Firmware Realme (
Register Your Account
Place Order With Username & Quantity
Flash 1 phone = 1 credits
No Verification In Any Case
if You Lost The Password We Cannot Reset Or Fix
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 6hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 6 Hours
RIFF Box eMMC Support Activation
eMMC Support Activation for RIFF Box allows you to use JTAG Manager v1.58 software with ISP/Direct eMMC support. eMMC support activation is free for all new unregistered RIFF Boxes.
Note! To be able to work with eMMC interface you have to upgrade your RIFF Box.
eMMC Support Activation cost - 30 RIFF Box server credits.
This activation allows you to:
Update RIFF Box firmware for a period of 1 year
Access RIFF files download servers for a period of 1 year
Receive support on RIFF forums
Please note that buying this activation you get 1 year access to firmware updates and download server. In a year, when your activation expires you’ll have to renew your access.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 6 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - 10.00 Hours
RIFF Box License Activation
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 10.00 Hours
Delivery Time
|1-3 Working Days
S-Module Activation for CS-Tool
S-Module Activation for CS-Tool
S-Module Activation - Supported Brands *:
- Oppo
- Vivo
- Xiaomi
- Meitu
- Letv
- Gionee
- & others secured phone brands
MEITU Secured Phones – Features:
- Read Info
- Read Firmware (CST Backup)
- Read Full Firmware Including User Data (CST Backup)
- Write Full Firmware (CST Backup)
- Write Factory Signed Scatter Firmware
- Read Direct Patten Lock (Android version Up to 5.X.X)
- Reset User Lock
- Reset File System
- ID Unlock
- Repair SN
- Repair & Restore IMEI
- Read Phone Book
- Read Call History
- Read SMS
- Export Gallery Photos and Video
MTK Based Phones – Features:
- Read Info
- Read Firmware (CST Backup)
- Read Full Firmware Including User Data (CST Backup)
- Write Full Firmware (CST Backup)
- Write Factory Signed Scatter Firmware
- Customize Flashing, Write Any Partitions (for example: write only user data, recovery, system)
- Safe Format
- Full Format
- Remove FRP
- Read Direct Patten Lock (Android version up to 5.X.X)
- Reset User Lock
- Reset File System
- ID Unlock (such as Meizu Cloud Unlock)
- Repair SN
- Repair & Restore IMEI
- Read Phone Book
- Read Call History
- Read SMS
- Export Gallery Photos and Video
Qualcomm Based Phones – Features:
- Read Info
- Read Firmware (CST Backup)
- Read Full Firmware Including User Data (CST Backup)
- Write Full Firmware (CST Backup)
- Write Factory Signed Firmware
- Write Factory RAW Firmware
- Customize Flashing, Write Any Partitions (for example: write only user data, recovery, system)
- Safe Format
- Full Format
- Remove FRP
- Read Direct Patten Lock (Android version up to 5.X.X)
- Reset User Lock
- Reset File System
- ID Unlock
- Read Phone Book
- Read Call History
- Read SMS
- Export Gallery Photos and Video
DELIVERY TIME : 1-3 Working Days
Delivery Time
SamHub Credits For Samsung, FRP, MSL, CERT, Etoken New User
Best GSM Servicing Tools
Easiest Tool to unlock OneUI & TouchWiz Devices Network with one Click
Simple user interface without the need to account activation
Support Android device until Android 10
One EXE file without the need to installation or external files
Permanent unlock without any relock problems
Supported Models List
Download Tool
Note: We Are Just Credits Distributor Not The Developer Of Prodcut
Delivery Time
SamHub Credits For Samsung, FRP, MSL, CERT, Etoken Refill Credits
Best GSM Servicing Tools
Easiest Tool to unlock OneUI & TouchWiz Devices Network with one Click
Simple user interface without the need to account activation
Support Android device until Android 10
One EXE file without the need to installation or external files
Permanent unlock without any relock problems
Supported Models List
Download Tool
Note: We Are Just Credits Distributor Not The Developer Of Product
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
SamTool Create Credit Transfer To Existing User
Will Add On Given ID and IF id Not FOUND will Refund
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|instant - 10min
SamTool Create New User
Will Create any Random ID and Password
DELIVERY TIME : instant - 10min
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
SamUnlock Credit
Minimum 50 quantity Order
Samunlock Setup
Model Supported :
Report Success Report Here and If You Want Add Any model Check here
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SonyErricison by cable (Reset 0 Counter Supported)
Remember 1 Thing There is No Refund For This Service in Any Case.
Note: Sony Unlock by cable service will be down from Monday 26th Sept to Friday 30th Sept due to shifting of server location and improving the service. Service will be back online Friday 4pm UK time ( 30th Sept ) , thankyou for your understanding and your support
After Place order you ll get one user name and pasward
below is download tool u can download and can unlock your sony handset via cable
Download Link
qUnlockTool new version released Sony Xperia L3 support added Download
How to Order For User Password ?
Contact admin
its via cable
download exe
and get user pas after place order
then contact handset to ur laptop via usb and click to unlock
all model supported
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Hours
SPT Box ( Yearly Activation)
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Hours
Delivery Time
|1-6 Hours
UFI Box / Dongle Credit Package
Delivery Time
|1-10 Minute
Uni Android Tool 1 Year Activation (Instant)
1- Download Latest Software
2- Install Tool Make a Registration There
3- Submit Order With Registered Email iD & Tool iD
Basic Introduction About Uni-Android Tool
Flasher [ user can Flash Whole Firmware Package or Custom Files from Firmware Package ]
Repair IMEI
Direct Unlock [ New Security, Old Security ]
Network Patch Security
DRK Repair [ Adb Method and UART Method]
Read / Write CERT
Read / Write QCN
Read / Write Security Backup
Read / Write EFS
WIPE Security
WIPE EFS [ Adb and Download Mode Method]
RESET FRP [ Applied by Custom Package ]
Enable Diag
Enable USB Debug
Enable UART
Enable All Languages
Sprint Unlock / Re-lock
Remove Call me Please
Verify CERT Before Write
and many More
Factory Flasher
Direct Unlock
Read Codes
Read / Write NVRAM
IMEI Repair [ Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode ]
Read Factory Firmware [ ADB Mode ]
Huawei MTK Direct Unlock / Read Codes
Huawei MTK IMEI Repair
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write Security
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write NV
Huawei FRP Reset
Huawei Flasher [ App Firmware Supported ]
S-Off / S-ON
Write IMEI
Write MEID
Write CID
FRP RESET [ 3 Methods ]
CID Finder
HTC MTK Flasher
HTC RUU Stock Rom Flasher
HTC Zip Flasher
and many more
Asus IMEI Repair [ Dual IMEI Supported ]
ASUS Flasher [ ZIP , RAW , Sideload ]
IMEI Repair
SP Unlock
RESET FRP [ 2 Methods ]
Motorola Flasher [, Manual Flasher ]
Factory Reset
Bootloader Unlock / Relock
RESET FRP [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode, Adb mode]
IMEI Repair [ 3 Methods ]
Read / Write QCN
Read Pattern in Edl Mode
Reset Screen Locks in Edl Mode
Factory Reset in Edl Mode
Read Extended Info. in Edl Mode
Backup / Restore Security
Wipe Security
Enable Diag [ 3 Methods ]
FLASHER [ EDL MODE, FAstboot Mode ] can even Flash Selected Partitions only or whole Firmware
Read Partition List
Read / Backup Firmware
Wipe Selected Partition
and many more
RESET MI ACCOUNT [EDL Mode] [ By Model or by Loader ]
RESET MI ACCOUNT [Fastboot Mode]
Remove Cloud APK
FACTORY RESET [ Sideload Mode]
FACTORY RESET [ Fastboot Mode]
MI Flasher [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode]
and many more
RESET Phone Lock in Download Mode
RESET FRP in Download Mode
FACTORY RESET in Download Mode
LG Flasher
and many More
Install / uninstall Google Services
UNROOT [Can unroot any Stuborn Rooted Devices]
We Support Almost Every Brand FRP Reset
Install multiple Applications
Uninstall Multiple Applications
APK Extractor
Now you Can Directly Install any APK into System folder
Easily Install / Uninstall BUSYBOX
YU Flashing
and many More
Can List Infected Apps for Removal
ADB SIDELOAD FLASHER With Unique Working Style
We Have More than this in Our First Release
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-10 Hours
Uni Android Tool 1 Year Renewal
Only Place Order Here For Expired Accounts Do Not Place Order here For New Activation
1- Download Latest Software
2- Install Tool Make a Registration There
3- Submit Order With Registered Email iD & Tool iD
Note: iF you need supplier Panel in comment type need supplier panel we ll make for you supplier panel so you can done jobs instnat for your customers but minumum credit 10 need to buy
Basic Introduction About Uni-Android Tool
Flasher [ user can Flash Whole Firmware Package or Custom Files from Firmware Package ]
Repair IMEI
Direct Unlock [ New Security, Old Security ]
Network Patch Security
DRK Repair [ Adb Method and UART Method]
Read / Write CERT
Read / Write QCN
Read / Write Security Backup
Read / Write EFS
WIPE Security
WIPE EFS [ Adb and Download Mode Method]
RESET FRP [ Applied by Custom Package ]
Enable Diag
Enable USB Debug
Enable UART
Enable All Languages
Sprint Unlock / Re-lock
Remove Call me Please
Verify CERT Before Write
and many More
Factory Flasher
Direct Unlock
Read Codes
Read / Write NVRAM
IMEI Repair [ Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode ]
Read Factory Firmware [ ADB Mode ]
Huawei MTK Direct Unlock / Read Codes
Huawei MTK IMEI Repair
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write Security
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write NV
Huawei FRP Reset
Huawei Flasher [ App Firmware Supported ]
S-Off / S-ON
Write IMEI
Write MEID
Write CID
FRP RESET [ 3 Methods ]
CID Finder
HTC MTK Flasher
HTC RUU Stock Rom Flasher
HTC Zip Flasher
and many more
Asus IMEI Repair [ Dual IMEI Supported ]
ASUS Flasher [ ZIP , RAW , Sideload ]
IMEI Repair
SP Unlock
RESET FRP [ 2 Methods ]
Motorola Flasher [, Manual Flasher ]
Factory Reset
Bootloader Unlock / Relock
RESET FRP [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode, Adb mode]
IMEI Repair [ 3 Methods ]
Read / Write QCN
Read Pattern in Edl Mode
Reset Screen Locks in Edl Mode
Factory Reset in Edl Mode
Read Extended Info. in Edl Mode
Backup / Restore Security
Wipe Security
Enable Diag [ 3 Methods ]
FLASHER [ EDL MODE, FAstboot Mode ] can even Flash Selected Partitions only or whole Firmware
Read Partition List
Read / Backup Firmware
Wipe Selected Partition
and many more
RESET MI ACCOUNT [EDL Mode] [ By Model or by Loader ]
RESET MI ACCOUNT [Fastboot Mode]
Remove Cloud APK
FACTORY RESET [ Sideload Mode]
FACTORY RESET [ Fastboot Mode]
MI Flasher [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode]
and many more
RESET Phone Lock in Download Mode
RESET FRP in Download Mode
FACTORY RESET in Download Mode
LG Flasher
and many More
Install / uninstall Google Services
UNROOT [Can unroot any Stuborn Rooted Devices]
We Support Almost Every Brand FRP Reset
Install multiple Applications
Uninstall Multiple Applications
APK Extractor
Now you Can Directly Install any APK into System folder
Easily Install / Uninstall BUSYBOX
YU Flashing
and many More
Can List Infected Apps for Removal
ADB SIDELOAD FLASHER With Unique Working Style
We Have More than this in Our First Release
DELIVERY TIME : 1-10 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - few hours
Uni Android Tool 2 Year Activation
1- Download Latest Software
2- Install Tool Make a Registration There
3- Submit Order With Registered Email iD & Tool iD
Basic Introduction About Uni-Android Tool
Flasher [ user can Flash Whole Firmware Package or Custom Files from Firmware Package ]
Repair IMEI
Direct Unlock [ New Security, Old Security ]
Network Patch Security
DRK Repair [ Adb Method and UART Method]
Read / Write CERT
Read / Write QCN
Read / Write Security Backup
Read / Write EFS
WIPE Security
WIPE EFS [ Adb and Download Mode Method]
RESET FRP [ Applied by Custom Package ]
Enable Diag
Enable USB Debug
Enable UART
Enable All Languages
Sprint Unlock / Re-lock
Remove Call me Please
Verify CERT Before Write
and many More
Factory Flasher
Direct Unlock
Read Codes
Read / Write NVRAM
IMEI Repair [ Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode ]
Read Factory Firmware [ ADB Mode ]
Huawei MTK Direct Unlock / Read Codes
Huawei MTK IMEI Repair
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write Security
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write NV
Huawei FRP Reset
Huawei Flasher [ App Firmware Supported ]
S-Off / S-ON
Write IMEI
Write MEID
Write CID
FRP RESET [ 3 Methods ]
CID Finder
HTC MTK Flasher
HTC RUU Stock Rom Flasher
HTC Zip Flasher
and many more
Asus IMEI Repair [ Dual IMEI Supported ]
ASUS Flasher [ ZIP , RAW , Sideload ]
IMEI Repair
SP Unlock
RESET FRP [ 2 Methods ]
Motorola Flasher [, Manual Flasher ]
Factory Reset
Bootloader Unlock / Relock
RESET FRP [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode, Adb mode]
IMEI Repair [ 3 Methods ]
Read / Write QCN
Read Pattern in Edl Mode
Reset Screen Locks in Edl Mode
Factory Reset in Edl Mode
Read Extended Info. in Edl Mode
Backup / Restore Security
Wipe Security
Enable Diag [ 3 Methods ]
FLASHER [ EDL MODE, FAstboot Mode ] can even Flash Selected Partitions only or whole Firmware
Read Partition List
Read / Backup Firmware
Wipe Selected Partition
and many more
RESET MI ACCOUNT [EDL Mode] [ By Model or by Loader ]
RESET MI ACCOUNT [Fastboot Mode]
Remove Cloud APK
FACTORY RESET [ Sideload Mode]
FACTORY RESET [ Fastboot Mode]
MI Flasher [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode]
and many more
RESET Phone Lock in Download Mode
RESET FRP in Download Mode
FACTORY RESET in Download Mode
LG Flasher
and many More
Install / uninstall Google Services
UNROOT [Can unroot any Stuborn Rooted Devices]
We Support Almost Every Brand FRP Reset
Install multiple Applications
Uninstall Multiple Applications
APK Extractor
Now you Can Directly Install any APK into System folder
Easily Install / Uninstall BUSYBOX
YU Flashing
and many More
Can List Infected Apps for Removal
ADB SIDELOAD FLASHER With Unique Working Style
We Have More than this in Our First Release
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few hours
Delivery Time
|Instant - few hours
Uni Android Tool 2 Year Renewal
1- Download Latest Software
2- Install Tool Make a Registration There
3- Submit Order With Registered Email iD & Tool iD
Basic Introduction About Uni-Android Tool
Flasher [ user can Flash Whole Firmware Package or Custom Files from Firmware Package ]
Repair IMEI
Direct Unlock [ New Security, Old Security ]
Network Patch Security
DRK Repair [ Adb Method and UART Method]
Read / Write CERT
Read / Write QCN
Read / Write Security Backup
Read / Write EFS
WIPE Security
WIPE EFS [ Adb and Download Mode Method]
RESET FRP [ Applied by Custom Package ]
Enable Diag
Enable USB Debug
Enable UART
Enable All Languages
Sprint Unlock / Re-lock
Remove Call me Please
Verify CERT Before Write
and many More
Factory Flasher
Direct Unlock
Read Codes
Read / Write NVRAM
IMEI Repair [ Meta Mode, ADB Mode, ATE Mode ]
Read Factory Firmware [ ADB Mode ]
Huawei MTK Direct Unlock / Read Codes
Huawei MTK IMEI Repair
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write Security
Huawei Qualcomm Read / Write NV
Huawei FRP Reset
Huawei Flasher [ App Firmware Supported ]
S-Off / S-ON
Write IMEI
Write MEID
Write CID
FRP RESET [ 3 Methods ]
CID Finder
HTC MTK Flasher
HTC RUU Stock Rom Flasher
HTC Zip Flasher
and many more
Asus IMEI Repair [ Dual IMEI Supported ]
ASUS Flasher [ ZIP , RAW , Sideload ]
IMEI Repair
SP Unlock
RESET FRP [ 2 Methods ]
Motorola Flasher [, Manual Flasher ]
Factory Reset
Bootloader Unlock / Relock
RESET FRP [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode, Adb mode]
IMEI Repair [ 3 Methods ]
Read / Write QCN
Read Pattern in Edl Mode
Reset Screen Locks in Edl Mode
Factory Reset in Edl Mode
Read Extended Info. in Edl Mode
Backup / Restore Security
Wipe Security
Enable Diag [ 3 Methods ]
FLASHER [ EDL MODE, FAstboot Mode ] can even Flash Selected Partitions only or whole Firmware
Read Partition List
Read / Backup Firmware
Wipe Selected Partition
and many more
RESET MI ACCOUNT [EDL Mode] [ By Model or by Loader ]
RESET MI ACCOUNT [Fastboot Mode]
Remove Cloud APK
FACTORY RESET [ Sideload Mode]
FACTORY RESET [ Fastboot Mode]
MI Flasher [ EDL Mode, Fastboot Mode]
and many more
RESET Phone Lock in Download Mode
RESET FRP in Download Mode
FACTORY RESET in Download Mode
LG Flasher
and many More
Install / uninstall Google Services
UNROOT [Can unroot any Stuborn Rooted Devices]
We Support Almost Every Brand FRP Reset
Install multiple Applications
Uninstall Multiple Applications
APK Extractor
Now you Can Directly Install any APK into System folder
Easily Install / Uninstall BUSYBOX
YU Flashing
and many More
Can List Infected Apps for Removal
ADB SIDELOAD FLASHER With Unique Working Style
We Have More than this in Our First Release
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few hours
Delivery Time
ZXW Online Account Activation (1 Year)
The Order will be answered with Authorized Code & Password
For More Details Follow instructions
ZXWTEAM Software Authorization Code Instructions
1. Open This Link & registere here
2. After Registration Successfully Place order in this serivce
3. When your order will be done please login to your account Click At "Authorization Code" Put the Details Received from
2. Enter the registered account name, account password and correct verification code to SUBMIT
3. After logging in successfully, you will be taken to the personal data page, which shows the current validity period.
4. Click Authorization Code Renewal on the left side menu to enter the renewal page.
6. Enter the correct serial number and password, click Immediate use, and when it displays Authorization Code Used Successfully is OK.
7. Return to the personal data page and you will see that the validity period has increased by one year.
Delivery Time
|1-6 Hours
zZKey SmartZ PRO Activation
zZKey team released the NEW “SmartZ PRO” v. activation for zZKey users.
“SmartZ PRO” activation will bring to customers newest state-of-the-art features.
"SmartZ PRO" contains the most innovative and comprehensive solution for HTC phones so far.
Without S-OFF or without losing phone’s warranty, every zZKey customer with “SmartZ PRO” activation will be able to unlock or repair IMEI on the latest HTC device.
HTC unlock and IMEI repair operations are supported now for free, in just one click procedure without S-OFF.
New zZKey dongles will come pre-activated with “SmartZ PRO”, you do not need to pay any extra money at all.
Already registered dongles require to purchase the activation, in order to use “SmartZ PRO” feature.
Phoenix Service Tool (Nokia HMD Reset Pin / FRP /
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Phoenix Service Tool (Nokia HMD Reset Pin / FRP / Flash) - Credits
Minimum 5 Credit Allowed!!
✅ Link Download:
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey Samsung Credit to existing user
Note: Submit Here Only Username Purchased with GiftedGsm
Do Not Place Order Less then 20 Credits
User Applied which Purchased from anyother reseller will "Not instant" & will be replied with a new username
And Also Do Not Submit SamkeyTmo Username Here.
Supported Models so far
Check Samkey Forum
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey Samsung New Account Any Quantity
Buy Minimum 20 Credits Less then 20 Not allowed
Do Not Use This Service For TMO
Almost ALL Samsung Model Support; Check further Supported model at Samkey Forum
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 10 Credit (Instant)
Here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 100 Credit (Instant)
Here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 20 Credit (Instant)
here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 200 Credit (Instant)
Here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 40 Credit (Instant)
Here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-6 Minute
SamKey TMO/SPR Account 500 Credit
Here is the forum information about SamKey
Software Exe
How to use
Finger Print
Follow this image
tmobile phones can unlock
SamKEY TMO is special software for Unlock T-Mobile, MetroPCS, Verizon and Sprint operator locked phones !
Which do NOT ASKING FOR NETWORK UNLOCK CODE, and just say : Invalid SIM Card (APP UNLOCK)
Few major clarification :
* Only USB cable is required for unlock
* This solution makes Phone PERMANENT UNLOCK so even after updating firmware also phone will stay unlocked
* Software will be locked on one pc with finger print
* Software will work only when you have phone in hand (means usb sharing will not work)
Supported Models so far
G930T , G930T1, G930P, G930V
G935T , G935T1, G935P, G935V
N930T, N930T1, N930P, N930V
G950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
G955U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
N950U (Only APP UNLOCK series : T-Mobile,MetroPCS,etc...)
How to use SamKEY TMO Edition :
1) Activate USB Debugging (press Help button in SamKEY for instructions)
2) Disable PATTERN / User Password / IRIS Lock / FingerPrint
3) Connect phone to USB port (Powered ON)
4) Press Calculate SEC
* If you see any error, or program hangs during Read Data > enable 'Deep Calculate' option and do from beginning
* If you see Unsupported Firmware message, You must write firmware first
* You can find firmwares here (IF NEEDED) :
5) After calculation operation finished, wait for phone to boot up (on HOME Screen)
6) Press Write SEC
* If you see any error during Write SEC on first try, enable 'Skip Erase' option, and try Write SEC again
FingerPrint Change READ THIS
1.Current Old Finger Print
2.User id
3. Password
4.New Finger Print
Rules & Terms For changing Finger print
1.Make sure you send correct Username/Password
2.Less then 10 credits are not allowed to change finger print
3.Finger Print Changes More Then 2 times are not allowed
Onces they receive your email they will try to answer you within 24 WORKING hours
DELIVERY TIME : 1-6 Minute
Delivery Time
|10.00 Hours
LG Tool Activation setool
LG Tool / SG Tool Remote Services Activation allows its owner to benefit from one of the best servicing tools for LG and Samsung phones' unlocking and repair. With LG Tool / SG Tool you'll be able to service most of the supported GSM and CDMA models: from simplest phones to top-level smartphones and tablets.
LG Tool / SG Tool - Outstanding Features
HTC, LG, Motorola ZTE, Huawei, Pantech, Alcatel unlock via IMEI/MEID
Samsung, Sharp HTC, LG remote unlock via cable
System Requirements for LG Tool / SG Tool v.1.xx:
2GHz Pentium 4 CPU or better (dual-core is recommended)
1Gb of RAM (at least 512M should be free)
5Gb free space on the HDD
Windows XP SP3 and administrative rights
MS .NET Framework 3.5 installed
Download LG Tool Registration Manual
Please note that you should provide us your SE Tool smart-card's serial number while placing the order.
DELIVERY TIME : 10.00 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant To 5 Hours
LGE Credits 1x100 credits per each
DELIVERY TIME : Instant To 5 Hours
Delivery Time
|Instant To 10 Minutes
LGE Credits [ 1 Packet (x100 credits per each) ] Instant
DELIVERY TIME : Instant To 10 Minutes
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Setool 30 Credits account 30 Credits
Note:If you send the wrong information is NOT refundable!!!!!!!!!
If you want to have a new account,please write on the field "user name and passport" write your user name and password.
if you want to add credits to the setool account you already have before,then please write here your user name!
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Shark Tool Account existing FRP 24/7 Tool All Samsung Supported
Download: Shark-Tool
Credits cannot be Refund if shark server is stopped
If the process does not succeed, you can ask a refund of credits from our support team
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
Shark Tool New Account FRP 24/7 Tool All Samsung Supported
Download: Shark-Tool
Credits cannot be Refund if shark server is stopped
If the process does not succeed, you can ask a refund of credits from our support team
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Sim Unlocker Pro
Delivery Time
Sim Unlocker Pro Tool Credit Existing User
SIM-UNLOCKER PRO is a Professional Unlock Tool, For Unlocking Samsung Mobile Phones . We Offer Unlock Solutions Super Easy to Use, One button click only.No need to ROOT your phone.No need to Downgrade or flash your phone.Safe And Sustainable.
Delivery Time
Sim Unlocker Pro Tool Credit New User
SIM-UNLOCKER PRO is a Professional Unlock Tool, For Unlocking Samsung Mobile Phones . We Offer Unlock Solutions Super Easy to Use, One button click only.No need to ROOT your phone.No need to Downgrade or flash your phone.Safe And Sustainable
Smart Clip Activation
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Pack 2 Activation for Smart Clip2
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Pack 3 Activation for Smart Clip2
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Pack 4 Activation for Smart Clip2
This pack can be activated only if you have Smart-Clip2 Basic Set and if you have Pack 2 enabled .
Pack 4 activation for Smart-Clip2 enables service features for the latest Qualcomm Hexagon smartphones.
Pack 4 Activation for Smart-Clip2 - Supported Platforms and Features
Qualcomm Hexagon
- Direct unlock
- Get Unlock Codes
- Motorola smartphones: Read unlock codes
- ZTE smartphones: Get unlock codes
Supported Phone Models
- Blade Apex, Blade G LTE, Grand Era LTE, , Grand S Flex, Grand X LTE, Mustang , Megafon 4G Turbo, Orange Novi, Overture, Overture LTE, Radiant, Rapido LTE , Sonata 4G , SFR StarXtrem, Telstra Frontier 4G, Telstra Dave, Telstra Easy Touch 4G, TMN Smart A60, Unico LTE, N9510C, T81 , T82 , T83 , U9810, V9800, z740, Z740G, Z932L, Z995C, Z995 , Z998
- Atrix 3 HD, Atrix HD LTE, DROID ULTRA , DROID ULTRA MAXX , DROID MINI , DROID RAZR M 4G LTE, Moto X, RAZR HD , RAZR M, RAZR MAXX HD, Photon Q 4G LTE, XT1030, XT1052, XT1053, XT1058, XT1060, XT1055, XT1056, XT1080, XT1080M, XT897, XT902, XT905, XT907, XT925, XT926, MB886
Wider list of supported mobile phones can be viewed on the manufacturer's website.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|1-5 Minute
Pack 5 Smart-Clip2 Activation
Pack 5 Activation for Smart-Clip2 enables FRP REMOVE feature for:
- Hi-Silicon Huawei Android smartphones
- Qualcomm Huawei Android smartphones
Every Smart-Clip2 owner can activate Pack 5 and get access to these particular and future features, which will be introduced in this Pack.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-5 Minute
Delivery Time
|Instant - 5min
Pack 7 Activation for Smart Clip 2
Smart-Clip2 Pack 7 Activation allows you to use Huawei secure data (certificate) files made by other Smart-Clip2 smart cards.
Huawei certificate files are intended for working with IMEI codes of Huawei phones.
After activating this pack, you will be able to:
- Share your Huawei certificate files
- Use shared Huawei certificate files
With Smart-Clip2 Pack 7 activated, you enable the feature Daily Counter Reset of Huawei Autorizations.
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - 5min
Delivery Time
|1 - 5minutes
Smart Clip 2 Pack 6 Activation
Smart-Clip2 Pack 6 Activation is a unique solution allowing you to Repair IMEI on the latest Huawei phones.
After successful transaction we will send your activation code on your email address.
I've got an activation code. What shall I do next?
- No risk of phone damage during the repair process
- No need to reflash or reset the phone after each repair operation
- No data lost after IMEI repair operation
- Fast one click solution with unlimited operations
- All Android OS and security versions supported
Smart-Clip2 Pack 6 Activation - Features:
- Repair IMEI
Smart-Clip2 Pack 6 Activation - Supported Huawei Phones:
- Y5 2019
- Y6 Prime 2019
- Y6 Pro 2019
- Y6 2019
- Honor Play 8A
- Honor 8A Pro
- Honor 8A
- Enjoy 9e
- Honor 8S
- AMN-AL10, AMN-L03, AMN-L21, AMN-L22, AMN-L23, AMN-L29, AMN-LX1, AMN-LX3, AMN-LX9
- JAT-L21, JAT-L29, JAT-L41, JAT-AL00, JAT-LX1
- MRD-L03, MRD-L11, MRD-L21, MRD-L41, MRD-AL00, MRD-TL00, MRD-LX1, MRD-LX1F, MRD-LX3
- KSA-AL00, KSA-AL10, KSA-L22, KSA-L23, KSA-L29, KSA-LX9
Note! All Smart-Clip2 users with Smart-Clip2 Pack 6 Activated will get access to all future updates introduced to this pack.
How to Activate:
- Click on the "Smart-Clip2" tab.
- Enter the received code into the "Activation Code" field (as shown on the picture below).
- Click on the "Activate Pack" button.
Additional features available straight away after successful activation!
Detailed information on the further use of the virtual product will be sent to your email, specified during registration, when we confirm your payment and process your order
DELIVERY TIME : 1 - 5minutes
Software Packages
Delivery Time
DFT Pro Tool 1 Year Activation New User
Downlaod :
Update Logs :
Must Provide Username Email & Password which you wanna use in future
Do not Add any kind of special character in username or password
Delivery Time
DFT Pro Tool 1 Year Activation Renewal
Download :
Update Logs :
Must Provide Username Email & Password which you wanna use in future
Do not Add any kind of special character in username or password
Delivery Time
|1-24 Hours
- Install on ONLY Windows 10 from Official Office Site
- Re-installable and lifetime usage.
DELIVERY TIME : 1-24 Hours
Delivery Time
|1-24 Hours
- Supports 1 User / 1 Device
- Digital Delivery / 30 Minutes Estimated Delivery Time
- 1 Installation
- Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
- LICENSE TYPE: Perpetual
- LICENSE TERM: Indefinite
- LICENSED USE: Licensed for Home and Commercial Use
- BRAND: Microsoft
- GTIN: 885370921335
DELIVERY TIME : 1-24 Hours
T-UnLock / Tunlock Credits Any Quantity [ Samsung , LG , Kyocera ] Direct unlock ( new user , refill
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
T-UnLock / Tunlock Credits Any Quantity [ Samsung , LG , Kyocera ] Direct unlock ( new user , refill
DELIVERY TIME : Instant - few min
Delivery Time
|Instant - few min
TFM TOOL PRO 1 Year Activation
Kindly before you order registration your email
from here
1.Always free Updates and Support
2.Can use all modules (Tools) until expirity date
3.Weekly/Monthly new version releasing.
4.Instant Customer support and help
5.Device (PC) can change every 6 hour later
Also same account you able to login in infinity product
More info
TFM Tool Pro Some Exclusive Features and Supports:
1-World First Vivo Demo Remove MTK Models Android 11 *(TFM 2 CRD)
2-World First VIVO Qcom EFS Reset(Maximum Model are Supported.
3-World First Latest MTK Huawei ID Remove Without Damage Security 4-(Maximum all Models are supported)
5-World First Latest android version (Upto Android 11)Tool DL Image Failed Supported
6-MTK Very Easy to use "Partition Manager Tool ( You can Read,Write,Erase any single partion easily)
7-Vivo Android 10 any model Qcom/MTK Demo Remove(Diag)
8-Vivo Qcom/MTK all models are Factory Reset supported
9-Oppo/Realme all MTK Factory Reset/Demo Remove(Meta/Boot Mode)
10-Xiaomi/Poco/Oppo/Vivo/Realme without auth Flash,Reset Boot Mode Jobs Supported
*Oppo F19 Pro,A31,A15,A15s,A12,A1K and others all mtk factory Reset,Reset FRP,Read Write Flash etc supported